Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Ornamental Plants Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mahallat, Iran.

2 Ahvaz



Narcissus (Daffodil) with the scientific name (Narcissus tazetta) is a perennial bulbous plant from the Amaryllidaceae family (Mozafarian, 1996; Ghahraman & Atar, 2000). Narcissus is one of the most important ornamental bulbous plants that is used as a cut flower and a potted plant. Our country has a huge source of native daffodils. Iran, with its climatic diversity, vast area of fertile land and abundant solar energy, is one of the centers of The propagation of plant species is important. Today, plant genetic resources are considered as the most valuable and vital resources of any country. Ornamental plants such as narcissus have been important for mankind since ancient times They are valuable for their beauty, but also for their medicinal properties and as a food source (Chehrazi et al., 2008; Farahmand et al., 2007). Considering the importance of the product in the mentioned cases, preserving the valuable native narcissus plant of our country has many economic and social benefits, also to prevent its extinction. Therefore, this project was carried out to collect and evaluate native daffodil genotypes and introduce superior genotypes.

Materials and Methods

In this research, the bulbs of narcissus native genotypes were collected from natural narcissus fields in different regions of the country (Khuzestan, Mazandaran, Fars, Ilam and Khorasan provinces). Then bulbs were planted in the research field of the Ornamental Plants Research Institute and the morphological and physiological characteristics of the daffodils were evaluated in the field, including the height of the flowering stem, number of leaves, number of flowers, flowering period, chlorophyll and flavonoid content, bulb size, number and fresh and dry weight were measured. Measuring methods are explained below.

Flowering branch height: The height of the narcissus flower branch from the point of contact with the soil to the tip of the flower was measured by a ruler in centimeters.

Number of leaves: The number of leaves in each narcissus plant was counted.

Number of flowers in each branch: The number of flowers in each branch of narcissus was counted.

Flowering period: the number of days from the appearance of the first flower to the time the flowers withered was counted.

The size of daughter bulbs: The diameter of daughter bulbs in each narcissus plant was measured by calipers in millimeters.

Number of daughter bulbs: The number of daughter bulbs in each narcissus plant was counted.

Fresh and dry weight of daughter bulbs: The bulbs of each narcissus plant were removed from the soil. After cleaning the onions from the mud, the onions were weighed by an accurate digital scale, which was recorded as fresh weight, in grams. The onions were then placed in the oven for 72 hours and then weighed again by a precision digital balance, which was recorded as dry weight in grams.

Amount of chlorophyll and carotenoids was measured by the method of Maxwell & Johnson, 2000 and amount of flavonoids was measured by the method of Chang et al., 2002.

Results and Discussion

According to the results of this experiment, Mazandaran and Ilam genotypes showed the highest values for morphological indices. By comparing different populations of Narcissus Shahla, it was observed that the population of Mazandaran with (16.38 cm) had the highest height of flowering stem, with (11.9) had the highest number of flowers, with (55.34) had the highest number of leaves, with (47.33 days) had the longest flowering period, with (8.53) had the largest number of girl onions, with (48.39 mm) had the largest size of girl onions, with (15.88 grams) had the highest fresh weight of girl onions, with (10.68 grams) had the highest dry weight of girl onions. Also, Khuzestan and Mazandaran genotypes showed the highest values for physiological indices. It was observed that the population of Khuzestan with (2.229 mg/g) had the highest amount of chlorophyll, with (1.594 mg/g) had the highest amount of carotenoids and with (1.525 mg/ml) had the highest amount of flavonoids.


Comparisons of morphological and physiological characteristics of native Iranian narcissus in the field and post-harvest period in different populations of native narcissus (Shahla and Porpar) showed that native Iranian narcissus is a plant suitable for planting in green spaces. The planting of these plants in the area of Mahalat has been successful and if cultivated, along with daily care, weeding and regular watering, it is completely suitable for surface production. Planting native narcissus can be recommended for cities with a climate similar to Mahalat. In order to achieve this, we can introduce the native daffodils of Mazandaran and Ilam regions as the best genotypes. Because in terms of morphological indicators, they have the highest stem height, number of flowers, number of leaves. Also, In order to use a flower pot in the home or office environment, the native daffodils of Khuzestan and Mazandaran regions can be introduced as the best genotypes.


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