Parisa Sadeghi; Hamid Hassanpour
Strawberry with the scientific name Fragaria × ananassa Dutch from the Rosaceae family is an important commercial fruit in the world, which is widely considered in terms of nutrition due to its rich content of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Water scarcity stress is one ...
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Strawberry with the scientific name Fragaria × ananassa Dutch from the Rosaceae family is an important commercial fruit in the world, which is widely considered in terms of nutrition due to its rich content of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Water scarcity stress is one of the important sources of abiotic stresses, so that it reduces growth, development and yield during the vegetative, reproductive and maturing stages of the crop. Studies have shown that application of nano-fertilizers can be useful in order to achieve high yield while reducing the amount of fertilizer consumption due to its higher absorption due to its high specific surface area. Despite its low consumption, zinc is involved in chromosome synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis, sugar-to-starch conversion, protein metabolism, auxin metabolism, pollen grain formation, biological membrane preservation, and resistance to infections by pathogens. Zinc is also needed for chlorophyll production, pollen grain yield, fertility and pollen grain germination. Zinc as a coenzyme is also involved in the activation of many enzymes in the biosynthesis pathway of secondary metabolites. The use of zinc nanoparticles can have very positive effects on the quantitative and qualitative properties of strawberry fruit during low solubility
Materials and Methods
The present study was conducted in the greenhouses of the Department of Horticulture, Urmia University.Sabrina cultivar strawberry seedlings were planted in culture bags containing 50% cocopeat, 25% pithomass and 25% perlite in three rows containing 27 plants and evenly pruned. The first week was used to establish the plants from water, the second week to the sixth week for vegetative growth of half-concentrated Hoagland solution and from the seventh week to the end of the harvest period, depending on the stages of flowering to fruiting, modified Hoagland nutrient solution was used. By calculating the amount of solution output from each nozzle and the amount of each plant need, the time required for solution was calculated and this time was divided into 5 times a day and was automatically pumped to the foot of each plant. To apply low solubility stress, the first row (without stress) was used with solution 5 times a day, the second row with solution 4 times a day and the third row with solution 3 times a day. Foliar application of different concentrations of zinc chelate nanoparticles was performed once a week (5 times) after pruning of primary flowers, from the fourteenth to the eighteenth week. Zinc chelate nanoparticles were used in three levels (0, 1 and 1.5 g / l) and nutrient solution treatment was performed in three levels (90, 110 and 130 ml) daily. Then fruits that were more than 70% colored were harvested and different quantitative and qualitative characteristics were measured. At the end of the experiment, fruit weight was measured using a digital scale, fruit length and width by caliper, fruit acidity by pH meter, titratable acids by titration method and TSS by refractometer. Chlorophyll a, b and total carotenoids were also measured using Dynamica spectrophotometer (HALODB-20) according to Lichtanthaler & wallborn (1985). Also, fresh weight of shoots and roots were measured in the last stage after fruit harvest. For this purpose, the plants were completely removed from the bed and the roots were washed with water and then exposed to air to remove moisture. The aerial parts were then separated from the roots and weighed 0.001 g by digital scale. To measure dry weight, the roots and aerial parts were placed separately in the bag and then placed in a 70 ° oven for 72 hours and then weighed 0.001 g with a digital scale.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that the interaction effect of low solubility treatment and zinc chelate nanoparticles treatment on fruit weight, shoot dry weight and yield was significant, so that the highest amount was in the treatment of 130 ml of nutrient solution and concentration of 1.5 g / l of zinc chelate nanoparticles. Also in fruit length and width, pH, TA, TSS, chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids, the main effects of low solubility treatment and of chelate nanoparticles were significant. As in the treatment of chelate nanoparticles, the highest amount of these traits was observed in the concentration of 1.5 g / l nanoparticles and in the low solubility factor, the highest amount was observed in the control treatment (complete solubility).
Low solubility stress reduced the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of strawberry fruit. The use of different concentrations of nano-chelate zinc improved these properties, so that the greatest effect was related to the concentration of 1.5 g per liter of nanoparticles. This concentration increased the yield of the product more than 1.6 times compared to the control sample in complete solution and more than 1.7 times compared to the low solution. Also, the growth traits studied were significantly increased by the use of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles also improved the taste of the fruit by reducing the acidity and increasing the soluble solids.
Yaser Javan; Mohammad Javad Nazarideljou
Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is an important fruit crops and cultivation in soilless condition may help to improve the quality and productivity. Due to susceptibility of cucumber to climate condition, the cultivation should be done under precise consideration. Nutrient uptake by plant ...
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Introduction: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is an important fruit crops and cultivation in soilless condition may help to improve the quality and productivity. Due to susceptibility of cucumber to climate condition, the cultivation should be done under precise consideration. Nutrient uptake by plant is greatly affected by the concentration, as well as by the elements ration, especially the cations. Calcium and potassium play an important role in crops biology, functions, quality, and productivity. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different K: Ca ratios on quality and productivity of cucumber cv. ‘Negin’ to determine the best K: Ca ratio.
Material and Methods: This experiment was done in a hydroponic greenhouse with polyethylene cover. Day/night temperatures were 26±2 and 19±2, respectively. Relative humidity was adjusted at 55-60%. A pot experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with three replications (9 plants/rep). Treatments included K: Ca ratios (2, 1.5, 1, 0.7, and 0.5). Cucumber cv. ‘Negin’ was treated with above-mentioned K: Ca ratios in an open soilless system equipped with drippers and plants were fertigated basis on Steiner nutrition formula. The culture medium was coco-fibre: perlite (1:1 v/v). Morpho-physiological, as well as biochemical parameters of cultivated plants including, plant fresh and dry weigh, leaf area, root volume, fruit length and weight, total carbohydrates, total phenol, vitamin C content, and fruit yield were determined.
Results and Discussion: Results indicated that morpho-physiological and biochemical parameters, also, plant fresh and dry weight of cucumber cv. ʽNegin’ were significantly affected by application of different K: Ca ratios in nutrient solution (P
Maryam Zare; Barat Ali Fakheri; Sara Farokhzadeh
Introduction: The recognition of salt tolerant plants is important as a result ofincreasing saline lands in Iran and world. Cultivation of plants in hydroponic environment is a reliable and economical method in order to select the salt tolerant plant. Salt stress can effect on plant growth and development ...
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Introduction: The recognition of salt tolerant plants is important as a result ofincreasing saline lands in Iran and world. Cultivation of plants in hydroponic environment is a reliable and economical method in order to select the salt tolerant plant. Salt stress can effect on plant growth and development by ion toxicity, ionic disturb the balance and osmotic potential. Lettuce is one of the most important vegetable crops. This plant is one of the most important leafy vegetables which is used for salad and fresh marketing, also some types of this vegetable is used in baked type. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of lettuce genotypes undersalt stress in the hydroponic system.
Materials and Methods: To assess response of lettuce seedlings to salt stress, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications at Biotechnology Research Institute for hydroponic cultivation of Zabol. In this experiment, the effects of three salinity levels (0, 2 and 4 dS/m) on morphological characteristics of 15 lettuce genotypes were evaluated. The seeds were sterilized for ten seconds in ethanol 96% and then 15% sodium hypochlorite solution for 50 seconds, then rinsed several times with distilled water, then disinfected seeds were cultured in plastic pots containing coco peat and perlite. After …days plants were transferred to hydroponic system containing Hoagland solution. Collected data were analyzed and means comparisons were made using LSD by SAS software.
Results and Discussion: The results showed that salinity has a significant effect on seedling growth of lettuce genotypes (p≤0.01). significant difference between salinity levels and genotype were observed for all traits. Interaction of genotype and salinity for all the traits except root length, plant length and leaf were significant at 1%. Based on the results, the greatest root length was belong to Esfahan Varzaneh leafy lettuce and Romaine lettuce long green Teresa genotype, respectivly. Increasing salinity led to significant reduction (p≤0.01) in the plant length lettuce in all genotypes. Root and plant fresh weight lettuce genotypes were significantly (p≤0.01) influenced by different levels of salinity. The greatest amount in root and plant fresh weight lettuce genotypes were obtained in the control treatment and the lowest amount at the level of 4 dS/m. Root and plant dry weight lettuce genotypes were significantly (p≤0.01) influenced by the salinity. Root and plant dry weight decreased with increasing salinity. So that the greatest amount of root and plant dry weight lettuce genotypes were obtained in control treatment and the lowest amount at the level of 4 dS/m.. The results showed that root and plant length ,root fresh and dry weight, plant fresh and dry weight and leaf length and width reduced with increasing salinity. The clustering pattern the genotypes were grouped into 3 clusters based on their charachters at 4 dS/m salinity. The first cluster were placed in salt tolerant groups, while the other genotypes were clustered into moderately tolerant cluster. Romaine lettuce long green Teresa genotype was placed in salt-tolerant group and Lettuce Everest, Lettuce May Queen, Curly endive hair angel, Cabbage Milan Aubervilliers and Romaine lettuce long blonde Galaica were placed in salt-sensitive group.
Hosein Nazari Mamaqani; Seyyed Jalal Tabatabaie
Introduction: The N source used in commercial hydroponic culture of vegetables is mainly NO3-N. The rate of NO3- uptake is usually high, particularly in leafy vegetables and it can be markedly increased when the NO3- supply in the environment is high. An abundant N supply leads to a high NO3-N absorption ...
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Introduction: The N source used in commercial hydroponic culture of vegetables is mainly NO3-N. The rate of NO3- uptake is usually high, particularly in leafy vegetables and it can be markedly increased when the NO3- supply in the environment is high. An abundant N supply leads to a high NO3-N absorption and accumulation in plants. When NO3- rich vegetables are consumed, various harmful effects on human health may occur such as met-hemoglobinemia (Blue Baby Syndrome) and cancer. Keeping levels of NO3- below limits of FAO seems to be impossible without changing conventional fertilizer application techniques. The suitability of urea for the cultivation of field crops has been well documented. Urea is used as the main source of N fertilizer for crops grown in soil. Its use as N source for crops grown under the hydroponic system has yet to be evaluated. To hydrolyze urea, the enzyme urease requires Ni as a component. Substitution of urea for commonly used N03-N fertilizers in hydroponic culture of vegetables would not only enable to avoid excessive accumulation of N03- in plants but would also reduce the cost of production. Leafy vegetable crops, such as lettuce and spinach, contain large amounts of N03-N. Therefore, it is important to reduce N03- concentrations in hydroponically grown with lowest negative effects on yield.
Materials and Methods: The experiments were carried outin greenhouse hydroponicsResearchFaculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz in randomized complete block designwithtwo factors ureaatfivelevels of 0,25, 50, 75and100milligrams perliter(U0, U25,U50, U75, U100)andnickelattwo levels of0and2mg per liter (Ni0, Ni2)ofnickelsulfate(NiSO4)in4replicatesusinglettuce(Lactuca sativa cv. Siyahoo). Plants fed with the modifiedHoagland solutionorhalf theconcentration. Treatments added to nutrient solution when plants were in four leaf stage. Plants were harvested 50 days after treatment. Different organs (leaves, stems and roots) were separated and each separate simultaneous freshweight wasmeasured. Dry weight of organs wasmeasured afterit was oven-dried at 80ºCfor 72h. Leavesoven-dried andthenpowdered, and weredigested(usingacid) tomeasure theelements. Extracts from thedigestionmethodwere used for determination ofnickelusingDimethylglyoximemethod.Spectrophotometer used to cover the wavelength at 530nm. Potassium was measured by Flame Photometer410.Totalnitrogenwas measuredbyKjeldahlmethod.Thehomogeneouspowders of dried leaves with hot water were extractedwithnitratemeter(Horiba, Japan)and they were used to measuretheirnitrate content. Analysis was performed usingthe Software Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) v. 16.0. Individual treatment means were compared with a Duncan’s test to determine whether they were significantly different at the 0.05 probability.
Results and Discussion: U50treatedwith 1.8 fold increasecompared with thecontrol groupshowed thehighestfresh weight. The yield increased with increasing concentration to 50 mg/l urea, butat higher urea concentrations, 50 mg/l,yieldsignificantlydecreased, althoughitwas significantlyhighercompared to control. .Enhanced growth and yield in two levels of U25 and U50were coerced. It was duo tohydrolysis urea with the help nickel stored in seed endosperm and also contamination application of nickel fertilizers in nutrient solutionsthat led to release of urea nitrogen.The highestandthelowest concentration ofnickelinleaveswith11-fold increase,were observedatconcentrations ofU50andU100, respectively. Dilution phenomenon occurred with increasingurea concentrationmore than U50.Nickelconcentration inleaveswassignificantlyincreased that this is theopposite offresh weightanddry weight. In U50 treated K concentration was 1.6-fold higher compared to control. With increasing urea concentration more than U50,K concentration decreased. Applyingthe Ni, 8 percent decreased K concentration in leaf tissues. With increasing urea innutrientsolution, totalnitrogenconcentration of leaf tissuealsoincreased,so that theplantsU100 have 1/1-foldmoretotalnitrogencomparedwithU25plants. Theinteractions betweenthe treated also showed that plantsU0Ni2compared to control(U0Ni0), have 1.2-fold moretotalnitrogen. Concentration ofnitrateinplantsleavesthat showednickelwas 1.2 fold highercompared to the plants withoutnickel.Interactive effectofureaconcentration andapplication ofnickelalso showedthat treated plants hadU0Ni0 2.6-fold more nitratethanU0Ni2plantsleaftissues.
Conclusion: Urea was hydrolyzed in low and middle concentrations (U25 and U50) and led to increasing yield. An inhibition of NO3- uptake can result from the action of Ni on H+- ATPase pump, though it can also affect the carrier of H+/NO3symport. Moreover, proteins of the NO3- uptake system contain -SH groups, and due to that they are sensitive to heavy metals including Ni.
Rozita Khademi Astaneh; Seyyed Jalal Tabatabaie; Sahebali Bolandnazar
Selenium is a non metallic chemical element that affects plant growth and development and but it can due to the presence of antioxidant defense system as a matter of basic human and animal health has been identified. An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Se on physiological characteristics ...
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Selenium is a non metallic chemical element that affects plant growth and development and but it can due to the presence of antioxidant defense system as a matter of basic human and animal health has been identified. An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Se on physiological characteristics and yield of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. Gemmifera) with six levels of Se (0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mg/l) from sodium selenate. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that yield in terms of fresh weight of sprout was significantly (P≤0.01) affected by Se concentration so that increasing Se concentration from 0 to 8 mg/l increased the yield and chlorophyll index, electrolyte leakage (EL) in leaves decreased then with increasing Se concentration decreased the yield and EL in young leaves increased. The highest yield was observed at 8 mg/l Se concentration that was 40% higher compared to the control treatment. With increase concentration of Se in the nutrient solution increased Se concentration and as follow old leaves>young leaves> sprouts. The results showed that Se can be added at the 8 mg/l to the nutrient solution for growing Brussels sprout.