Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi university of Mashhad


In order to investigate the effect of different ratios of cocopeat and vermicompost as a cultural media on seed emergence and some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sweet pepper transplant (cv. Colifornia wonder). The treatments include: vermicompost + cocopeat (3:1), vermicompost + cocopeat (1:3), vermicompost + cocopeat (1:1) (V/V) and normal soil of transplant. The treatments conducted on basis of completely randomized design with three replications on each treatments. The result showed that the highest fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, stem diameter, internode number, leaf area and height of transplant were obtained in vermicompost + cocopeat (3:1).

Keywords: Emergence, Substrates, Sweet pepper, Transplant