Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Growing vegetables
Study of Diversity of Breeding Cucumber Lines through Factor and Cluster Analysis

A. Mirhosseyni; M. Hassanpour Asil; J.A. Olfati; M.B. Farhangi

Volume 37, Issue 4 , January 2024, , Pages 997-1011


  Introduction Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is an annual plant in the Cucurbitaceae family, which has 90 genera and 750 species. Iran, with an under-cultivation area of 89,632 hectares and a production rate of 1,804,184 tons of cucumbers, yield of 201,289 tons per hectare, and it is the third largest ...  Read More

Crossing Commercial Hybrid Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cv. Ailar with Elite Lines and their Progenies

Mahboobe Dianati; Yousef Hamidoghli; Jamal-Ali Olfati

Volume 32, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 451-458


  Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) breeding and seed production is highly important in Iran. Local varieties of cucumbers are desirable in terms of taste and resistance to diseases but in yield and some important traits such as number of female flowers are weak. There are three types of male, ...  Read More

Assessment of General and Specific Combining Ability and Heterosis of Some Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Lines for Vegetative Traits

Fatemeh Moradipour; Jamal-Ali Olfati; Yousef Hamidoghli; Atefeh Sabouri; Bahman Zahedi

Volume 31, Issue 1 , February 2017, , Pages 131-139


  Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most widely cultivated vegetables. Plant length is a quantitative trait is controlled by many genes. These traits are difficult to study due to the complex nature of their inheritance. The combining ability estimation is useful in determining ...  Read More

General and Specific Combining Ability and Heterosis Estimation of some Cucumber Lines for Qualitative Traits in Partial Diallel Design

Jamal-Ali Olfati; Gh. Peyvast; habibolah samizadeh; B. Rabie; S.A. Khodaparast

Volume 26, Issue 4 , January 2013, , Pages 350-357


  Partial diallel design can be used to investigate the general and specific combining ability, and heterosis. Combining ability and heterosis were studied in a 6×6 partial diallel cross to see the nature of gene action for fruit quality indices in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) during 2007 to 2009. Analysis ...  Read More

Effect of Humic Acid Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Lettuce Using NFT System

soheila kamari; Gh. Peyvast; J.A. Olfati

Volume 24, Issue 2 , March 2011


  Abstract Beneficial effects of humic substances on plant growth have been recognized by many researchers. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with humic acid (0, 20 and 50 mg/l) on lettuce cultivars ‘Lollorossa’ and ‘Javelina’ using completely randomized design at university of Guilan. Results ...  Read More