Document Type : Research Article


1 Bastam Agricultural Jihad Center, Semnan Province, Shahrood County, Iran.

2 department of horticulture- faculty of agriculture- university of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran

3 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

4 Department of Horticultural ‎Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran



Introduction: Considering the sensitivity of potatoes to viruses, the production of virus-free plants through in vitro cultivation and their propagation leads to a reduction in costs and an increase in yield. One of the effective methods of reducing plant diseases and producing disease-free microtubers is the use of in-vitro production methods. Considering the role and importance of macro elements and micro elements in the growth of microtubers, it is possible to change the composition of MS culture medium by changing the concentration of salts of macro elements and micro elements without disturbing the balance of elements. This experiment aims to investigate the effect of different concentrations of macro elements (2 Mac, Mac, ½ Mac) and micro elements (2 Mic, Mic, ½ Mic) of MS culture medium in combination with two concentrations of sucrose (80 and 160 g/liter) was performed on in vitro micronodulation of Agria potato.

Materials and Methods: This experiment to investigate the effect of different concentrations of macro elements (2 Mac, Mac, ½ Mac) and micro elements (2Mic, Mic, ½ Mic) of MS culture medium in combination with two concentrations of sucrose (80 and 160 (g/liter) on in vitro microtuberation of Agria potato was carried out as a factorial experiment in the form of a completely randomized design with 3 replications in the plant tissue culture laboratory of the Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz. Lateral buds obtained from in-vitro shoots were used as explants and were cultured under sterile conditions on different culture mediums for the purpose of microtuberation, and the cultures were kept in continuous darkness and at a temperature of 18±2°C were kept in the growth room. During one month, Microtuber initiation rate and after two months, microtuber formation characteristics were measured.

Results and Discussion: The results of the analysis of variance showed that the effect of the concentration of micro elements and the interaction effects of micro elements with different concentrations of sucrose and macro elements were significant only in the case of two traits, the percentage and the speed of microtuber initiation, while all microtuber traits productivity was significantly affected by the interaction of micro elements and macro elements. In all culture mediums with 8% sucrose, the initiation percentage of microtubers was 100% and the initiation rate was also maximum. However, the highest percentage of microtuber formation, weight, length, diameter and number of buds on microtuber was obtained in 2Mac culture medium with 16% sucrose. The results showed that the microtuber that had more weight and size had a higher percentage of dormancy and the buds on the microtuber were not able to germinate and produce microtuber during the stages of microtuber formation.

Conclusions: In all traits related to microtubers, except for percentage and speed of microtubers initiation, the effects of micro elements, macro elements and sucrose elements were not significant, and this shows that the three investigated factors cannot independently improve microtubers formation is effective in Agria variety. In all traits of micronodulation, the interaction effect of low consumption elements with other two factors was not significant and this shows that the concentration of low consumption elements in Agria variety is not critical for micronodulation. In all culture mediums with 8 % sucrose, the initiation percentage of microtubers was 100 % and the initiation speed was also the maximum, but when double the concentration of macro elements and 16 % sucrose were used, the initiation percentage and the initiation speed of micro-glands in Agria variety showed a significant decrease. The percentage of micro tuber formation, weight, length, diameter and number of buds on the micro tuber in Agria cultivar were significantly affected by the mutual effect of the concentration of macro elements and sucrose, and the 2 Mac culture medium has 16 % sucrose in the first priority and the ½ culture medium Mac with 8 % sucrose in the second priority was better than the other treatments in terms of the investigated traits. In this research, it was found that the produced micro glands with greater weight and size had a higher percentage of dormancy and during the stages of micro glandogenesis, the buds on the microtubers were not able to germinate and produce micro tubers.


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