H. Eini Garsadafi; B. Zahedi; Fatemeh Moradipour
Introduction: Today in order to produce vegetable fruits tolerant to adverse environmental conditions and increase growth, yield and fruit quality, grafting methods have been created. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most important greenhouse products. Heirloom tomato cultivars lack disease ...
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Introduction: Today in order to produce vegetable fruits tolerant to adverse environmental conditions and increase growth, yield and fruit quality, grafting methods have been created. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most important greenhouse products. Heirloom tomato cultivars lack disease genetic resistance and are particularly susceptible to epidemics in the field. Grafting can be used to unite the soil borne disease resistance and enhanced vigor of hybrid tomato cultivars with the high fruit quality of heirloom cultivars. There are deficiencies in vegetable grafting including skills for grafting operation performance and after the grafting, having enough knowledge to select rootstock, farm management in application of required fertilizers, graft incompatibility, excessive vegetative growth of grafting plant and physiological abnormalities, and fruit quality reduction. For grafting herbaceous plants such as vegetables, depending on the type of plant, plant size, grafting purpose, available equipment, preference and experience of the grafting plant producer and post-grafting management, different grafting methods have been introduce which is for different species and the used method is completely different. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are effective in the survival and development of grafting plants. This experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of grafting methods on yield and vegetative growth of tomato plants.
Material and Methods: Three common grafting methods, splice, cleft and approach grafting were evaluated for tomato "SV 8320" cultivar grafted on "Rimac" rootstock. Executive operations were conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications at greenhouse of Lorestan Agriculture Faculty. Plant height, number of auxiliary shoot, number and length of internodes, number of fruit cluster, number of flower in cluster, root fresh and dry weight, number of fruit cluster, number of fruit in cluster, width and diameter of fruit, fruit weight, fruit fresh and dry weight, length of fruit tail, fruit tissue firmness, total soluble solid, pH, diameters of hypocotyl, pre, middle and total yield , ratio of the marketable fruits to second degree fruits, and fruit tissue firmness were recorded. Data was analyzed using SPSS software and means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test.
Results and Discussion: Grafting method had significantly effect on plant height, number and length of internode, root fresh and dry weight, number of fruit cluster, width and diameter of fruit, fruit weight, fruit fresh and dry weight, length of fruit tail, fruit tissue firmness, pH, pre, middle and total yield, the ratio of the marketable fruits to second degree fruits at 5% of probability level. Vegetative characteristics and yield in grafted plants were higher compared to non-grafted plants.
Conclusion: According to results of this experiment using different grafting methods lead to stimulate growth in grafting plants, increasing production and product quality. Changes caused by the rootstock are controlled through water absorption, synthesis and transition of water, minerals and herbal hormones. Signal generation in the rootstocks and transition of them to the scion, causes changes in the physiology and morphology of the grafted plant. Grafting success varied between grafting methods, so that splice grafting is better than other methods. Graft compatibility was shown by the ability of tissue to regenerate and the vessels ability in wound tissues to rejoint together then grow and develop as a vigorous composite plant. Attempts to increase the productivity of grafted plant should be followed by the application of good agricultural practices.
Fatemeh Moradipour; Jamal-Ali Olfati; Yousef Hamidoghli; Atefeh Saburi; Bahman Zahedi
Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most widely cultivated vegetables. Plant length is a quantitative trait is controlled by many genes. These traits are difficult to study due to the complex nature of their inheritance. The combining ability estimation is useful in determining ...
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Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most widely cultivated vegetables. Plant length is a quantitative trait is controlled by many genes. These traits are difficult to study due to the complex nature of their inheritance. The combining ability estimation is useful in determining the breeding value of cucumber lines by suggesting the appropriate use in a breeding program. In studying combining ability, the most commonly utilized experimental approach is the diallel design. General combining ability is a measure of additive genetic action; and specific combining ability (SCA) is deviation from additivity. General combining ability is a main effect and SCA is an interaction. The aim is to determine the breeding value of the cross. Heterosis has been utilized to exploit dominance variance through production of hybrids. There are reports on positive and negative heterosis in cucumber however, there are differences between reports. This research was conducted to estimate general and specific combining ability and heterosis in cucumber inbred lines and hybrids to produce hybrids with high yield and quality.
Material and Methods: In the spring of 2014, the seven parental lines and their 21 F1 hybrid were planted at the University of Guilan, in loamy sand field. Three replications were arranged in a randomized complete block design. The sandy loam soil was prepared by plowing and disking and formed into raised beds by plowed and harrow prior to plant establishment. Rows were on 1 m centers and plants were about 25 cm apart in the row. Prior to planting 150 kg·ha-1 of nitrogen from urea and 100 kg·ha-1 of phosphorous from triple superphosphate and 80 kg·ha-1 of potassium sulfate was applied. Side dressing with the same amount of nitrogen and phosphorus occurred at 50% flowering stage. Irrigation with 250 m3·ha-1, three times weekly, was begun at plant first flowering. In each replication, 12 individuals of each line or hybrid were spaced 25 cm within a row (plot) on 1 m centers. Data were collected from 12 plants per plot of each accession. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) of data were performed and where appropriate, ANOVA was followed by LSD mean comparison of trait values. For the combining ability analysis (GCA), measurements of plants within each plot were averaged, and means were used as experimental units for analysis by the computer program Diallel.
Results and Discussion: Genotypes has significant effect on all measured characteristics. The highest plant length was related to B6 line and the lowest plant length was related to A0×B6 and B12×B6 hybrids. The highest number of lateral branch was related to B10×A11, B12×A0 and Guilan while the lowest number was related to A0, B12×B6, A15×A11. The highest plant length to first fruit was related to A4×A11 hybrids and the lowest plant length to first fruit was related to B10, B12, B10×A15 and B12×A4. The mean square of general combining ability (GCA) were significant only for plant height up to the first fruit but the mean square of specific combining ability revealed significant differences for all traits that indicated the important effects of dominance genes in inheritance of traits. Plant height up to first fruit has further general combining which reflects the non-additive genes action. The highest parent and standard negative heterosis for plant length was related to B12×B6 hybrid. This hybrid also showed the highest negative heterosis for number of lateral branch. The highest high parent negative heterosis for plant length to first fruit was related to A11×A4 hybrid while the highest standard negative heterosis was related to A0×A4 hybrid and the highest positive heterosis for this trait was obtained from B10×B12 and B12×A4 hybrids.
Conclusion: Although heterosis is affected a plant length is the primary target for increasing yield in high density cultivation, the biological complexity of this trait makes it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions in order to track individual causal elements involved in heterosis. Cucumber breeders might develop determinate or indeterminate cultivars based on high GCA for certain traits. Cucumber breeders might develop cucumber cultivars with optimal vegetative growth based on high general combining ability for their traits. The results revealed B10 and A4 lines are proposed for hybrid production with optimum vegetative growth. The hybrid obtained by crossing of B12 and B6 are proposed for cultivation with high plant density.
Ghahraman Bagheri; Bahman Zahedi; Reza Darvishzadeh; Ahmad Hajiali
Introduction: Pepper is one of the most important vegetables in the world that belongs to the family of Solanaceae. It is used as a food flavoring, coloring agent and a pharmaceutical ingredient in different innovative ways. Capsicum annuum is one of the five cultivated species in the genus and the ...
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Introduction: Pepper is one of the most important vegetables in the world that belongs to the family of Solanaceae. It is used as a food flavoring, coloring agent and a pharmaceutical ingredient in different innovative ways. Capsicum annuum is one of the five cultivated species in the genus and the others are C. baccatum L., C. chinense, C. frutescens and C. pubescens. While C. pubescens and C. baccatum are morphologically quite distinct, C. annuum, C. chinense and C. frutescens show evidence of parallel evolution for a variety of plant and fruit morphological characteristics as a result of similar regimens of human selection. The near continuous overlapping in morphological traits among these three species led various authors to recognize them as a complicated species. Within complex, taxa are differentiated from one another based primarily on differences in corolla color, the presence or absence of a calyx constriction and the occurrence of multiple pedicels/node.
Materials and Methods: This research was conducted to evaluate genetic diversity in pepper genotypes. Morphological traits of 42 genotypes were investigated in rectangular lattice 6×7 with three replications in two separate experiments at West Azerbaijan research institute. Analysis of variance was conducted by using SAS, SPSS and MINITAB softwares. 14 traits including length and width of fruits, thickness of fruit wall, width of plant canopy, length of shoots, length of corolla, fruits fresh and dry weight, SPAD, photosynthesis, yield, vitamin C, TSS and pH were assessed according to the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) descriptor. Solid contents (TSS) were assessed by using refractometer, pH by using pH meter, and fruits fresh and dry weight by using a digital scale. For measuring vitamin C content, 3-10 g of the fruit tissue (pericarp and pulp) was homogenized and 100 mL of distilled water were added. Then 10 mL of sulfuric acid 20%, 1 mL of 0.01 N potassium iodide, 1 mL of 1% starch were added to the solution and then for titrating, 0.01 N potassium iodide was used.
Results and Discussion: Analysis of variance showed significant differences (at 1% level) among pepper genotypes, in terms of width of fruits, fruit wall thickness, yield, plant height, shoots diameter, length of shoots, and dry weight of fruit, TSS and vitamin C. But there were no significant difference between pH, SPAD and photosynthesis. The highest heritability was observed in length and width of fruits, fruit wall thickness, fruit pedicel length, yield, dry and fresh weight of fruits, and the lowest heritability obtained in SPAD and pH. Phenotypic variation coefficient was higher than genotypic variation coefficient for all traits, indicating the significant effects of environmental conditions. The maximum phenotypic correlation obtained between fruit fresh and dry weight (r=0.95) and also observed between fruit fresh weight and fruit wall thickness. Cluster analysis with Ward method classified studied landraces into six different groups. The highest distance was observed between groups four and five. This result showed that the maximum expected heterosis could achieve from crosses between genotypes from groups four and five.
Conclusions: High genetic variation was observed among pepper genotypes that could be helpful for morphological traits studies and to improve superior genotypes in next breeding programs.
Ahmad Hajiali; Bahman Zahedi; Reza Darvish Zadeh; Jahangr Kohpalekani Abbasi
Introduction: Watermelon (CitrulluslanatusThunb)belongs to Cucurbita genus and Cucurbitaceaefamily. Some people know Watermelon native to India and othersthought of it as native to African countries. The greatest diversity can be seen in West Africa, China and parts of India. Near East and Mediterranean ...
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Introduction: Watermelon (CitrulluslanatusThunb)belongs to Cucurbita genus and Cucurbitaceaefamily. Some people know Watermelon native to India and othersthought of it as native to African countries. The greatest diversity can be seen in West Africa, China and parts of India. Near East and Mediterranean countries are also good places to find relatives and ancestors of watermelon. Like all Cucurbita genuscrops,, Watermelon has a variety of flowers including base, male and female separately located on one slip. In terms of production atglobal level, China is located in the first place followed by America, Iran and the Republic of Korea, respectively.
Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate genetic diversity among Iranian watermelon landraces by morphological traits, 16 landraces alongwith two commercial watermelon cultivars were planted in completely randomized block design with three replications inAgricultural Research Center of Urmia in 2013.
Morphological markers can be an effective means to determine genetic relationsamong cultivars and among selections used in watermelon breeding programs. 18 traits including cotyledon length, fruit length, fruit weight, fruit mass, fruit skin, rind thickness, flesh thickness, yield, seed length, seed width, weight of 100 seeds, vitamin C, pH, TSS, EC, chlorophyll content and plant length were assessed in the studied genotypes. During the fruit ripening,four fruits were selected randomly from each plot and according to the International Institute germplasms (IBPGR / IBGRI),solidscontent (TSS)was measured by using refractometer, pH by using pH meter, and fruit and seed weight by using digital scale. The amount of vitamin C (milligram per 100 grams) was measured using iodometry.
Results and Discussion: Results of variance analysis showed that there were significant differencesamong watermelon cultivars in terms of cotyledon length, fruit length, fruit weight, flesh weight, yield, seed length, seed width, seed weight, vitamin C, soluble solids and EC at the 1% level, while the level of significance with respect toskin weight, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate was5%.The results also showed that there were not significant differences among the cultivars in terms of pH, skin and flesh thickness, and plant length, suggesting that there is no diversity among the masses. Based on the means comparisontable,the highestfruit length (39 cm), fruit weight (8.03 kg), fleshweight(4.3 kg), skin weight (3.36 kg) and performance rate (24926 kg in hectare) were observed in Charleston Gray.Isfahan 808 mass showed the minimum fruit length (23.66 cm);Khorasan 806 mass had the least fruit weight (3.33 kg) andskin weight (1.8 kg); and East Azerbaijan 800 and Hamedan 817masses showed the lowest fruit flesh weight (1.5 kg) and performance (13444 kg per hectare), respectively.The highest positive phenotypic correlation (0.968) was observed between fruit mass and fruit weight,whilethe highest negative correlation (-0.815) existedbetween TSS and seed length. The highest positive (0.987) and negative (-0.990) genetic correlation was foundbetween fruit weight and fruit length, and between flesh thickness and photosynthesis, respectively. The greatestheritability was related to 100-seed weight, whereas minimum heritability was due to ph. The studied accessions were classified into three different groupsby using Cluster analysis based on Ward method. Based on the intervaltable,the highest space rate was observed between groups one and three (8.985).The resultsalso showed that the maximum expected heterosis obtained in crosses between genotypes one and three.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this research, improved varieties (Charleston Gray and Crimson Sweet) had the highest level of performance, TSS, fruit weight and flesh weight compared to the native masses.