نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرج


در شرایط آب و هوایی گرم و خشک که در اکثر مناطق ایران حاکم است مدیریت مصرف آب و نیتروژن به عنوان دو عامل مهم در رشد چمن ضروری به نظر می رسد. در این تحقیق، اثر کاهش مصرف آب و نیتروژن با هدف کنترل رشد رویشی چمن های مرسوم در فضای سبز (چمن مخلوط با نام عمومی اسپرت)، با در نظر گرفتن تامین نیاز گیاه و حفظ کیفیت بصری آن، در آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح پایه بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار انجام شد. بذر تجاری چمن با تراکم40 گرم در متر مربع در جعبه‌های حاوی خاک لوم شنی در اواسط بهار کشت شد. تیمار نیتروژن با استفاده از منبع نیترات آمونیوم در 5 سطح (0، 5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 میلی‌گرم در متر مربع در ماه، همراه آبیاری) و تیمار رژیم آبیاری در 4 سطح (100، 80، 60 و 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی به صورت یک روز در میان) به مدت 5 ماه در طی فصل گرم سال1392 پس از اولین چمن‌زنی از خرداد ماه اعمال شد. نتایج نشان داد که محدودسازی کاربرد نیتروژن و میزان آبیاری بر صفات ارتفاع، وزن تر و خشک، کلروفیل و پرولین دارای اختلاف معنی‌دار بود، ولی بر شاخص تراکم، شاخص کیفیت و رنگ اثر معنی‌دار نداشت. بدون توجه به سطوح نیتروژن، شاخص کیفیت و رنگ فقط در سطح 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی کمترین میزان را نشان داد. بنابراین، کاهش کاربرد کود نیتروژنی تا 1 میلی‌گرم بر مترمربع در ماه و رژیم آبیاری تا 60 درصد ظرفیت زراعی ضمن این‌که سبب کاهش رشد رویشی شد، بر دیگر صفات کیفی چمن تاثیر منفی نداشت.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Effect of Reduced application of Water and Nitrogen on Growth Management of mixed Turf-Grass

نویسندگان [English]

  • Azizollah khandan Mirkohi 1
  • Nakisa Baie 2
  • Ebrahim Hadavi 2

1 University of Tehran

2 Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Regular watering and application of nitrogenous fertilizers in turf-grasses is a conventional operation, especially in warm and dry or semi-dry climates, which arecommon in many parts of Iran. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient in soil or substrates, especially in the form of nitrate. Nitrate leaching due to the regular watering has been reported in many sources. The managing nitrogen application can help to minimize the loss of this element regarding the ability of soil-plant system. Attempts have been made to control the growth of turf-grass using various types of chemicals, but similar to the concerns associated with the consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers, this is also concerned with environmental pollutions. Therefore, the growth of turf grasses can be controlled without using chemicals and by limiting the use of nitrogen and managing the irrigation.The purposes of this study were to limit the application of nitrogen in order to control vegetative growth of the turf grass and maintain its visual quality, and to manage irrigation in order to preserve this mobile element (nitrogen) near the root system and prevent its leaching.
Materials and Methods:The effects of reduced water and nitrogen supply on the control of vegetative growth of turf grasses, commonly named as sport turf,were evaluated.Therefore, an experiment was designed in a factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Mixed seeds of sport turf grass were planted with the density of 40 g m-2in boxes, which placed atthe depth of30 cm and leveled with sandy loam soil in mid-spring. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium nitrate via fertigation in five levels of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg m-2 month-1, andirrigation treatments performed at four levels of 100%, 80%, 60 % and 40% of field capacity. Watering was done every two days for 5 months during the warm season of the year after the first mowing on June 2013. Some traits such as plant height, fresh and dry weight, density, color and quality, and chlorophyll and proline contents were evaluated during growth period or at the end of the experiment.The data were subjected toananalysis of variance (SAS, 1996),and differences among the treatments were compared using Duncan’s multiple range test at 95% probability level.
Results and Discussion: The results showed that decreasein nitrogen level up to 0.5 gdid not significantly change density index,,whilethe index showed a significant reduction in treatment containing zero nitrogen application and the lowest irrigation regime (40% of the field capacity).Quality and color of the turf grass had no significant correlation with nitrogen treatment, while the factor was significantly decreased when irrigation regime of 40% of the field capacity was applied. It was determined that although color of the turf grass was greener with lower levels of water,a good color was found with high level of non-organic fertilizer at the time that the amount of nitrogen leaching was also limited. Therefore, regardless of the different nitrogen levels applied, quality and color indiceswerethe lowest when irrigation at 40% of field capacity was applied. Limiting the level of nitrogen up to 0.5 gramand irrigation up to 60% of field capacity was desirable to control and reduce the height of turf grass. Reduction in water level up to 80% of field capacity caused no significant changes in fresh weight, but a significant decreasewas resulted with the reduction of water consumption up to 60% of field capacity. The maximum fresh weight was found with 1.5 grams nitrogen. However, reducing nitrogen level upto 0.5 gramdid not bring about significant changes in this trait. Dry weight also followed the same pattern as fresh weight. Although reduction in the level of applied nitrogen did not reduce the height, it caused a significant reduction in fresh and dry weight of the turf grass. The highest chlorophyll content was found when 2 grams of nitrogen and irrigation regime of 40% of field capacity were used. Regardless of the nitrogen level, the highest chlorophyll content was found in irrigation of 40% of field capacity,while the lowest amount was observed in the treatment containing irrigation at100 and 80% of field capacity. Plants were dark green in 40% of field capacity. Proline content showedincreasealong with the decrease inirrigation as well as nitrogen levels.
Conclusion:Plant height, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll and proline contents were significantly affected by limiting the use of nitrogen and water, but density and quality indices were not significantly influenced. Regardless of the nitrogen levels applied, quality and color traits were the lowest only in irrigation regime of 40% of field capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that reduction of nitrogen supply to 1 mg m-2 month-1and irrigation regime up to 60% of field capacity could result in thereduction ofvegetative growth of turf grass, while quality traits were not affected negatively.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ammonium nitrate
  • Field capacity
  • Growth Rate
  • landscape
  • Quality
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