Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2011)
Volume 24 (2010)
Volume 23 (2009)
Volume 22 (2008)
Research Article
Effects of different levels of Farmax® nano fertilizer and foliar spraying time on growth and effective substance of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Samane Mohammadi; Majid Azizi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 435-445


  In this research, the effect of foliar spraying times and different levels of Farmax® nano fertilizer on morphological characteristic and dry and fresh flower yield, essential oil and chamazulene percentage of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) CV. Bodegold was studied. The experiment was factorial ...  Read More

Research Article
Recycling of Casing Soil in The White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) production

Saeid Nadi; Mohammad Farsi; Seyyed Hossein Nemati; Hossein Aroiuee; Gholamhossein Davarnejad

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 446-452


  In this study, the recovery of casing soil consumed in the white button mushroom was investigated. Casing soil is used as a layer on compost (culture medium) to a diameter of 3-5to stimulate fruiting on the white button mushroom(Agaricus bisporus) . The expense od casing soil is about 30 percent of production ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Organic Manure and Super Absorbent on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Potato (Solanum tubersum, cv Marfona)

Nariman Rashidi; Isa Arji; Mohammad Gerdakaneh; Abdolkarim Kashi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 453-463


  In order to investigate effect of organic manure and super absorbent on physiological and biochemical traits of potato (Solanum tubersum, cv Marfona), a split plot experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design with three replications at Research Farm, Agriculture College, University of ...  Read More

Research Article
Evaluation of Salicylic Acid and Calcium Chloride Effect on Shelf Life, Quality Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Peach Fruit cv. Amesden after Harvest

Gholamhossein Davarynejad; Sakineh Arefkhani; Majid Azizi; Mehdi Zarei

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 464-478


  In order to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of postharvest salicylic acid and calcium chloride on shelf life, quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of peach fruit cv. Amesden, an experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized completely design with three replications. ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Pre and Postharvest Treatment of Salicylic Acid and Putrescine on Some Fruit Quality of Granny Smith Apple

Mesbah Babalar; Arezo Asgarpour; Mohhamad Ali Asgari

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 479-486


  In present research the effects of four levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mM) of each of salicylic acid and putrescine treatments on the quality improvement of Granny Smith apple fruit were studied. Factorial experiment in randomized complete block with three replications on 16 trees, eighteen years in researcher ...  Read More

Research Article
Study on the Chemical Constituents and Antibacterial Activity of Kelussia odoratissima and Teucrium polium Essential Oils against Some Food Borne Pathogens

Mansour Mashreghi; Majid Azizi; Fatemeh Oroojalian; Naser Shahyahmasebi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 487-495


  In this research the essential oils (EOs) of Kelussia odoratissima and Teucrium polium were extracted by hydrodistillation. Extracted essential oils constituents were analyzed by gas chromatograph (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry and the essential oils constituents identified according to retention time ...  Read More

Research Article
Influence of Different Methods of Zinc Sulphate Application (Soil drench, Injection and Spray) on Improvement of Qualitative and Quantitative Properties of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Askari)

Mehdi Hosseinifarahi; Karamollah Goodarzi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 496-504


  In order to investigate the effect of application methods of ZnSo4 on qualitative, quantitative and correction of zinc deficiency in grapevine, an experiment was conducted in completely randomized block design with 10 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments included control, trunk injection three levels ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Sucrose and Salicylic acid on Longevity and Postharvest Quality in Alstroemeria (cv. Stratus) Cut Flower

Ziba Mohammadi; Seyyed Najmodin Mortazavi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 505-516


  Alstroemeria flower is one of the most important cut flowers in the world. Some materials can increase longevity of cut flowers. The aim of this research was evaluating the effect of some chemical solutions on postharvest Alstroemeria (cv. Stratus) cut flowers. This experiment was conducted with two ...  Read More

Research Article
Effect of Different Species of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Yield of Two Potatoes Cultivars under Controlled Conditions

Saeid Khaninejad; Hamidreza Khazaie; Jafar Nabati; Mohammad Kafi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 517-523


  Potato is one of the most productive crops in agriculture and is a valuable food source in developing countries. Mycorrhizal fungi involve a symbiosis with most of crop roots and leads to improve the crops growth and yield. In order to investigate the effect of mycorrhiza fungi species on yield of potato ...  Read More

Research Article
Survey the Effects of Amino Acid, FolvicAcid and Steroid Components on Drought in Rain Fed Khalili Grape

Mohammad Saeid Tadaion; Gholamreza Moafpourian; Neda Maftoonazad

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 524-534


  To survey the effects of nutritional and growth regulator components on adverse effects of recent consecutive droughts, an experiment was conducted on uniform grape trees (VitisviniferaL.clv.'Khalili') in Bavanat and Shiraz (Akbar-Abad) regions in 2010- 2011.Trial was arranged in a Randomized Complete ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Different Concentrations of Se on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Brussels Sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. Gemmifera)

Rozita Khademi Astaneh; Seyyed Jalal Tabatabaie; Sahebali Bolandnazar

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 535-543


  Selenium is a non metallic chemical element that affects plant growth and development and but it can due to the presence of antioxidant defense system as a matter of basic human and animal health has been identified. An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Se on physiological characteristics ...  Read More

Research Article
Effect of Drought Stress on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Wheatgrass and Tall fescue

Amir Sadeghi; Nematollah Etemadi; Mahboobe Shams; Fateme Nyazmand

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 544-553


  In this study, the effect of drought stress on morphological and physiological characteristics of wheatgrass and tall fescue was investigated in a factorial-split plot in time arrangement based on a completely randomized design with three replications. After turf establishment, half pots were exposed ...  Read More

Research Article
Effect of Coating and Methyl Salicylate on Quality and Chilling Injury in Blood Oranges 'Moro' in During Cold Storage

Sonia Jamali; Vali Rabiei; Javad Fattahi Moghadam

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 554-564


  The effects of coatingtreatments (waxand plasticbags) combined with methylsalicylate on the fruit quality and chilling injury of Moro blood orange were studied during storage. Treated fruits were kept in storage for 80 days at 5 oC and 90-95% relative humidity. Some characteristics such as pulp and skin ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of PRD on Changes of Drought Stress Indices, NutritionAntioxidant and Photosynthesis Activity of Tomato

Maryam Haghighi; Maryam Mozafariyan

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 565-575


  Decreasing irrigation via partial root zoon drying (PRD) save water and decreased production expenses. For comparing common irrigation and PRD on tomato cv. Falcato an experiment was designed in Massey University of New Zealand. Treatments were control (irrigation in a Field capacity in each irrigation ...  Read More

Research Article
The Effect of Some Organic Matter on Growth Indicators of Pot Stock (Matthiola incana cv. Column Crimson)

Mahsa Salehi; Nematollah Etemadi; Naser Honarjoo; Mehrdad Jafarpour

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 576-583


  In order toa desirable growth, plants need fertile soil which has the availability of nutrient elements in it. Sometimes, in spite of having access to the nutrient elements, decrease yield, due to undesirable physical situation. Stock (Matthiolaincana cv. Column Crimson) is one of the potting flower ...  Read More

Research Article
Application of Microsatellite Markers for Identification and Registration of Walnut Cultivars

Mohsen Mardi; Mehrshad Zeinalabedini; Rohollah Haghjoyan; Seyyed Hassan Jamali; Seyyed Mojtaba Khayam Nekouei; Abdolreza Kavand; Karim Ahmadi; Leila Sadeghi; Ali Akbar Loni; Tayebe Karami; Soghra Khoshkam

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 584-593


  Due to the complex assessment of young walnut cultivars (Juglansregia L.) based on morphological traits, advance molecular tools have provided a new prospect for cultivar identification and DNA fingerprinting. In this study, specific molecular keys were identified for 5 Iranian walnut cultivars (Juglansregia ...  Read More

Research Article
Physiological Response of Pear (Pyrus Communis cv.Dargazi) to Salinity Stress Under In vitro Conditions

Fateme Zafari; Mohammad Esmaeil Amiri; Ali Vatanpour Azghandi

Volume 28, Issue 4 , November 2014, Pages 594-599


  This study was conducted to find out the influence of in vitro salinity on growth parameters shoot length, number of leaves, number of new buds, the chlorophyll, chlorosis and necrosis and absorption of sodium, chloride, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus of pear (Pyrus communis cv. Dargazi) in vitro ...  Read More