نوع مقاله : مقالات پژوهشی


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گیاهان بستر ساز از جمله اطلسی با توجه به تنوع عادت رشد و رنگ از عناصر بسیار مهم فضای سبز در شهرها به شمار رفته و بسیار مورد توجه طراحان فضای سبز قرار گرفته است. این پژوهش روی گل اطلسی با هدف افزایش شاخص های رشد (طول شاخه جانبی، طول ریشه، قطر ساقه، قطر گل، تعداد گل، تعداد شاخه جانبی) و صفات بیو شیمیایی (کلروفیل a، کلروفیل b، کلروفیل کل، کارتنوئید، قند احیا)، در قالب آزمایش فاکتوریل بر پایه طرح کاملاً تصادفی با 5 تکرار اجرا گردید. فاکتورها بر این اساس که دو ویتامین و یک تنظیم کننده رشد (اسید آسکوربیک، تیامین و اسید جیبرلیک هر سه با غلظت صفر و 100 میلی‌گرم در لیتر) مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. بر اساس نتایج حاصل، GA3 نسبت به دو ویتامین کاربردی تاثیر قابل توجهی بر کلیه شاخص های اندازه‌گیری شده به جز کارتنوئید داشت و همچنین اثرهای ترکیبی GA3 و اسید آسکوربیک بر شاخص های مرتبط با رشد ساقه‌ها، ریشه و قطر گل و ترکیب GA3 و تیامین بر رنگیزه‌ها، میزان قند، کارتنوئید و تعداد گل در میان تیمارهای دو گانه قابل توجه بود. در کلیه شاخص‌های اندازه‌گیری شده در این پژوهش، اثرهای متقابل دو گانه و سه گانه معنی‌دار شد و در نهایت ترکیب توام هر سه ماده کاربردی (اسید آسکوربیک، تیامین و اسید جیبرلیک هر سه با غلظت 100 میلی‌گرم در لیتر) موجب افزایش قابل توجه شاخص‌های مرتبط با رشد و نمو ریشه و ساقه‌ها، تعداد و قطر گل، رنگیزه‌ها و قند احیاء نسبت به شاهد و دیگر تیمارها شد و به عنوان بهترین تیمار، پیشنهاد گردید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Effect of Thiamine, Ascorbic acid and Gibberellic acid (GA3) on Growth Characteristics, Pigment Content and Reduced Sugars of Petunia

نویسندگان [English]

  • Moslem Salehi
  • Vahid Reza Saffari
  • Shima Hasanzadeh Fard

Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Bedding plants, especially petunia is important element for urban landscaping and attracted the attention of landscapers. This is due to some properties such as growth habit and color. The petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) belongs to Solanaceae family that has annual and perennial varieties. This plant is originally from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Some plant growth regulators such as gibberellic acid (GA3) and vitamins including thiamine and ascorbic acid affect plant growth and development and may extend flowering period. Vitamin C affects cell division and cell growth in plants and is effective on the feeding cycle activity in higher plants and it has an important role in electron transport system. The concentrations of 50 and 100 ppm of vitamin C and thiamine can increase the plant height, leaf number, leaf area, fresh and dry weight, and chemical compounds of the Syngonium plant. The application of 100 mg/l of GA3 significantly increased plant height and the number of leaves of gladiolus.
Material and methods: The experiment was arranged in a factorial based on a completely randomized design with five replications. In this research, growth characteristics (lateral branch number, flower number, flower diameter, stem diameter, root length, and lateral branch length) and biochemical characteristics (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, and reducing sugar) were measured. After seeding and transplanting the seedling at 6 leaf stage, plants sprayed at 4 various growth stages with following treatments:
1- Control
2- Vitamin C(100 mg/l)
3- Thiamin (100 mg/l)
4- Gibberellic acid (100 mg/l)
5- Vitamin C and Thiamin (The concentration of both 100 mg/l)
6- Vitamin C and Gibberellic acid (The concentration of both 100 mg/l)
7- Thiamin and Gibberellic acid (The concentration of both 100 mg/l)
8- Vitamin C, Thiamin and Gibberellic acid (The concentration of three 100 mg/l)

Data obtained from the measured parameters analyzed using statistical package SAS and means were compared using LSD test at the level of statistical significance of P˂0.05.
Results and Discussion: The results indicated that GA3 affected all the measured characteristics except carotenoids in comparison with thiamine and ascorbic acid. Meanwhile, the combined application of GA3 and ascorbic acid affected stem growth, root growth and flower diameter. Simultaneous use of GA3 and thiamine was effective on pigments, reducing sugar, carotenoids and flower number. The simultaneous application of three chemicals resulted in a considerable increase in growth and development traits, such as stem and root growth, flower number and diameter, pigments and reducing sugar compared to control. Generally, gibberellic acid will increase vegetative growth with impress cellular processes, including stimulation cell division and cell elongation. It was reported that the uses of ascorbic acid and gibberellic acid in Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) increased plant height and root length. Ascorbic acid makes a set of functions such as cell division and enlargements, cell wall development and other developmental processes in plants. Ascorbic acid affects plasma membrane proton pump and according to the acidic theory stimulates weaking cell wall and consequently will increase cell wall development and cell enlargement. It was found that thiamine significantly increased flower number in chrysanthemum .
Conclusion: The results indicated that the synergistic effects of this material can be used to enhance the growth and development of petunia. On the other hand, in arid and semiarid areas of the country, that drought and salinity stresses somewhat inevitable, these materials, especially vitamins are effective in reducing stress and increase flowering period.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Flowering
  • Growth regulator
  • Reduced sugars
  • Spray
  • Vitamin
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