Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan,, Rasht




The increasing use of medicinal, aromatic plants and spices has increased the economic production, value and trade of these plants. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.) is a perennial rhizome plant which is considered as the most important spice in the global trade. Ginger rhizome has bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds and essential oil. Essential oil (including zingiberene, α and β-pinene, camphene etc.) is responsible for the aroma of ginger. Important phenolic compounds of ginger include Gingerol, Shogaol, Paradol, and Zingerone, which are responsible for the spicy taste of ginger. Ginger has important effects such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antilipemic, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anti-nausea, and liver protective activities, improving digestive problems, etc. In addition to medicine, ginger rhizome is widely used as a spice and flavoring in foods, drinks, etc., and is also defined as a dietary supplement by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In this study, while examining and analyzing the world market of this valuable spice, Iran's production potentials were examined to supply internal needs and enter to the export section.

Material and Method

In this research, the data on the production and trade of ginger was evaluated using the codes determined in the Harmonized System (HS codes 091010, 091011 and 091012). The area harvest, production amount, yield and the top producing countries were extracted from the statistics section of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The export and import trade data of ginger in Iran and the world, the top exporting and importing countries during 2010-2022 years were evaluated using the World Trade Center data.

Results and Discussion

According to the obtained assessments, the total production of ginger in the world has increased from 1.718.571 tons in 2010 with an increase of 183% to 4.874.216 tons in 2022, and India, Nigeria, China, Nepal, and Indonesia are among the main ginger producer countries in the world during these years. Also, the investigation of the global trade of ginger showed that the export of this product increased from about 655.9 million dollars in 2010 with a growth of 37% to 900.5 million dollars in 2022, and the import value also increased by 97%, from 568.7 million dollars in 2010 to 1.125 billion dollars, which indicates an increase in the global trade of this product. China, Netherlands, India, Peru, and Thailand were the top exporters while America, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, and Pakistan as the top importers of ginger. The analysis of Iran statistics showed that the total export value of ginger was 15.000 dollars in 2022, while the amount of import reached 36.6 million dollars from 1.35 million dollars in 2010, which shows an increase of 4.7 folds the import volume of this product. Iraq and Azerbaijan were the destinations of ginger exported from Iran, and the origins of ginger imported to Iran were China, United Arab Emirates, and India. In Iran, Tehran province was the only ginger-producer province in the country, which produced 23 tons of ginger with 0.3 ha of area in greenhouse conditions. Price fluctuations of ginger produced in countries such as the USA, China, Brazil and Peru and offered in the USA market in 2022 were investigated. The price of ginger varies throughout the year due to factors such as supply, demand, weather conditions and market dynamics. The highest ginger price ($9.19) was recorded for American ginger in the USA market from August 19 to September 14, and it still had a high price in the cold season. As mentioned, ginger is one of the most important spices in global trade and has a high value in global export and import. In Iran, production less than the internal demand has caused a significant increase in imports compared to exports. Therefore, according to the evaluation and success of the cultivation of similar products in the country, the existence of wide areas harvested and favorable weather conditions, especially in provinces such as Sistan & Baluchestan, and Hormozgan, it is suggested to pay attention to the cultivation of ginger to supply internal markets and achieve extensive exports. Also, according to the area under greenhouses cultivation, which is 24,000 hectares, taking into account the average production of 10 tons of ginger per hectare, if only 10% of the existing greenhouse cultivation is dedicated to ginger production, it is possible to produce 24,000 tons of fresh ginger, which will fully meet domestic needs and provide the export.


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