Document Type : Research Article


University of Tehran


In present research the effects of four levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mM) of each of salicylic acid and putrescine treatments on the quality improvement of Granny Smith apple fruit were studied. Factorial experiment in randomized complete block with three replications on 16 trees, eighteen years in researcher station of agriculture university of Tehran was designed. For this purpose the trees were sprayed with the treatments solutions in three stages including; immediately after full bloom, 45 days after full bloom, and 116 days after full bloom (two weeks before harvesting). After harvesting, three or four fruits were assigned for each sample and immersion into the treatment solutions for 30 min, packed, and moved to 1±0.5º C temperate and 85-90% relative humidity storage. Samples each 45 days in 5 stages exited from storage and evaluated for fruit weight loss, firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), treatable acidity (TA), (TSS/TA) and pH. The results showed, in to storage time fruit weight loss in treated fruits significantly (p


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