نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


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به منظور بررسی تاثیر مقادیر مختلف کودهای دامی بر رشد و عملکرد گیاه تربچه، آزمایشی در قالب طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 11 تیمار و 4 تکرار در اسفند ماه1391 در گلخانه دانشگاه گنبد کاووس انجام شد. تیمارهای مورد مطالعه شامل شاهد (خاک زراعی)‌‌، 100 درصد کود گاوی، 75 درصد کود گاوی+ 25 درصد خاک، 50 درصد کود گاوی+ 50 درصد خاک، 25 درصد کود گاوی+ 75 درصد خاک، 100 درصد کود گوسفندی، 75 درصد کود گوسفندی+ 25 درصد خاک، 50 درصد کود گوسفندی+ 50 درصد خاک، 25 درصد کود گوسفندی+ 75 درصد خاک، 50 درصد کود مرغی+ 50 درصد خاک، 25 درصد کود مرغی+ 75 درصد خاک بودند. ارتفاع بوته، طول برگ، طول غده، قطر غده، وزن غده، وزن تر برگ، وزن خشک برگ‌ها و درجه پوکی غده‌ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. نتایج تجزیه واریانس نشان می‌دهد که صفات اندازه گیری شده در آزمایش به طور معنی‌داری تحت تاثیر اعمال تیمار قرار گرفتند. بذرهای کاشته شده در تیمارهای 75 و 100 درصد کود مرغی جوانه نزدند. در میان تیمارهای اعمال شده، بیشترین وزن غده، وزن خشک برگ، رشد طولی برگ، قطر و ارتفاع تربچه در تیمار 100 درصد کود گاوی و کمترین مقدار این صفات در تیمار 50 درصد کود مرغی (50 درصد کود مرغی+ 50 درصد خاک) مشاهده شد. مطلوب‌ترین حالت برای به‌دست آوردن عملکرد مناسب همراه با کیفیت خوب (درجه پوکی پائین) غده در این آزمایش استفاده از تیمار 100 درصد کود گاوی بود.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Effect of Organic Manure Mixture on growth and yield of Radish (RaphanusSativus L)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Maral Etesami
  • Faezeh Tajpour
  • Mina Khosravi
  • Abbas Biabani

Gonbad Kavous University

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Today, production of organic farming and gardening is rising. The use of organic fertilizers such as animal manure has a long history. In recent years, the use of fertilizers and manure for providing the nutritional needs of plants, improve soil physical and chemical structure and reduce the environmental issues have been observed. Animal manures can increase soil organic matter and nutrients, improve soil structure and water-holding capacity which in turn increase the quality and quantity of the product to follow. Manure is a valuable source of biological, ecological and environmental benefits is positive and its main use is for agricultural use. Radish is an important root vegetable that belongs to the cruciferous (Brassicaceae). Value radish on high levels of dietary is related to soluble fiber and antioxidants. Radish is a native plant to Asia, China and Europe. The oral part of the botanical garden radish is important and that kind of traditional varieties have long hypocotyls include root and hypocotyls made.The purpose of this test is to evaluate the different mixture amount of animal fertilizers on the growth and yield of radish plants and compare them to each other.
Materials and Methods: In order to study of different manure effect on radish growth and yield, an experiment carried out in 2012-2013 in the greenhouse of Gonbad- Kavos University with geographical characteristics 37.16 degrees north, 55.12 ° east and with a height of 45 meters above sea level in a completely randomized design with four replications. Soil and fertilizers used to this experiment were made of the soil and livestock of Gonbad- Kavos University. Soil texture was Clay loam and pH was 7.7 obtained from soil analysis. To obtain the required levels of fertilizer treatments (25, 50, 75, 100), a measure was considered as the basis of each treatment on the basis of the ratio were calculated. The treatments included control (soil), 25 percent cow manure+ 75 percent soil, 50 percent cow manure + 50 percent soil, 75 percent cow manure + 25 percent soil, 100 percent cow manure, 25 percent sheep manure+ 75 percent soil, 50 percent sheep manure + 50 percent soil, 75 percent sheep manure + 25 percent soil, 100 percent sheep manure, 25 percent poultry manure+ 75 percent soil, 50 percent poultry manure + 50 percent soil, 75 percent poultry manure + 25 percent soil, 100 percent poultry manure. Plant height, leaf length, tuber length, tuber diagonal, tuber weight, leaf weight, leaves dry weight and hollow bulb grade were studied. The experiment was conducted under weed control, lack of water restriction and control pests and diseases. To achieve maximum plant growth, we harvested on 2th April 2013 and plant height, leaf length, bulb length, diameter of the bulb, wet bulb, wet leaves and leaf dry weight was measured. After traits recorded, leaves isolated and dried in in oven at 72 degrees for 24 hours and dry matter content was determined. Statistical analysis and data analysis was performed with SAS and Excel computer programs were used to mean comparing with the LSD test at the level of 5 percent.
Results and Discussion: Variance analysis results showed that measured traits affect by manure using significantly (P

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Organic manure
  • Quantities traits
  • Qualities' traits
  • Radish
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