Document Type : Research Article


Fars Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center


To survey the effects of nutritional and growth regulator components on adverse effects of recent consecutive droughts, an experiment was conducted on uniform grape trees (VitisviniferaL.clv.'Khalili') in Bavanat and Shiraz (Akbar-Abad) regions in 2010- 2011.Trial was arranged in a Randomized Complete BlockDesign (RCBD), with three replication and five trees per each plot. Experimental treatments consist of Farmer traditional condition (ctrl.),foliar application of 3% folvicacid,foliar application offosnutrenaminoacid fertilizercontain(8.4% free proline),foliar applicationofbrassinosteroid(0.4 mg.L-1),soil application of brassinosteroid(0.2 mg.L-1) and synchronize foliar applicationoff 3% folvic acid,fosnutrenamino acid fertilizercontain 8.4% free proline andbrassinosteroid (0.4 mg.L-1)in developing period of growth cycle.The results obtained from the evaluation of drought resistance indices as photosynthesis efficiency, stomata conductance, transpiration rate, water use efficiency, relative water content, leaf proline concentration, soluble sugar, chlorophyll a, b and a/b ratio on full expansionleaf of vine illustrate the significant effect of foliar application ofbrassinosteroidas growth bio-promoter on the increasing of potential drought resistance and yield of Khalili grape trees.The highest yield in this experiment belong to synchronize foliar application of folvic acid, fosnutren amino acid fertilizer contain 8.4% free proline and brassinosteroidtreatments in developing period of growth cycle and then respectively to foliar application ofbrassinosteroid, foliar application of fosnutren amino acid fertilizer contain 8.4% free proline, soil application of brassinosteroidandfoliar application of folvicacidwith 64.5, 46.2, 44.1, 39.8 and 20.3 percent yield increment in comparison with control.


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2- آمارنامه استان فارس. 1389. سازمان مدیریت و برنامه‌ریزی استان فارس، معاونت آمار و انفورماتیک.
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