Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Growing vegetables
Comparison of Some Morpho-Physiological Characteristics and Fruit Yield of Hybrids of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

K. Arab Salmani; A.H. Jalali; P. Jafari

Volume 37, Issue 4 , January 2024, , Pages 1179-1190


  Introduction Cucumis sativus L. (2n=2x=14) originates from the south of the Himalayan mountains and has at least 3000 years of history of cultivation in India. According to the latest statistics published by the Ministry of Agriculture, about 75% of greenhouse production belongs to greenhouse cucumbers. ...  Read More

Growing vegetables
Study the Effect of Plant Pruning on Eggplant (Solanum melongena cv. Bellen) Yield in Greenhouse Condition

K. Arabsalmani; A. Hooshang Jalali; P. Jafari

Volume 35, Issue 4 , January 2022, , Pages 621-630


  Introduction: Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a diploid plant (2n= 24). Eggplant cultivated as perennial in the tropics regions and grown as an annual in temperate areas According to the statistics of FAO, the area under eggplant cultivation in Iran were about to 21.3 thousand hectares, with an average ...  Read More

Effect of Salinity Stress on Yield and Yield Components of Three Iranian Cantaloupe Masses

karim arabsalmani; Amirhooshang Jalali; Peyman Jafari

Volume 32, Issue 3 , November 2018, , Pages 429-438


  Introduction: Cucumis melo L. is one of the most important horticultural products in Iran. According to some reports from the third millennium BC, it has been under cultivation in. High nutritional value and high vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron have made it to be a valuable ...  Read More

Evaluation of Yield, Yield Components and Nitrate in Some Spinach Landraces in Isfahan Province

peyman jafari; Amirhooshang Jalali

Volume 32, Issue 1 , July 2018, , Pages 149-158


  Introduction: Spinach (Spinaciaoleracea L.) is considered as a green leaf with fresh and canned consumption, a significant source for vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenoids, flavonoids, folic acid, calcium and magnesium.According to statistics, 4479 hectares of Iran agricultural land were devoted to spinachand ...  Read More

The Effect of Planting Date on Yield and Nitrate Accumulation of Spinach in Esfahan Weather Conditions

peyman jafari; Amirhooshang Jalali

Volume 31, Issue 3 , September 2017, , Pages 533-542


  Introduction: The fresh, steamed and boiled spinach were used because of antioxidant compounds that have great biological value. This plant is usually rich in nitrates that can play an important role in reducing heart attacks. Each year, more than 30% of the area under cultivation leafy vegetables in ...  Read More

Comparison ofYield of TwelveBasilCultivarsinTwo Provinces:Isfahan and Mazandaran

Nahid Amoli; amirhooshang jalali; peyman Jafari

Volume 31, Issue 2 , April 2017, , Pages 281-291


  Introduction: Basil(Ocimumbasilicum L.)is a diploid plant with48chromosomes. Basil isthe aromatic annual herbofthe Lamiaceae familyofleafy vegetablesandhas mentionedand originated inIndiaandIran. Basilhasiron, calcium, magnesium, potassiumandvitamins Aand B. More than 60 varietiesof basilhave been identifiedthathavegreenleavesandredto ...  Read More

Assessment of Agronomic and Morphological Characteristics of Iranian Spinach Landrace in Esfahan Province

peyman jafari; amirhooshang jalali

Volume 31, Issue 1 , February 2017, , Pages 201-215


  Introduction: Spinach is one of the most important leafy vegetables, rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C and B-carotene, and it is likely to be Iran's origin. More than 30 percent of the area under cultivation of in Iran leafy vegetables, allocated to spinach plant. Spinach is a cool season ...  Read More

Impact of Potassium Foliar Application in Alleviating the Harmful Effects of Salinity in Spinach

Amirhooshang jalali; Peyman Jafari

Volume 30, Issue 2 , April 2016, , Pages 201-208


  Introduction: Spinach is an important leafy vegetable in the cold season, and despite the fact that is considered as low-calorie food source contains significant amount of minerals such as iron, and vitamin A and C. According to the University of Utah 3.8 dS m-1 is salinity tolerance threshold for the ...  Read More

Effect of Black and Clear Polyethylene Mulch on Yield and Yield Components of Melon in Salinity Stress Condition

Peyman Jafari; Amirhooshang Jalali

Volume 30, Issue 1 , February 2016, , Pages 80-87


  Introduction: The term of Mulch, is the German word (Molsh) means the soft, however, not soft, and made of plant debris or synthetic substances. Many positive effects attributed to the use of plastic mulch such as adjusting the temperature in the root environment, conserve moisture, reduce weeds, increase ...  Read More