Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Medicinal Plants
Effect of Different Light Spectral on Photosynthetic Performance, Growth Indicators and Essential Oil Content of Salvia officinalis L.

M. Moradi; B. Abedi; H. Arouiee; S. Aliniaeifard; K. Ghasemi Bezdi

Volume 37, Issue 3 , November 2023, , Pages 821-841


    Background and objectives  Light is the main environmental factor for plant growth and development. Different attributes of light such as intensity, quality and duration affect plant growth and productivity. Light spectrum of growing environment is a determinant factor for plant growth ...  Read More

Medicinal Plants
Cytogenetic Study of the Genus Thymus (Lamiacea) in Iran

M. Moradi; H. Nastari Nasrabadi; K. Ghasemi Bezdi

Volume 36, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 857-867


  Introduction The Genus Thymus is one of the most important genera of the Lamiaceae family. According to Jalas (1971), Thymus is divided into eight sections: Micantes, Mastichina, Piperella, Teucrioides, Pseudothymbra, Thymus, Hyphodromi, and Serpyllum. About 18 species exist in some areas of Iran ...  Read More

Effect of Application Methods and Different Sources of Fe Fertilizer on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Tomato in Hydroponic System

M. Moradi; H.R. Roosta; A. Estaji

Volume 34, Issue 3 , November 2020, , Pages 465-479


  Introduction: Iron is an essential element for plant growth which is involved in many plant processes such as photosynthesis and activating enzymes involved in mitochondrial and photosynthetic electron transfer. Iron (Fe) deficiency is a common disorder affecting plants in many areas of the world, and ...  Read More