Research Article
S. Keivanfar; D. Hashemabadi; B. Kaviani
IntroductionOlive (Olea europea L.) fruit ripening is a slow and long process and has a great impact on fruit quality, including the amount of oil. Also, interrupting the harvest and extraction of olive oil causes unfavorable conditions in this fruit. Therefore, it is important to determine the best ...
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IntroductionOlive (Olea europea L.) fruit ripening is a slow and long process and has a great impact on fruit quality, including the amount of oil. Also, interrupting the harvest and extraction of olive oil causes unfavorable conditions in this fruit. Therefore, it is important to determine the best time to harvest the fruit. Olive oil has unsaturated fatty acids and has an antioxidant activity. The analysis of maturation stages is a prerequisite for fruit harvest time in each cultivar and quality of olive products. The time of harvest and maintenance after harvest is two important factors in the quality and quality of olive fruit oil. The exact determination of olive harvest time depends on the geographical area, cultivar and climate, agronomic and fruiting conditions. Study on different olive cultivars in different regions of Iran and the world revealed that fruit harvest time plays an effective role on the morphological, physiological and metabolic parameters of fruit. The approximate time of olive fruit harvest is in different geographical points, November and October. The purpose of this study was to investigate the right time of olive fruit harvesting 'Arbequina' and 'Yellow' cultivars for obtaining maximum quality of fruit and oil. Materials and MethodsA factorial experiment containing two factors; cultivar in two levels ('Yellow' and 'Arbequina') and harvest time in six levels (24th and 31th October, and 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th November) based on a completely randomized block design with two factors in 12 treatments, 3 replicates and 36 experimental units was done to determine the appropriate harvest time and its effect on oil quality. Physiologic parameters; percentage of oil, amount of phenolic compounds, degree of peroxidation, amount of oleic acid, force of separation of fruit from tail and acidity were evaluated. This research was conducted at the olive research station in Rudbar city in southern Guilan province using the removed olives from the Manjil ETKA station. The 6 trees from two cultivars; 'Arbakkin' and 'Yellow' (from each 3 tree) which were similar in terms of height, age, crown diameter, mean conditions and irrigation were evaluated. Trees were planted at 6 × 8 m intervals. After selecting trees, from each tree, 2 to 3 kg of olive was randomly harvested. In fruits with tail, the force needed to separate the tail of the fruit was measured by the force assessment device. Standard method numbers 4178 and 4179 standard institutes and industrial research of Iran were used to measure acidity and olive oil peroxide, respectively. Polyphenols were measured with spectrophotometer. To determine the percentage of oil, saccule was used. For measurement of oleic acid, gas chromatography (GC) was used. Data were analyzed using SAS software and their average comparison was done by Duncan. Results and Discussion Mean comparison of the interaction effect between cultivar and harvest time showed that the highest acidity of the fruit was obtained in 'Arbequina' cultivar, respectively harvested at two times 31th and 24th October. The highest fruit peroxide value and the highest percentage of oleic acid were calculated in 'Yellow' cultivar in 24th October. The highest value of polyphenol was obtained in 'Yellow' cultivar on 7th November. The highest percentage of fruit oil was obtained in 'Arbequina' cultivar on 31th October. The lowest force to separate the tail from the fruit was applied in 'Arbequina' cultivar on 31th October. The results showed that the best time to harvest 'Yellow' cultivar is 7th November and for 'Arbequina' cultivar is 14th November. The study on several olive cultivars in China showed that the most suitable fruit harvest time was in late October until mid-November. There was an adverse significant correlation between changes in total sugar content in fruit and leaf and oil accumulation in the fruit. The quality of fruit depends mainly to the type of cultivar, genetic characteristics, maturity and environmental conditions. Study on some olive cultivars showed that the ratio between sugars is different in various stages of fruit maturity and between different cultivars of olive fruit. Some studies have shown that the most suitable time of olive fruit harvest for canned preparation is early September and for extraction of oil, late September. Fruits should be harvested when they have the highest oil accumulation. The study on 'Koroneiki' and 'Mission' cultivars in Gorgan region showed that the amount of oil in the dry matter and the percentage of free fatty acids increased with increasing degree of maturity, while peroxide value was reduced. One of the causes of peroxide value reduction during maturity is reduction in lipoxygenase enzyme activity. This enzyme increases the peroxide value by effect on linolenic acid and linoleic acid. Based on these results, the best time to harvest for the above cultivars is early in December. ConclusionsHarvest time and proper storage after harvest are two important factors of olive oil quantity and quality. In both cultivars, a longer delay in harvesting compared to the mentioned-above dates increases the percentage of oil, but it has a negative effect on the reproductive stages of the next year, and perhaps one of the causes of olive aging is excessive delay in harvesting. It is important to pay attention to the above two items.
Research Article
Medicinal Plants
M. Kermani; Sh. Amirmoradi
Drought stress is one of the most important and most common limiting factors for plant growth in arid and semiarid regions. Asparagus (Asparagus afficinalis) is the most important species of asparagus and the fresh stem of this plant is harvested as its edible part and used as a vegetable ...
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Drought stress is one of the most important and most common limiting factors for plant growth in arid and semiarid regions. Asparagus (Asparagus afficinalis) is the most important species of asparagus and the fresh stem of this plant is harvested as its edible part and used as a vegetable and medicine. Asparagus is very rich in vitamins, flavonoids, saponins, and glutathione, which have anti-cancer properties, protect nerve cells, and protect the heart. Asparagus is a herbaceous, perennial plant growing to 100–150 cm tall, with two types of stems. One of the stems called spear, which is edible and has no leaves. The second, called fern which has needle leaves and is non-edible. This plant has thick and fleshy roots called rhizome (crown), which is resistant to winter cold and can remain in the ground for up to 25 years and give economic crops for up to 10-15 years. According to some studies, commercial cultivars of asparagus are sensitive to abiotic stresses such as drought stress. Drought stress during the growth of fern can reduce the production of stored carbohydrates in the crown roots and lead to a decrease in yield in the next season. Also, drought stress increases the fiber and reduces the quality of asparagus. Mulch is any material that is spread or laid over the surface of the soil and used for reasons such as saving water consumption by reducing evaporation from the soil surface, controlling soil erosion, adjusting soil temperature, controlling the growth of weeds, and improving the absorption of soil nutrients. Several researches have reported that the use of mulch is effective in increasing the resistance of plants to drought stress and also reducing the negative effects of drought stress on yield and its components.
Materials and Methods
This research was conducted as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design in three replications in the crop year of 2021-2022 in a two-year asparagus field near Mashhad city. The experimental factors were the types of mulch (barley straw, asparagus straw and plastic) and drought stress levels including irrigation after 50 mm (no stress), 70 mm (mild stress), 100 mm (moderate stress) and 150 mm (severe stress) evaporation from pan class A. Planting of transplants in the field was done manually on April 9 2021. Each experimental plot with dimensions of 4 x 10 meters included 4 rows with a distance of 100 cm and a distance of 50 cm between plants. Weeding was done manually. Fertilization was done according to the soil analysis and the recommendations of the soil science laboratory. The date of applying water stress was from April 4 to September 1 2022. The average of traits recorded in the first harvest (April 21) and the second harvest (September 6) were used for variance analysis. Data analysis was done using MSTAT-C software and mean comparisons were done using LSD method at 5% probability level. The graphs were drawn using Excel software.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that fresh stem yield, number of harvestable stems, stem length, stem diameter, stem fresh and dry weight, and total leaf chlorophyll content decreased and leaf proline content increased significantly at different levels of water stress. The content of leaf carotenoids also decreased significantly compared to the control only in severe water stress. The use of mulch in non-stressed conditions caused a significant increase in all studied traits except proline, so that asparagus straw with a 76% increase in stem yield was in the first place, and barley straw and plastic mulch were in the second and third places. Also, mulching reduced the negative effects of water stress on all traits, so that the non-use of mulch in mild, moderate and severe stress caused a 21%, 36% and 46% reduction in shoot yield, respectively, and the use of asparagus straw caused 10 %, 13% and 16% decrease in the yield of stems.
Water stress, as the most important factor of physiological limitation in plants, negatively affects growth, development and yield of plants. The use of plant residue mulches, especially asparagus straw, between the rows of asparagus cultivation can increase the yield in conditions without drought stress, and in drought stress conditions. the yield can be protected from the negative effects of stress to a large extent.
Research Article
Medicinal Plants
M. Yadegari
Satureja bachtiarica is one of the important endemic species and is used in medicinal and food industries. This plant is rich in essential oil, flavonoids, monoterpene glycosides and trypanocidal terpenoids. The main compounds of the essential oil from S.bachtiarica L. collected from natural ...
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Satureja bachtiarica is one of the important endemic species and is used in medicinal and food industries. This plant is rich in essential oil, flavonoids, monoterpene glycosides and trypanocidal terpenoids. The main compounds of the essential oil from S.bachtiarica L. collected from natural habitats are alpha-pinene, p-cymene, carvacrol and gamma-terpinene. The environmental factors cause changes in the growth, quantity, and quality of active substances (such as alkaloids, glycosides, steroids and volatile oils) in medicinal and aromatic plants. Among environmental stresses, water deficit plays an important role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in medicinal and aromatic plants in arid and semi-arid regions like Iran. Drought stress has detrimental effects on growth and yield and can upset the balance between the antioxidant defense system and free radicals by stimulating a series of biochemical reactions, where free radicals cause cell damage. In sustainable production systems of medicinal and aromatic plants, stable quantitative and qualitative functions can be achieved under conditions of environmental stress and it is possible to improve the production of secondary metabolites in these plants under adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the amino acids on the physiological and phytochemical properties of S. bachtiarica to determine and introduce the best amino acids under water stress.
Materials and Methods
This investigation was done from spring (May) 2022 to fall (September) 2023 at the Research Farm of Islamic Azad University, Branch of Shahrekord (latitude. 32°20′ N, longitude. 50°51′ E, altitude. 2061 m). Based on the Köppen climate classification, the climate of the study area is classified as cold and semiarid. This study was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) as a split plot layout with three replications. Irrigation regimes (3-day, 6-day, and 9-day intervals) were assigned as the main plots, while the foliar application of amino acids (methionine, lysine, phenylalanine, and proline) was designated as the subplots. In each year, treatments were applied at 3 stages (3 months after sowing, end of vegetation, before flowering, beginning of flowering and early flowering) and harvesting was done in the complete flowering stage. Weed control was applied manually during the entire experiment. During the experiment, no fertilizer and no systemic pesticide and herbicide were used. The harvested shoots were transferred to the laboratory for extracting and analysis of the leaves and stems of treated plants. For assessment of the total chlorophyll content of S. bachtiarica, the leaves were extracted with 80% acetone. The absorbance of the extraction was read at 470, 648, and 664 nm, and the content of total chlorophyll was calculated as mg per g leaf dry weight. Total phenol content was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent as reported by Singleton and Rossi. The total phenol content was expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalent per g leaf dry weight according to standard curves of gallic acid. The essential oils were extracted by hydro-distillation and analyzed using GC/MS.
Results and Discussion
Applied amino acids significantly influenced the morpho-physiological and phytochemical characters of Satureja bachtiarica. In two years, the highest chlorophyll content (1.41-1.54 mg.g-1 FW) and total phenol content (2.45-2.72 mg.g-1 FW) were obtained in methionine (2.5 g.l-1) and phenylalanine (100 µM) treatments by irrigation regimes 3-day interval. The highest essential oil contents (1.09-1.61 %) were obtained from the plants treated by methionine (2.5 g.l-1) and phenylalanine (100 µM) treatments by irrigation regime 3 days interval. The main chemical compounds of essential oil were P-cymene (17.12-19.45 %), gamma-terpinene (18.14-16.87 %) and Carvacrol (45.12-51.24 %) belonging to cyclic monoterpenes. The treatments had significant effectiveness on cyclic monoterpens such as alpha-terpinene, gamma-terpinene, germacren-d, carvacrol, thymol and p-cymene. Increasing of essential oil content/composition by use of amino acids was seen. The main components of essential oil in plants treated by proline were lesser than other treated plants. In two years of this research amino acids of methionine and phenylalanine mad the most amounts of carvacrol and essential oil content. The monoterpene alcohols in volatile oils of the treated plants with amino acids elicitors considerably were higher than the sesquiterpenes. According to the ratio of monoterpenes alcohol to sesquiterpenes in volatile oils of the treated S. bachtiarica with different elicitors, the foliar application of amino acids can improve the odor quality of S. bachtiarica volatile oil.
Foliar application of methionine (2.5 g.l-1) and phenylalanine (100 µM) treatments better than other treatments increased the morpho-physiological and essential oil attributes. Environmental conditions such as drought play a key role in plant growth and biosynthesis of different metabolic compounds. The observed variation in shoot yield and phytochemical content of S. bachtiarica during the studied years may related to differences in photoperiod, temperature, solar radiation, precipitation and occurrence of biotic and abiotic stresses at different growing seasons. Also amino acids had very important effectiveness on content/composition of essential oil of S. bachtiarica. Generally, treats of methionine and phenylalanine can be a good strategy to improve morpho-physiological characteristics and essential oil quantity and quality of S. bachtiarica in the same climate.
Research Article
Medicinal Plants
S. Tandisseh Bana; A.R. Astaraei; A. Lakzian
IntroductionSaline soils due to lack of organic matter and poor physicochemical properties and subsequent lack of moisture, usually having poor vegetation. The use of organic fertilizers in saline soils, can improve the growth and tolerance of plants under salinity conditions by improving the physical ...
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IntroductionSaline soils due to lack of organic matter and poor physicochemical properties and subsequent lack of moisture, usually having poor vegetation. The use of organic fertilizers in saline soils, can improve the growth and tolerance of plants under salinity conditions by improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil. For this purpose, this research was carried out with two types of organic fertilizers to modify saline soil properties along with humic acid foliar application as a stimulant for the growth of the Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni.) plant. The experimental factors included the first factor: 1) control (without organic fertilizer), 2) vermi compost (20 ton.ha-1), 3) vermi compost (40 ton.ha-1), 4) Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC) (20 ton.ha-1), 5) Spent Mushroom Compost (40 ton.ha-1), and the second factor was foliar spraying of humic acid at two levels of 0 and 0.1% in a Completely Randomized Design (factorial) with three replications. Photosynthesis rate, leaf area, plant dry weight, pH, salinity, bulk density and soil organic carbon were investigated in order to determine the most effective organic matter treatment under soil salinity stress conditions. Results showed that SMC significantly decreased soil pH, bulk density, but increased electrical conductivity and soil organic carbon. Leaf area was reduced but total phenol, chlorophyll a, b, total and carotenoid were increased resulting in significant increase in the dry weight of Stevia plants in saline soil. The highest dry weight of the plant was obtained with application of 40 tons.ha-1 of SMC fertilizer and humic acid foliar, which was 45.12% more than the control (without fertilizer). Therefore, SMC fertilizer can be a suitable remediator for saline soil, humic acid spray also had a significant positive effect if used along with SMC soil application. Materials and MethodsThis experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design (factorial) in boxes (dimensions 30x40x30 cm) containing natural saline soil (EC=10.15 dS.m-1) under natural agronomic conditions at The Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with three replications from July to January, 2018. Experimental factors were included the first factor: 1) control (without organic fertilizer), 2) vermicompost 20 tons/ha, 3) vermicompost 40 ton.ha-1, 4) Spent mushroom compost 20 ton.ha-1, 5) Spent mushroom compost 40 tons per hectare and the second factor: foliar spraying of humic acid at two levels of zero and 0.1%. A soil sample was collected from Kushk region of Neyshabur city with desired salinity (ECe=10.15 dS.m-1) and some physical and chemical properties of soil and organic fertilizers were measured before the experiment. Organic fertilizers after mixing with the experimental soil, were added to the plastic boxes according to the amount of each treatment. Two seedlings were planted in each plastic box, maintaining a spacing of 20 cm. Irrigation was carried out daily using tap water. One month after the stevia plants had adapted to the climatic conditions of Mashhad, foliar application of humic acid was performed in three stages at 20-day intervals. After plant physiological maturity stage some parameters including plant dry weight, leaf area, total plant phenol, amount of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid, total plant chlorophyll, and soil organic carbon, bulk density, salinity, and soil pH, were determined after plant harvest. The dry weight of the stevia plant was obtained by weighing the plants after drying in an oven for 48 hours at 70°C. Statistical analysis of data was performed by JMP software version 0.8, drawing graphs using Excel software and comparing average data using LSD test at significance levels 1 and 5 percent. Results and DiscussionResults showed that the SMC fertilizeralone and in combination with HA foliar application significantly increased the dry weight of the stevia plant compared to the control through improving saline soil physical and chemical properties like pH, OC, soil bulk density. These improvements resulted in some improvement in photosynthetic pigments and total phenol. The highest dry weight of stevia plant was obtained with application of 40 ton/ha of SMC fertilizer and humic acid 0.1% leaf spraying. ConclusionsAccording to the results of this research, application of SMC fertilizer with and without foliar application of humic acid was able to significantly increase the dry weight of the stevia plant compared to the control (without fertilizer) through modifying the physical and chemical properties of saline soil (pH, OC, bulk density) and some phytochemical properties of the plant (Photosynthetic pigments and total phenol). Application of VC fertilizer was not successful. Even though humic acid foliar application increased the total plant phenol, it could not improve the growth of the plant in saline soil alone, but it could increase the dry weight of the plant only with application of SMC fertilizer. Thus, the highest dry weight of stevia plant was obtained with application of 40 ton/ha of SMC fertilizer and humic acid spraying.Therefore, it is suggested that in order to achieve proper performance (≥80%) and improvement in the physiological and morphological characteristics of the stevia plant in very saline soil (ECe≥10 dS.m-1), it is necessary to use 40 ton.ha-1 or more of mushroom compost waste. It should be used in saline soil three to six months before cultivation and 0.1% humic acid foliar spraying should be done three times with an interval of 20 days.
Research Article
Medicinal Plants
F. Rezvani Nia; S. Zamani; M.T. Ebadi
The increasing use of medicinal, aromatic plants and spices has increased the economic production, value and trade of these plants. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.) is a perennial rhizome plant which is considered as the most important spice in the global trade. Ginger rhizome has bioactive ...
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The increasing use of medicinal, aromatic plants and spices has increased the economic production, value and trade of these plants. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.) is a perennial rhizome plant which is considered as the most important spice in the global trade. Ginger rhizome has bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds and essential oil. Essential oil (including zingiberene, α and β-pinene, camphene etc.) is responsible for the aroma of ginger. Important phenolic compounds of ginger include Gingerol, Shogaol, Paradol, and Zingerone, which are responsible for the spicy taste of ginger. Ginger has important effects such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antilipemic, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anti-nausea, and liver protective activities, improving digestive problems, etc. In addition to medicine, ginger rhizome is widely used as a spice and flavoring in foods, drinks, etc., and is also defined as a dietary supplement by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In this study, while examining and analyzing the world market of this valuable spice, Iran's production potentials were examined to supply internal needs and enter to the export section.
Materials and Methods
In this research, the data on the production and trade of ginger was evaluated using the codes determined in the Harmonized System (HS codes 091010, 091011 and 091012). The area harvest, production amount, yield and the top producing countries were extracted from the statistics section of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The export and import trade data of ginger in Iran and the world, the top exporting and importing countries during 2010-2022 years were evaluated using the World Trade Center data.
Results and Discussion
According to the obtained assessments, the total production of ginger in the world has increased from 1.718.571 tons in 2010 with an increase of 183% to 4.874.216 tons in 2022, and India, Nigeria, China, Nepal, and Indonesia are among the main ginger producer countries in the world during these years. Also, the investigation of the global trade of ginger showed that the export of this product increased from about 655.9 million dollars in 2010 with a growth of 37% to 900.5 million dollars in 2022, and the import value also increased by 97%, from 568.7 million dollars in 2010 to 1.125 billion dollars, which indicates an increase in the global trade of this product. China, Netherlands, India, Peru, and Thailand were the top exporters while America, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, and Pakistan as the top importers of ginger. The analysis of Iran statistics showed that the total export value of ginger was 15.000 dollars in 2022, while the amount of import reached 36.6 million dollars from 1.35 million dollars in 2010, which shows an increase of 4.7 folds the import volume of this product. Iraq and Azerbaijan were the destinations of ginger exported from Iran, and the origins of ginger imported to Iran were China, United Arab Emirates, and India. In Iran, Tehran province was the only ginger-producer province in the country, which produced 23 tons of ginger with 0.3 ha of area in greenhouse conditions. Price fluctuations of ginger produced in countries such as the USA, China, Brazil and Peru and offered in the USA market in 2022 were investigated. The price of ginger varies throughout the year due to factors such as supply, demand, weather conditions and market dynamics. The highest ginger price ($9.19) was recorded for American ginger in the USA market from August 19 to September 14, and it still had a high price in the cold season. As mentioned, ginger is one of the most important spices in global trade and has a high value in global export and import. In Iran, production less than the internal demand has caused a significant increase in imports compared to exports. Therefore, according to the evaluation and success of the cultivation of similar products in the country, the existence of wide areas harvested and favorable weather conditions, especially in provinces such as Sistan & Baluchestan, and Hormozgan, it is suggested to pay attention to the cultivation of ginger to supply internal markets and achieve extensive exports. Also, according to the area under greenhouses cultivation, which is 24,000 hectares, taking into account the average production of 10 tons of ginger per hectare, if only 10% of the existing greenhouse cultivation is dedicated to ginger production, it is possible to produce 24,000 tons of fresh ginger, which will fully meet domestic needs and provide the export.
Global ginger production and trade grew significantly from 2010 to 2022, led by producers like India, Nigeria, and China, and top exporters like China, the Netherlands, and India. Iran’s ginger imports rose due to limited local production, and this underscored the potential for cultivation in regions such as Sistan & Baluchestan and Hormozgan. In addition, utilizing greenhouse capacity could meet domestic demand and boost exports, integrating Iran into the global ginger market.
Research Article
S. Fatahi Siahkamary; V. Rabiei; M. Shoor; S. Nicola
The Lycium genus of the Solanaceae family has excellent nutritional and medicinal value. Two species of Lycium barbarum L. and Lycium chinense Mill. It is often called wolfberry or goji berry. The use of amino acids for horticultural crops is common worldwide, and many chemicals used as ...
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The Lycium genus of the Solanaceae family has excellent nutritional and medicinal value. Two species of Lycium barbarum L. and Lycium chinense Mill. It is often called wolfberry or goji berry. The use of amino acids for horticultural crops is common worldwide, and many chemicals used as biostimulants are mixtures of amino acids. The effect of amino acids on plants seems to depend on the type of amino acid supplied and the type of plant. Selenium (Se) is an important component of selenoproteins and seleno-amino acids. Therefore, it has played many roles in the growth and function of living cells and important biological functions in animals and humans. Also Se is very similar in properties to sulfur and can act as S in biochemical systems. Biological fertilizers are fertile materials that contain one or more beneficial soil organisms within a suitable carrier. Overall, these fertilizers contain different types of microorganisms that can convert nutrients from unavailable form to available form through a biological process. The application of supernitroxin fertilizer by stimulating the synthesis of plant hormones increased the growth indicators of sesame varieties.
Materials and Methods
This experiment was conducted at the Research farm University of Mashhad, during 2021 and 2022 years. In early May, goji berry seedlings were planted in the field to check the effect of the L-phenylalanine (Phe), sodium selenate (Se), and nitroxine were applied before harvesting and foliar spraying on the goji berry plant during the growth stages. To conduct experiment, two-year-old seedlings of Goji berry cultivar GB1 were obtained from Mashhad Seedling Company located in Razavi Khorasan province, and after the seedlings were transferred to ground and established, initial foliar spraying was done. In order to evaluate the effect of L-phenylalanine, selenium, and nitroxine treatments, experiment were conducted as a randomized complete block design in 5 replications which factors include the amino acid L-phenylalanine (Phe: 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mM), sodium selenate (Se: 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg.L-1) and nitroxin biological fertilizer (170, 330, and 500 μl.L-1) at three levels and distilled water was applied as a control. One pot was considered for each repetition and a total of 10 pots were considered along with the control. Plants were sprayed every 15 days after establishment. After the three stages of foliar spraying, the content of phenol and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity, PAL and anthocyanin were measured.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that the treatments used in this experiment had a significant effect on the physiological and chemical characteristics of the goji berry plant. The results showed that the highest amount of titratable acidity (0.896%) was obtained in samples treated with nitroxine at a concentration of 333 microliters. The highest amount (18.56 mg.g-1) of this index was obtained in fruits treated with phenylalanine at a concentration of 1.5 mM. The highest amount of this index was obtained in the fruits treated with phenylalanine at a concentration of 1 mM, which was 61.98% higher than the amount of flavonoid recorded in goji berries under control conditions. Also, the results showed that despite the decrease in the activity of PAL enzyme during the increase of selenium concentration, the activity of this enzyme was 13.66% higher than the activity of PAL enzyme under the condition of using selenium at a concentration of 1 mg/liter. The increase in the functioning of the antioxidant system is determined by the total antioxidant, which is controlled by the content of low-molecular components and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Compounds such as ascorbic acid, glutathione, tocopherol, carotenoids, anthocyanins, endogenous metal chelators, TPC, TFC and alkaloids are low molecular weight antioxidants. Also nitroxin, supernitroplus, phosphate and mycorrhizal fertilizers. Nitroxin binds N in the atmosphere and balances the absorption of nutrient element in the plant. Nitroxin is responsible for the secretion of amino acids, antibiotics, hydrogen cyanide and siderophores, which promote the growth and development of plant roots and shoots, protect the roots from pathogens, thereby increasing yield. A sufficient supply of phenylalanine through the use of exogenous Phe or endogenous Phe provided by the shikimic acid pathway may be required to stimulate the activity of the phenylpropanoid pathway, as shown by the high PAL activity responsible for the accumulation of phenols, flavocyanins and anthocyanins. This leads to the need for ROS accumulation. Anthocyanins are groups of flavonoids found in vacuoles epidermal and mesophyll cells of plants. Anthocyanins can protect chlorophyll from light oxidation and, compared to other components, is a better indicator of plant oxidative stress caused by external factors that accumulate in plants.
The present study was conducted with the aim of studying the effect of L-phenylalanine, selenium and nitroxin biofertilizer on improving the vegetative growth, yield and secondary metabolites of gojiberry during two cropping years. To conduct the experiment, two-year-old seedlings of Goji berry variety GB1 were obtained from Mashhad Seedling Company located in Razavi Khorasan province. The results demonstrated that the application of L-phenylalanine amino acid, selenium, and nitroxin biofertilizer significantly influenced the traits studied during the experiment. Specifically, nitroxin at a concentration of 166 microliters increased the amount of soluble solids, while at a concentration of 333 microliters, it elevated titratable acidity compared to the control samples. The highest PAL enzyme activity was observed with phenylalanine at a concentration of 1.5 mM, showing a 52.17% increase compared to the PAL enzyme activity under control conditions.
Research Article
Postharvest physiology
V. Ajami; H. Nemati
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (Thunb) is known as a rich source of various vitamins (such as vitamin A) and phytochemical compounds that have high antioxidant activity. Studies show that characteristics such as taste, nutritional value, cost, and convenience in consumption have a direct ...
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Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (Thunb) is known as a rich source of various vitamins (such as vitamin A) and phytochemical compounds that have high antioxidant activity. Studies show that characteristics such as taste, nutritional value, cost, and convenience in consumption have a direct impact on consumer choice, therefore, in recent decades, the desire to consume and buy cut products has been increasing. Also, due to the large size of the watermelon, to avoid waste, this product can be offered sliced. Cutting causes damage that not only elevates respiration and ethylene production but also accelerates other biochemical reactions, leading to changes in color, taste, aroma, texture, and nutritional quality. Additionally, cutting and removing the natural protective covering of the fruit create conditions that promote an increase in microbial load. In order to increase the natural resistance of fruits and vegetables as well as maintain the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh products, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly technologies such as salicylic acid (SA). Citric acid, like salicylic acid, is considered a safe compound, and as an organic acid, it can be used as an approved food additive. Due to the positive effects of salicylic acid and citric acid on the quality properties of fresh products, no information has been found regarding the post-harvest use of these compounds on sliced watermelon. Therefore, in the present study, our aim was to investigate the effects of citric acid and salicylic acid treatments on sensory properties, quality, microbial load and color changes of cut watermelon fruit during the storage period. Our findings can provide a new strategy for maintaining the quality of sliced watermelon fruit. The microbial load and fruit tissue softening resulting from fruit cutting lead to a decline in quality due to increased fruit respiration and water loss, which are limiting factors for the post-harvest shelf life of cut watermelon fruits. In the present study, the impact of citric acid and salicylic acid on some quality indices of cut watermelon pieces during the storage period was investigated.
Materials and Methods
The harvested fruits were transported to the laboratory and their external surface was disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (200 μL.L-1) and the skin of the fruits was removed by a sharp and sterile knife. The harvested fruits were separated from their peels, and then the fruit flesh was cut into 4 cm by 4 cm pieces. The pieces were immersed in salicylic acid solutions (1 or 2 mM) and citric acid solutions (0.5 and 1 mM) for 2 minutes. Immersion in water was also introduced as a control. Subsequently, the fruits were packaged in polyethylene containers with cellophane coating and stored for 14 days at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of variance analysis, immersion of freshly cut watermelon fruits in different concentrations of citric acid and salicylic acid had a significant effect on the firmness of the fruit tissue at the 1% level. The interaction effects of measurement time and immersion in solutions were significant at the 1% probability level. The highest amount of tissue stiffness was related to the treatments of 1 mM citric acid (4.58 newtons) and 2 mM salicylic acid (4.69 newtons), and the lowest value was obtained from the control samples (3.54 newtons). The highest weight loss was related to the control samples and the lowest amount was obtained from 1 mM citric acid and 2 mM salicylic acid. During the maintenance period, the highest and lowest weight loss was obtained from the control and 2 mM salicylic acid treatments, respectively. The highest amount of soluble solids was obtained from the control treatment and the lowest amount was obtained from the 2 mM salicylic acid treatment. The highest amount of microbial load was obtained from the control samples (6.11), and the lowest amount was obtained from the 2 mM salicylic acid treatment (4.02), followed by the 1 mM salicylic acid treatment (4.17). Also, with the passage of storage time, the amount of microbial load increased significantly. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of salicylic acid and citric acid on the quality and microbial characteristics of cut watermelon. This experiment included the use of different concentrations of salicylic acid and citric acid to evaluate their effect on quality parameters and microbial load in watermelon slices. Quality characteristics, including color, firmness, sweetness and overall visual appeal, were measured using standard methods. In addition, the microbial load, including both bacterial and fungal populations, was determined to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of the applied acids. The results showed significant effects of salicylic acid and citric acid on increasing some quality traits and reducing microbial contamination in watermelon slices. This research provides valuable insights into the use of salicylic acid and citric acid as potential agents to improve the quality and safety of cut watermelon. The results indicated that salicylic acid at both concentrations (1 or 2 mM) and citric acid at 1 mM led to a significant reduction in microbial load and weight loss. Moreover, the mentioned treatments restrained the increase in soluble solids content resulting from the post-harvest handling of cut watermelon fruits, contributing to the preservation of fruit tissue strength. The results of evaluating color indices and organoleptic properties indicated that salicylic acid treatments at both concentrations (1 or 2 mM) and citric acid at 1 mM preserved the fruit quality to the best extent. In general, among the treatments used in this experiment, 2 mM salicylic acid yielded the best results in preserving the quality of cut watermelon fruits during cold storage. Subsequently, treatments with 1 mM salicylic acid and 1 mM citric acid are recommended.
The results indicated that salicylic acid at both concentrations (1 or 2 mM) and citric acid at 1 mM led to a significant reduction in microbial load and weight loss. Moreover, the mentioned treatments restrained the increase in soluble solids content resulting from the post-harvest handling of cut watermelon fruits, contributing to the preservation of fruit tissue strength. The results of evaluating color indices and organoleptic properties indicated that salicylic acid treatments at both concentrations (1 or 2 mM) and citric acid at 1 mM preserved the fruit quality to the best extent. In general, among the treatments used in this experiment, 2 mM salicylic acid yielded the best results in preserving the quality of cut watermelon fruits during cold storage. Subsequently, treatments with 1 mM salicylic acid and 1 mM citric acid are recommended.
Research Article
Medicinal Plants
S. Mohtashami; H. Gholami; A. Ghani; M. Kamalizadeh
IntroductionOptimum nutrition of plants and reducing the effect of lack of important nutrients is one of the most effective factors on the production of all plants; so, it is one of the main pillars in improving the quantitative and qualitative attributes of the product. In order to achieve optimal yield ...
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IntroductionOptimum nutrition of plants and reducing the effect of lack of important nutrients is one of the most effective factors on the production of all plants; so, it is one of the main pillars in improving the quantitative and qualitative attributes of the product. In order to achieve optimal yield with proper nutrition of the plant, each element must be provided to the plant sufficiently, and there must also be a balance between the absorbable amounts of elements in the soil. Securigera securidaca is one of the medicinal plants belonging to the Fabaceae family. There are many records about the traditional use of this plant and its seeds. Its seeds have antiparasitic, anticonvulsant, antihypertensive, antiulcer, analgesic, antioxidant, antiviral, antitumor and hypoglycemic effects have been reviewed. Considering the climatic conditions of Iran and its high potential in the production of medicinal plants and its economic justification; it is very necessary to pay attention to the nutrition of medicinal plants due to their different growth conditions with other crops and its effect on their growth and effective substances. Materials and MethodsIn this research, in order to evaluate the response of the Hatchet vetch plant (Securigera securidaca) to different levels of phosphorus and zinc foliar application, a factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two factors and three replications. The treatments include four levels of phosphorus (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg.h-1) and three levels of zinc foliar application during the flowering period (no foliar application as a control, foliar application: each two weeks once and once a week). Zinc foliar spraying was done with a concentration of 4 g per liter during before flowering to the formation of the pods (about one month), which was done twice and four times for the two-weekly and once-a-week treatments, respectively. This research was carried out in Mohammad Abad area of Jahrom city located in Fars province. The most important indicators of growth and yield were measured including: shoot number, length of main stem, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, pod length and seed yield. Also, the most important biochemical characteristics of seed extract (flavon and flavonol, total flavonoid, total phenolic compounds, tannin content and antioxidant activity), oil percentage and seed oil yield were also measured. Results and DiscussionBased on the results obtained from the variance analysis of the data, the effect of phosphorus and zinc on all measured traits was significant except for the number of seeds in pods and pod length. The results showed that the application of phosphorus alone was more effective than the combined application of phosphorus and zinc in increasing the number of stems, main stem length, seed yield, oil yield, the amount of flavonoids and antioxidant activity of Hatchet vetch plant seeds. The application of 50 kg of phosphorus increased the number of stems, the length of the main stem, the number of pods per plant, the yield of seeds, amount of phenolic compounds and oil yield of seed. While the use of 100 kg of phosphorus without the use of zinc was more effective in increasing the amount of flavonoid and antioxidant activity. However, the application of zinc was effective in increasing phenolic compounds, tannin content, oil percentage and seed yield. The interaction effect of the treatments showed that the highest seed yield (61.03 g.m-2) was related to 50 kg of phosphorus without zinc foliar spraying, while the lowest amount (32.01 g) was observed in 50 kg of phosphorus and zinc solution once a week treatment. The highest amount of total flavonoid (3.58 mg.g-1 dry weight) was found in the treatment of 100 kg of phosphorus without the application of zinc. While the lowest amount (1.11 and 1.24 mg) was observed in treatments without phosphorus (spraying zinc solution once every two weeks and once a week), respectively. In the treatments of 100 and 150 kg of phosphorus, increasing the frequency of zinc foliar spraying has reduced the amount of phenolic compounds in the seeds of this plant. Although this decrease is not significant statistically. Also, in the control, 50 and 150 kg of phosphorus treatments, increasing the frequency of zinc foliar spraying had no effect on the change of its antioxidant activity, while in the treatment of 100 kg of phosphorus fertilizer, increasing the frequency of zinc foliar spraying decreased the antioxidant activity of the seed extract of this plant. ConclusionsIn general, according to the conditions in this research, despite the differences that were seen in the measured traits in response to the amounts of phosphorus and zinc, the concentration of 50 kg of phosphorus and foliar spraying of zinc once every two weeks, in most of the traits were satisfactory compared to other treatments.
Research Article
S. Karami; S. Faraji
Mineral nutrients (macro and micro) and polyphenolic compounds are natural components of many fruits and play an important role in maintaining the quality and nutritional value of the fruit. Therefore, optimal management of plant nutrition in order to increase the quantity and quality of ...
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Mineral nutrients (macro and micro) and polyphenolic compounds are natural components of many fruits and play an important role in maintaining the quality and nutritional value of the fruit. Therefore, optimal management of plant nutrition in order to increase the quantity and quality of the product and improve the synthesis of secondary metabolites, especially during fruit growth, is necessary and unavoidable. Nevertheless, in the last decade, the occurrence of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) aril paleness has been reported as a new and pervasive factor in reducing the quality of pomegranate fruit in many countries, including Iran. The present research was conducted with the aim of comparing the mineral concentrations (iron, zinc, and calcium) and biochemical characteristics (anthocyanin content) in pomegranates affected by aril paleness and healthy pomegranates of the ‘Malase Saveh’cultivar (2022). Additionally, the study aimed to investigate the effect of foliar application of the mentioned mineral elements on the incidence and severity of the aril paleness condition (2023).
Materials and Methods
This study was carried out during two years (2022 and 2023) and two independent trials. First, based on the introduced factors affecting the occurrence of pomegranate paleness (temperature, irrigation water and soil salinity), two orchards with medium and high percentage of pomegranate aril paleness (orchard number 9 and 17, respectively) were selected based on the results of Faraji & Karami (2024a). The first trial in 2022 (orchard No. 9): At harvest and after splitting fruits, twenty healthy fruits and affected fruits by the aril paleness disorder were randomly selected and were used for determination of mineral nutrient (Fe, Zn and Ca) and anthocyanin content in the laboratory. The second trial in 2023 (orchard No. 17): In the first phase, 70 trees were selected and labeled, then at the end of September (2022), percent and severity aril paleness of each tree was calculated. In the second phase (2023), based on the results of the first year, 54 trees as experimental unit (with aril paleness percentage>85 and paleness severity of high/very high) were selected from previous trees. Afterwards, a factorial experiment (3×3×2) based on a randomized complete block design with three replications and two stages (the beginning of fruit set and the beginning of fruit ripening) were implemented. Experimental treatments included foliar spraying with three concentrations of iron sulfate (0, 2 and 4 per thousand respectively F0, F2 and F4), three concentrations of zinc sulfate (0, 3 and 6 per thousand respectively Zn0, Zn3 and Zn6) and two concentrations of calcium chloride (0 and 4 per thousand respectively Ca0 and Ca4). Then at harvest, the percentage and severity of aril paleness each treatment was calculated.
Results and Discussion
Data analysis using the independent t-test (α=0.05, df=38) for the first trial (2022) showed that, the nutritional value of the affected fruit by aril paleness is anticipated to be far less than that of the healthy fruit; so that except for the Zn concentration, the concentration of Fe, Ca and anthocyanin content in affected fruits were lower than in healthy fruits. The results of the variance analysis for the second trial (2023) indicated that foliar spraying with iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, and calcium chloride, either individually or in combination, was effective in reducing the occurrence and severity of aril paleness. A comparison of the mean percentage of aril paleness between the two groups (before and after foliar spraying, regardless of the treatment combination) using a dependent t-test (α=0.05, df=16) also showed that foliar spraying was effective in reducing the percentage of aril paleness. Furthermore, the involvement of calcium in reducing the incidence and severity of aril paleness was found to be significant. In the absence of calcium element, the incidence of paleness was recorded in the range of 60.17-75.00%, and with the inclusion of calcium in the treatment compounds, the percentage of paleness was recorded in the range of 21.83-0.53%. Also, the mean comparison of the double interaction and main effects of elements indicated the synergistic effect of calcium element with Fe and Zn element in reducing the aril paleness disorder. So that, the combination of Fe-Ca and Zn-Ca has been more successful in reducing the aril paleness disorder than the pure application of each element of iron, zinc and calcium.
Overall, the simultaneous application of Zn-Fe in combination with Ca was more effective in reducing of the mentioned traits than other treatments. Therefore, in order to simultaneously reduce the occurrence and severity of aril paleness, spraying with Fe4Zn6Ca4 and Fe4Zn3Ca4 is recommended in two stages of pomegranate fruit development, including the beginning of fruit set and the beginning of fruit ripening.
Research Article
Ornamental plants
rasoul abaszadeh faruji; abdollah hatam zadeh; Ahmad Sharifi; Mahdiyeh Kharrazi
Light is recognized as a vital factor for plant growth and development. Plants convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, which is then used for growth and development. Quality, intensity, and photoperiod are among the factors that directly affect plant growth and ...
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Light is recognized as a vital factor for plant growth and development. Plants convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, which is then used for growth and development. Quality, intensity, and photoperiod are among the factors that directly affect plant growth and development processes. In recent years, Light-Emitting Diode (LED) technology has gained significant popularity in agriculture due to its numerous advantages over traditional light sources. These advantages include the ability to produce various light spectra, low energy consumption, long lifespan, and reduced heat emission. These characteristics have made LEDs an ideal light source for cultivating plants in controlled environments such as greenhouses and growth chambers. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different LED light qualities on the morphological, physiological, and germination traits of marigold (Tagetes erecta) seeds. Given the importance of light in plant growth and the benefits of LED technology, this study can provide valuable insights for improving crop cultivation and production.
Materials and Methods
This experiment was conducted in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Horticultural Plants in the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research of Khorasan Razavi. F1 hybrid seeds were used in this study. The experimental treatments consisted of five light qualities: white light (100%), blue light (100%), red light (100%), 30% blue light + 70% red light, and 70% blue light + 30% red light. All treatments were subjected to a 16-hour light and 8-hour dark photoperiod using LED grow lights. The photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was maintained at a constant 100 μmol.m⁻².s⁻¹ for all light treatments. Seed germination parameters (seed germination percentage, mean germination time, germination rate, radicle length, plumule length, lateral roots number, plumule fresh weight, radicle fresh weight, plumule dry weight and radicle dry) were initially measured in Petri dishes under the growth panels. Subsequently, seeds were sown and grown under the growth panels, and physiological and morphological parameters including plant height, first internode length, stem diameter, node number, leaf area, leaf length, leaf number, lateral shoot number, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, shoot fresh/dry weight ratio, root fresh weight, root dry weight, root fresh/dry weight ratio, dry matter, root length, electrolyte leakage, relative leaf water content and chlorophyll content were measured every 15 days for a total of four measurements.
Results and Discussion
Seed germination indices showed that the lowest mean germination time, highest germination rate, longest radicle length, hypocotyl length, number of lateral roots, and fresh weight of radicles were observed under 100% red light treatment, followed by the 70% red + 30% blue light treatment. The application of 100% red light improved germination rate, radicle length, hypocotyl length, number of lateral roots, and fresh weight of radicles by approximately 14%, 29%, 48%, 100%, and 67%, respectively, compared to the control. Plants grown under 100% red light exhibited the greatest plant height at both the beginning and end of the growth period. At the end of the growth stage (75 days after sowing), plants under 100% red light showed increases of approximately 37%, 6%, 33%, and 31% in stem diameter, length of the largest compound leaf, number of leaves, and number of branches, respectively, compared to the white light treatment at the same growth stage. Additionally, the fresh and dry weights of plants increased by approximately 56% and 9%, respectively, compared to the control at the same growth stage. A study of the fresh and dry weights of roots showed that the application of 100% red light increased these two indices by nearly 3 times compared to the control. The lowest fresh and dry root weights were observed under 100% blue light treatment, followed by the 30% red + 70% blue light treatment. Furthermore, plants grown under 100% red light exhibited higher relative water content and lower electrolyte leakage in leaves compared to plants grown under other light treatments.
The research findings indicated that the application of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with various light qualities enhanced the growth conditions of Tagetes erecta Antigua orange. Comparisons among the light treatments showed that application of 100% red light resulted in increased germination percentage and rate in marigold seeds. Furthermore, the application of red light under controlled conditions led to an increase in plant growth indices compared to other experimental treatments. Therefore, application of red light at different growth stages of maigold under controlled conditions is recommended.