Research Article
Atefeh Bakherad; Majid Azizi
Introduction: the capacity to sense and respond to light is widespread in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. In nature, light is one of most crucial environmental signals for developmental and physiological processes in various organisms, including filamentous fungi. The ability to sense light is crucial ...
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Introduction: the capacity to sense and respond to light is widespread in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. In nature, light is one of most crucial environmental signals for developmental and physiological processes in various organisms, including filamentous fungi. The ability to sense light is crucial for many organisms determining timing and modality of development and orienting primary and secondary metabolic processes. Due to the increased number of sequenced fungal genomes, numerous genes encoding proteins involved in light sensing and downstream gene regulation have been identified. This expedited understanding the mechanisms by which the fungus activates physiological and morphological reactions in response to light. One of the One of these fungi is the Monascus purpureus. the genus Monascus was classified in the family Monascaceae, but based on recent genome sequencing, it seems that the genus is more closely associated with the genus Aspergillus, and thus should be reclassified in the Aspergillaceae family. The fungus Monascus is the most famous for production of pigments and monacolins; however, it can also form other metabolites – citrinin, dimerumic acid, and GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid). Formation of particular metabolites depends on the strain and cultivation conditions. Monascus pigments (MPs) as natural food colorants have been widely utilized in food industries in the world, especially in China and Japan. Moreover, MPs possess a range of biological activities, such as anti-mutagenic and anticancer properties, antimicrobial activities, potential anti-obesity activities, and so on. So, in the past two decades, more and more attention has been paid to MPs. In this study, the effect of different LED light spectra on growth and secondary metabolites of Monascus purpureus is studied.Material and methods: In this study, in order to investigate the effect of light quality on growth rate, biomass and pigment production in Monascus purpureus, this fungus was cultivated under dark conditions and three light, white, red and blue LEDs and harvested in three times (seventh, tenth and fourteenth days) To measure the amount of pigment in the liquid medium. To measure the radial growth rate and biomass weight, a solid medium was used. Also, the absorbance of the samples was measured in 410, 470, and 510 nm wavelengths for yellow, orange and red pigments,respectively, using a spectrophotometric device.Results: The results of this study shows that there is a significant correlation between pigment and optical spectra, so that the highest amount of pigment (yellow, orange, red) was obtained in terms of darkness, with values of 0.344, 0.291, 0.249, respectively. There was no significant difference between harvest time and pigment content except for red color on day 10 in dark conditions, with a value of 0.249. The smallest amount of pigment is also related to the red pigment produced on the 14th day in the blue light spectrum with an absorption of 0.009. Also, the highest radial growth rate was observed in the dark condition with a mean growth of 5.12 mm / day and the lowest radial growth was related to the cultivation of monascus under the blue light spectrum with an average growth of 2.61 mm / day. However, there was no significant difference between biomass and light in solid media. The highest amount of biomass in the liquid medium was 0.126 g in 40 ml of culture medium with monascus culture in dark conditions on day 14 and the lowest amount of biomass was also obtained with 0.068 g in 40 ml of culture medium in white light on the seventh day.Concolusion: The results showed that, in addition to factors such as carbon source, nitrogen source, PH, temperature, minerals, partial pressure of oxygen, other microorganisms, light is also an important environmental factor for development and physiological processes in Monascus purpureus. According to this study, the growth of this fungus in the dark causes increased cell growth, the amount of biomass and pigment, these results indicate that the lack of light stimulates the growth and production of secondary metabolites in this fungus. Although there was no significant difference between pigment value and harvest time, except for the red pigment, but due to the slight difference in pigmentation on the 10th day of cultivation in dark conditions, it can be deduced that the best conditions for producing the highest amount of pigment, cultivation of Monascus fungus under conditions The darkness and harvest of this mushroom is on the tenth day of cultivation. Also, among pigments produced by this fungus, the amount of yellow pigment production in different light conditions is higher than other pigments. Chen, M. H. & Johns, M. R. (1993) shows that the solid-state yielded greater amount of pigment9,8 compared to submerged fermentation. This phenomenon had been attributed to the pigment because of low solubility in the fermentation medium and pigment accumulation within the mycelium in submerged culture10. In contrast, in solid-state fermentation, the Monascus sp penetrated into solid substrate and pigment released onto the surface. Solid state not only issued nutrient, but also acted as anchorage for cells, this may have bestowed to the celebrated eminent productivity. Solid state environment is similar to environment of fungi which was normally excited. Therefore, it is suggested that in subsequent studies, to achieve maximum pigment, a solid culture medium should be used.
Research Article
Ghasem Esmaeili; Majid Azizi; Hossein Arouiee; Jamil Vaezi
Introduction: The genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) is one of the most interesting plant genera with a variety of annual, biennial, perennial and shrub forms. According to recent reports, there are 61 species of Salvia genus in Iran, among which 18 species are endemic. The use of Salvia species dates back ...
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Introduction: The genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) is one of the most interesting plant genera with a variety of annual, biennial, perennial and shrub forms. According to recent reports, there are 61 species of Salvia genus in Iran, among which 18 species are endemic. The use of Salvia species dates back to ancient times, and they are now being used for different purposes such as antimicrobial, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, carminative, digestive, Alzheimer’s disease, antispasmodic as well as for traditional medicines and food industries. Compared to crop plants, the breeding programs of medicinal plants are still in nascent stages due to high biological and biochemical variations. Since breeding programs, especially in medicinal plants, are expensive, suitable mating can help reduce the costs of breeding programs. Understanding the flowering biology, reproductive systems and pollination mechanism is essential to management and protection of ecosystems and mating programs. Despite the high diversity of Salvia genus in Iran, there is a paucity of studies on reproductive biology.Materials and methods: seeds of seven Salvia species including S. virgata (with four accessions), S. frigida, S. nemorosa, S. atropatana, S. macrosiphon, S. sclarea, and S. syriaca were collected from different geographical regions. The seeds were treated by various methods such as washing, cold treatment (stratification), scarification (sand and sulfuric acid), Gibberellic acid (GA3) and KNO3 to enhance germination. The seedlings were produced at the greenhouse and after growing as high as 15 cm or reaching the10-leaf stage, the seedlings were transferred to the farm. Plants phenology and flowering duration were recorded in the second year. Furthermore, some flower characteristics and pollinator were monitored. The Various pollination treatments were designed to investigate the breeding system of Salvia species including open pollination, spontaneous autogamy, geitonogamy, xenogamy, apomixis, and control. The self-incompatibility index (ISI) was calculated for each species in different pollination treatment.Results and discussion: The germination study exhibited that washing seeds for 24 h and applying 250 ppm GA3 exerted the highest effect on seed germination. The seedlings in early growth stages required medium to high porosity (high permeability to water and air) like natural habitat, but they were sensitive to dry and high EC at these stages. The phenology studies were shown Salvia virgata (all accessions) and S. nemorosa flowered three months after cultivation and other species flowered in the second year. The results showed that all species had long flowering periods ranging from 15 (S. atropatana) to 41 days (S. virgata). Increased flowering period led to the enhancement of flower over-lapping and the sharing of the pollen among different plants or species. Two species including S. atropatana and S. syriaca had heterostyly flowers (long-styled morph). The staminal-lever-mechanism was observed in all species. The results of manual pollination indicated that open pollination provided the best treatment with the highest average of seed set (73.63%) in all species. Salvia virgata (A1) with a seed set of 90.3% was the best species, and S. syriaca with a seed set of 51.5% demonstrated the poorest performance in open pollination system. The seed set in the xenogamy treatment of different species and accessions was in the range of 10.2 (S. syriaca) to 32.5% (S. frigida). It was observed that seed set among different species in geitonogamy and spontaneous autogamy varied widely from 2.60 - 17.30% and 2.98 - 12.18%, respectively. In treatments with a wide variety of pollen sources, the fruit set was higher, indicating that the pollen limitation triggered low seed set.Conclusion: Salvia species in the present study have a high potential for cultivation as medicinal and ornamental due to suitable adaptability and long flowering period. Salvia species were relatively self-incompatible that intention to the out-crossing and breeders can use in breeding programs as a valuable characteristic. The self-incompatible and specific structure in flower and pollination are the reasons for the diversity of this taxa.
Research Article
IntroductionMedicinal plant are very importnat in health care for today societies and the need for it is increasing. Greenhouse production of transplants face different limitations including light. LED lights are introduced for solving the problem. An LED lamp or LED light bulb is ...
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IntroductionMedicinal plant are very importnat in health care for today societies and the need for it is increasing. Greenhouse production of transplants face different limitations including light. LED lights are introduced for solving the problem. An LED lamp or LED light bulb is an electric light for use in light fixtures that produces light using one or more light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LED lamps have a lifespan many times longer than equivalent incandescent lamps, and are significantly more efficient than most fluorescent lamps. Experiments revealed surprising performance and production of vegetables and ornamental plants under LED light sources. Many plant species have been assessed in greenhouse trials to make sure that the quality of biomass and biochemical ingredients of such plants is at least comparable with those grown in field conditions. Plant performance of mint, basil, lentil, lettuce, cabbage, parsley and carrot was measured by assessing both the health and vigor of the plants and the success of the LEDs in promoting growth. Also noticed was profuse flowering of select ornamentals including primula, marigold and stock.Materials and Methods In order to investigate the effect of supplementary LED light on the growth parameters and the amount of active ingredient in Hypericum perforatum L. “Topaz” cultivar, a research was conducted in two independent experiments. The research was set up in a completely randomized design with three replications. The first experiment experienced the extended of day length with 4 hours at the end of the day (started from sunrise to sunset). LED treatments were started at 10 cm height of the transplants. The second experiment examined the light types. In this order the considered treatments consisted of four levels of red light (L1), blue light (L2), combination of 67% red light and 33% blue light (L3), white (L4), 100% natural light(L5), with an intensity equal to (200 fc). Measurement of traits in the first experiment was carried out at flowering stage. Aerial part fresh and dry weights, number of black nodes, days to flowering, leaf area, total chlorophyll, antioxidant activity, total phenol, plant height and hypericine percentage were determined within both experiments.Results and Discussion The results showed that the simple effect of supplementary combination red and blue light (started from sunrise to sunset) on growth, morphological, physiological and biochemical traits was significant at 1% probability level. The highest plant dry weight was detected in L3 in the first and second harvests respectively (8.63 g, 66.29 g). Also, the highest percentage of Hypericine in the first harvest was obtained for L3 (0.17%). Measurement of the traits in the second experiment was carried out at the seedling stage. Results showed that the simple effect of supplementary combination light (sun exposure and day length increased for 4 hours) had a significant effect (p≤0.01) on growth rate, physiological, morphological and biochemical properties. So that the lowest number of days to flowering (early flowering) was obtained from L3 treatment (101 day), and the highest percentage of Hypericin was related to L3 treatment (0.156%). Black node numbers and total phenol content were increased by 27 and 53 % with supplementary light treatments respectively. Antioxidant activity was also raised and enhanced from 33 % to 75 % with LED light application. Plant height and total chlorophyll content were enhanced from 13 to 23 cm and 12 to 22 mg/g FW as well. Regarding studied traits and the obtained results of the both experiments, the positive effect of applying LED light, red and blue on the growth and biochemical properties, especially the Hypericine percentage and yield of St. John’s wort is quite evident.Different reactions were observed in response to supplementary light treatments for St. John’s wort. Most of the enhancements observed were mainly due to optimized photosynthesis activities and more metabolic production processes.Conclusions Regarding studied traits and the obtained results of the both experiments, the positive effect of applying LED light, red and blue on the growth and biochemical properties, especially the Hypericine percentage and yield of St. John’s wort is quite evident. It seems that a combination of red and blue light could be suggested for solving the light limitations and increasing the medicinal plant production for future.Keywords: Supplementry light, light quality, Hypericum perforatum, Hypericine
Research Article
mahdieh kheirabadi; Majid Azizi
Introduction: The allelopathic potential of saffron in three experiments were investigated.Materials and Methods: In this study, we examined the aqueous and aqueous methanol extract of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), 9-year-saffron cultivated soils and non-saffron cultivated soils. Activated carbon and ...
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Introduction: The allelopathic potential of saffron in three experiments were investigated.Materials and Methods: In this study, we examined the aqueous and aqueous methanol extract of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), 9-year-saffron cultivated soils and non-saffron cultivated soils. Activated carbon and Zeolite were used to ameliorate allelopathy activity.lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was used as a test plant and the percentage of germination, hypocotyl length, radicle length and their ratio was evaluated This study was carried out in a completely randomized design with four replications in the Laboratory of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2018- 2019.Results and Discussion: The results of this study showed that the allelopathic effect of aqueous and methanol extract of the saffron corm was more effective on germination and seedlings growth of lettuce than 9-year-saffron cultivated soils. The use of activated carbon and zeolite adsorbents was effective in improving and mitigating the allelopathy activity and increased the growth of lettuce seedlings.Conclusions: the results of this study indicated that it is possible to inhibit allelopathic activity in saffron fields and this study should be repeated in field conditions in order to recommend a practical solution for this purpose.
Research Article
Majid Azizi; Somayye Beigi; Zeynab safaei; Meysam Mansouri
IntroductionMedicinal plants are economical important plants that are used in traditional medicine and industry as raw or processed materials. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) is one of the important medicinal plants which belong to Valerianaceae family. The valerian rhizome and roots have been considered ...
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IntroductionMedicinal plants are economical important plants that are used in traditional medicine and industry as raw or processed materials. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) is one of the important medicinal plants which belong to Valerianaceae family. The valerian rhizome and roots have been considered as a valuable medicinal plant that essential oil content (between 0.1 to 2 percent) varied according to climatic conditions of production location. Valerian needs a lot of water during the growth period and enough moisture around the roots and rhizome increase root yield. Iran is located in arid and semi-arid region. If the least water requirement of plant does not provide, plant face to drought stress and irreparable damage is imported to the product. Nowadays, the use of superabsorbent polymers is one of the ways to increase irrigation efficiency. They are made of hydrocarbons, can store high water or aqueous solutions in root zone of plants and to reduce negative effects of drought stress. So, improvement of plant growth, increasing of irrigation intervals, reducing water loss and costs of irrigation are due to application of superabsorbent polymers. Generally, water efficiency, dry matter production and root development, are positive reactions to the use of superabsorbent. In this regard, Stockosorb® copolymer is potassium-based nutrients that have a high ability to absorb water and nutrients and high strength polymer maintained the water has been proven. The aims of this investigation were to study the effects of Stockosorb® hydrophilic polymers, on some morphological (root dry weight and yield, leaf area), biochemical (chlorophyll a, b), physiological (electrolyte leakage, leaf relative water content) characteristics and essential oil content and yield of valerian under drought stress.Materials and MethodsThis research was conducted in field (1×1 m2) at Department of Horticultural Science‚ College of Agriculture‚ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The research was set out in a factorial experiment on the basis of completely randomized block design. The Stockosorb® hydrophilic polymer at four concentrations (0, 100, 200, 300 gr/m2) and two irrigation period (6 and 10 day) with three replications were set as treatments and leaf area, root dry weight and yield, chlorophyll a, b, electrolyte leakage, leaf relative water content and essential oil content and yield were evaluated at the end of the growth period. The seeds of Valeriana officinalis were sown in protected open field for seedling production and the seedling were transplanted to the field at four-leaf stage (12 plant per plot). Stockosorb® mixed with soil, after weighing the polymers based on determined concentration. After seedling establishment, all plots were irrigated with a determined amount and equal of water.Results and DiscussionThe results showed, using Stockosorb® superabsorbent polymer be useful for water supply the plant in water stress condition. Application of this substance on some morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics and valerian essential oil, was significant at 1% and superior to the control. According to the results obtained, Stockosorb® 300gr/m2 with irrigation period 6 day interval, increased leaf area, root dry yield, leaf relative water content, chlorophyll a and essential oil yield. While, the highest valerian root dry weight and essential oil content were obtained with application of Stockosorb® 200gr/m2 and irrigation period of 6 days interval. The highest electrolyte leakage was related to control and irrigation period 10 days interval and the maximum chlorophyll b was belonged to Stockosorb® 100 gr/m2 with irrigation period 10 days interval.ConclusionSince final goal in cultivation of valerian as other essential oil bearing plants is providing the best conditions for increasing the yield and quantity of essential oil at the same time, according to the results of this study superabsorbent polymer in higher concentrations and less irrigation period, controlled the drought stress and improved all measured characteristics. The highest root dry weight under drought stress was related to more accessible and preservatives water in the root zone and it found by using the middle concentrations (200 gr/m2) super absorbent polymer and irrigation period shorter (6 day). Using of mentioned treatments, according to the middle water stress, leads to increased valerian essential oil. The best root dry yield and essential oil yield, with sufficient amounts of water and better growth conditions were achieved by application of 300 gr/m2 Stockosorb® and irrigation period 6 days interval. In general, superabsorbent polymer was able to increase irrigation period and this was evident in qualitative and quantitative results related to the valerian in the treatment of 300 gr/m2 with irrigation period 10 day and 100 gr/m2 of polymer 6 day irrigation period.
Research Article
Monireh Abdollahpoor; Majid Azizi; Siamak Kalantari; Yusef Ali Saadat
Introduction Hypericum perforatum L. is an important medicinal plant that used for depression treatment. In vitro regeneration has been successfully achieved for many Hypericum species from a range of explants sources with different growth regulators. Recent studies have demonstrated that in vitro culture ...
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Introduction Hypericum perforatum L. is an important medicinal plant that used for depression treatment. In vitro regeneration has been successfully achieved for many Hypericum species from a range of explants sources with different growth regulators. Recent studies have demonstrated that in vitro culture is an option for multiplication of different Hypericum species. With consideration this notice that tissue culture can provide an affordable alternative method for propagation with high speed to production of intensive plant material as well as suitable materials for breeding programs of H. perforatum, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of explant types (leaf and stem), plant growth regulators (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Benzyl Adenine (BA) and Kinetin (Kin)), light (dark and weak light), media culture (MS medium and MS medium with B5 vitamins) and poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) on callus induction in H. perforatum at in vitro culture condition. Materials and Methods For preparation of sterile plantlets, the seeds of Iranian H. perforatum (Azadshahr population) were cultured in 1.2 MS growth regulator free-media. For investigation the callus induction of Iranian H. perforatum the leaf and stem explants of in vitro obtained plantlets were used. Explants were cultured in different concentrations of 2,4-D (0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg l-1) with two kinds of cytokines BA and Kin (0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg l-1) as well as 1 mg l-1 NAA. For browning control of calli the effects of light (dark and weak light), media culture (MS medium and MS medium with B5 vitamins) and four concentrations of poly vinyl pyrrolidone (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg l-1) were also surveyed. Results and Discussion Callus cultures could be used for cell suspension initiation, studying of their morphogenetic potential and screening of secondary metabolite profile. In present study the response of two H. perforatum explants (leaf and stem) to different levels and combinations of auxins and cytokinins were tested. The callus induction in both studied explants (leaf and stem) was just observed in supplemented media with plant growth regulators. The calli of leaf explants were showed better growth in dark and the highest callus fresh weight was obtained in 0.25 mg l-1 2,4-D + 1 mg l-1 Kin and 0.5 mg l-1 2.4-D + 1 mg l-1 BA. Of the various concentrations and combination of growth regulators, the minimum response about callus induction was observed in the presence of 1 mg l-1 2, 4-D in combination with 1 mg l-1 NAA. The obtained calli got browning shortly after induction. The investigation of light effect on callus quantity and quality showed that not only light did not affect the callus induction and callus browning but also reduced the callus growth. The highest callus fresh weight was obtained in 100 mg l-1 poly vinyl pyrrolidone in leaf explant. Few species within the genus Hypericum have been used to produce callus. In H. perforatum seedling, different explants such as shoot apical meristem, stem segments and leaves were used for callus induction. In H. erectum callus induction was obtained by culturing seedlings in the presence of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and BA under darkness. The combination of cytokinins and auxins did not support callus growth of H. brasiliense and callus of nodal explants was only obtained in the presence of 2,4-D or NAA using either MS or B5 medium. These differences among literatures can be due to different cultivars, culture conditions, explant type and medium composition.Conclusion The plant growth regulators is necessary for callus induction in Iranian H. perforatum and leaf is suitable for this purpose. The light intensity and poly vinyl pyrrolidone did not control the browning of of H. perforatum calli.
Research Article
Mahroo Sadat Motaghayer; Majid Azizi; Ali Tehranifar
Introduction: Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus, Asteraceae) commonly known as Transvaal Daisy, is one of the ten most popular and important commercial cut flowers. Gerbera is a perennial, tropical, herbaceous plant with colorful and attractive flowers that are widely used as a decorative garden plant ...
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Introduction: Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus, Asteraceae) commonly known as Transvaal Daisy, is one of the ten most popular and important commercial cut flowers. Gerbera is a perennial, tropical, herbaceous plant with colorful and attractive flowers that are widely used as a decorative garden plant or cut flowers. The most important problem of the gerbera cut flowers is short vase life. The end of vase life of cut gerbera flowers is often due to bending of the scape. The aim of this study was to screen the effects of nanosilver and salicylic acid as pulse treatment and sucrose and thyme, clove and peppermint essential oils as permanent treatment on vase life and some physiological and biochemical traits of gerbera ‘Rosalin’ cut flowers.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted as a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was pulse treatments using nanosilver (NS) 5 and 10 mg/L (Nanocid Company, Iran), salicylic acid (SA) 50 and 100 mg/L (Merck Company) and distilled water as control, and the second factor was permanent treatments applying distilled water, sucrose 4% (Merck Company), peppermint (100 mg/L), thyme (100 mg/L) and clove (300 mg/L) essential oils (EO) (Zardband Company, Iran). Pulse treatments were applied for 24 h. Treated stems were then stood into vases containing permanent treatments. Vase solutions were freshly prepared at the beginning of the experiment and not renewed during of the study. The measured traits were: flower vase life, flower water content (WC), relative fresh weight (RFW), water loss (WL), water uptake (WU), total soluble solid (TSS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) amount (Biovision Colorimetric Assay Kit, USA). The experiment was conducted in the laboratory at 20-22°C, 40-50% RH, and 15 µmol/m2s light intensity (cool white florescent tubes) under a daily light period of 12 hours. The obtained data were analyzed using MSTAT-C program and mean comparison was done using LSD range test.Results and Discussion: The results showed that NS 10 mg/L with thyme EO 100 mg/L (14.25 days) and NS 10 mg/L followed by peppermint EO 100 mg/L (14 days) had the best effect on longevity and maintaining the water content of gerbera cv. ‘Rosalin’ cut flower, compare to other treatments. Flower WC was high (about 90%) except in 4% sucrose permanent treatment flowers which had negative effect and decreased more rapidly during the vase life period. Despite of antimicrobial preservative application, RFW, WU, WL and TSS generally had a decreasing trend during the experiment. However, it was observed that flowers treated by NS 10 mg/L (0.86 g/g) and thyme (0.77 g/g) and peppermint (0.72 g/g) EOs had the most RFW on the eighth day of experiment, but 4% sucrose (0.59 g/g) permanent treatment reduced RFW during cut flower vase life. The highest WU was respectively observed in SA 100 mg/L (67.28 g), NS 5 (61.31 g) and 10 mg/L (60.35 g) on the second day. According to the results of this research, pulsing by NS 5 and 10 mg/L and SA 100 mg/L resulted in the the most WL on day two (64.24, 57.85 and 64.95 g respectively). TSS of the cut flowers decreased with time, however reduction rates were delayed in SA and NS treated flowers. On the eighth day of experiment, long-term treatment showed the most effect on TSS amount. Flowers treated by NS 10 mg/L followed by 4% sucrose and peppermint EO treatment had the highest TSS amount, respectively 3.50 and 3.17 Bx. As the time passed, the activities of SOD enzyme increased, however, treated flowers showed significantly higher SOD activity compared to the control. Especially NS 10 mg/L pulse treatment, followed by thyme and peppermint EOs, indicated by the highest amounts (241.43% and 233.94%) of SOD activity on seveth day of the experiment. During the experiment, MDA increased in the flowers, so that the highest amount of MDA was detected in control (67.30%) on the seventh day and the lowest was produced in NS 10 mg/L treated flowers followed by thyme (14.88%) and peppermint (19.44%) EOs. Due to the fact that these treatments had the best effects on flower vase life, these results are logical.Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, new antimicrobial agents such as NS, thyme and peppermint EOs had a positive effect on flower vase life, WC, RFW and WU and reduced the rate of WL and TSS reduction in flowers. It might be due to this fact that these are very effective antimicrobial agents, inhibited the microbial growth and prevented bacterial plugging in conducting tissues. NS particles enter to cell, tissue and organs, so they can inhibit the respiration and electron transfer system and material transfer in microbial cell membrane. The application of natural phenolic compound like EOs reduced the accumulation of MDA and enhanced SOD enzyme activity. Therefore, due to the undesirable results of chemical preservative on human and environmental health, EOs can be very good substitutes for preserving cut flowers postharvest life.
Research Article
Negin Afsharzadeh; Majid Azizi; Leila Samiei
Introduction Hypericum perforatum is a perennial plant that has been used in traditional medicine. H. perforatum have several types of medicinal compounds including antiviral compounds, antioxidants, flavonoides and also has valuable compounds such as Hypericin, Hyperforin, Pseudo-hypericin and xanthones ...
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Introduction Hypericum perforatum is a perennial plant that has been used in traditional medicine. H. perforatum have several types of medicinal compounds including antiviral compounds, antioxidants, flavonoides and also has valuable compounds such as Hypericin, Hyperforin, Pseudo-hypericin and xanthones that have effect on human physiology. Aerial parts of H. perforatum are dotted with dark glands that appear as black or red nodules. Black glands were known as localization of secondary metabolites. as a consequence of the commercial potential of this species attempts have been at plant improvement by application of in vitro culture methods. Among seedling explants of H. perforatum, it appears that roots are superior for shoot regeneration. It is generally accepted that explants source is an important factor r successful establishment of tissue culture in many cases. Production of secondary metabolites via plant cell and tissue culture yields various advantage es, including standardization and quality. These criteria are also valid for the main economically important chemical in st. John’s wort, namely hypericin, pseudo hypericin and hyperforin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectof some tissue cultures on plant Callogenesis, regeneration and also, study the effect of cytokinin and auxin on rooting rate and shoot multiplication. Materials and Methods: This research included two experiments; first experiment plan was a completely randomized in the form of a factorial. Second experiment plan was completely ranom.first part of experiment : this part were conducted with two explants, leaf and shoot ,maintained in light and dark condition. Shoot explants were derived from sterile seedlings that was obtained from seeds were cultured on MS medium. Seeds were decontaminated by NaClO 20% (V/V) for 20 min and were washed with sterile deionized water. Leaf explants were derived from seedlings in the in vivo condition and decontaminated by NaClO 20% (V/V) for 20 min then washed with sterile deionized water. Both of explants cultured on MS media supplemented with BA(3 and 4 mg/l) and 2,4-D (0, 1 and 2.5 mg/l). Callogenesis and regeneration was measured after 4 weeks.Second part of experiment: shoot of indirect regeneration for rooting study, were cultured on ½ MS media supplemented with BA (0 and 5/0 mg/l) and IBA (0 and 1 mg/l). Proliferation, shoot and root length were measured after 4 and 8 weeks.Results and Discussion:Effects of the factors on first part of experiment; calluses of shoot and leaf explants were induced after 4 weeks. Shoot explants Medium supplemented with 4 mg/l BA and 2.5 mg/l 2, 4-D showed 95% Callogenesis. Leaf explants Medium supplemented with 3 mg/l BA and 2.5 mg/l 2, 4-D showed 98% Callogenesis. Shoot explants Medium supplemented with BA 3 mg/l showed 62% regeneration and leaf explants Medium supplemented with BA 4 mg/l showed 8% regeneration.For second part of experiments; root induction on half strength medium without hormone and medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l IBA had highest rooting frequencies. Average of root length was registered 5.25 cm. half strength medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BA had 100% and also, medium with 0.5 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l IBA had 86% shoot multiplication and were not appeared any roots. Average Shoot length on medium without hormone and medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l IBA was registered 6.24 cm and in media with 0.5 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l IBA was registered 1.8 cm. based on result of this experiments, the concentration levels of the two hormone BA and 2, 4-D in the induction of calli formation and regeneration of the H. perforatum have been effective. In the second experiment, hormone BA, in the absence of IBA did not cause rooting and increased the degree of shoots and ultimately proliferation was effective. Also, in treatment with 0.5 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l IBA, although the concentration of cytokinin was less than auxin, rooting was not done. conclusionThe goal of this study was to introduce the suitable medium for Callogenesis and regeneration of H. perforatum for production and breeding aims. Tissue and cell culture methods are used for various purposes. The result of each section can be used effectively in research topics, including corrective tests, processes for increasing secondary metabolites, as well as increasing commercial products. Therefore, by introducing efficient and effective methods, it is possible to increase the production of plants by micropropagation in less time.
Research Article
Ladan Ajdanian; Hossein Arouiee; Majid Azizi
Introduction: As an artificial light source, LED bulbs can help to grow better and faster greenhouse products. Meanwhile, blue and red light are important for plant growth. The quality of light in terms of color and wavelength can affect the morphological structure of the plants. Therefore, the use of ...
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Introduction: As an artificial light source, LED bulbs can help to grow better and faster greenhouse products. Meanwhile, blue and red light are important for plant growth. The quality of light in terms of color and wavelength can affect the morphological structure of the plants. Therefore, the use of additional lights in winter, when light exposure is less than normal, can improve plant growth and flowering. It is also advisable to change the quality of light by using artificial light sources in controlled environments such as greenhouses in order to change the quantity and quality of agricultural products, especially the fruits of the fruit.Materials and Methods: In this research, the effect of complementary light and nutrition (commercial Calfomyth solution containing high calcium phosphorus and calcium elements along with micronutrient elements) as a pot experiment under non-soil culture conditions in the greenhouse, in the form of split-based plots experiment A completely randomized design with 3 light treatments including: natural light (control), 60% red light + 40% light blue and 90% red light + 10% blue light, and 2 nutritional treatments including: non-spraying with commercial fertilizer, Calfomyth and spraying A concentration of 2,000 in 3 replicates was established and implemented. The traits that were studied in this experiment are: 1- leaf number (count of leaves), 2- plant height by meter, with accuracy 0.01 m, 3- diameter with caliber with accuracy 0.01 mm, 4- Number of flowers (counting), 5- Time of flowering until the product reaches (counting the number of days), 6- Performance: Whole and red ripe fruits were planted and weighed separately from the total fruit weight Per plant was obtained in grams per plant. Statistical analysis was performed using JMP8 software and comparison of meanings was done using LSD test at 1% and 5% probability level.Results and Discussion: The results showed that the application of additional light on fruit yield, stem diameter and plant height, yield time and leaf number (p≤0.05) were significant. Spraying with Calfomyth could have a significant effect on stem diameter and number of leaves. In the traits such as fruit yield, number of flowers and leaves, the interaction effect of feeding and supplementary light was also significant. The highest number of leaves belonged to 60% red + 40% blue treatment, as well as spraying with Calfomyth (118), the highest number of flowers (50) was related to 90% red + 10% blue and Calfomyth treatment, and the smallest number ( 15) was related to control treatment. Also, the highest yield (3553 g of fruit per plant) was obtained in Calfomyth treatment with 90% red + 10% blue treatment and the lowest yield (434 g fruit per plant) The control was light and non-foliar treatment. Although light is an important source of photosynthesis, photosynthesis can also be related to a series of optical regulators and optical sensors. Blue and red light cause different optical sensors and expression of genes, each of which can have a positive or negative effect on plant growth and development. Therefore, it can be concluded that the presence of both wavelengths (blue and red) is necessary for conducting, and for this reason, more research is now focused on achieving an appropriate optical composition.Conclusions: In this research, all of the morphological traits examined in the tomato plant were subjected to additional exposure by LED bulbs, each of which had a special effect on their receptors in the plant. Maximize growth and yield in the plant. As expected, blue light on vegetative traits and red light were more effective on reproductive traits. It can be said that the existence of both wavelengths (blue and red) is essential for the better and complete growth of the plant. In addition to the positive effect of wavelengths, the positive effect of leaf spraying can also be observed, which, along with the neodymium, could improve growth. The results of this study showed that the performance and growth under the cover of LED light (red and blue combination) were superior to natural conditions. Therefore, it could be suggested that the use of these lamps, as well as spraying with Calfomyth commercial fertilizer, could be feasible for better production in controlled conditions (greenhouse).It seems that application of complementary lights with proper nutrition can improve the performance and growth of tomato plants in greenhouse conditions.
Research Article
Fatemehzahra Amirmohammadi; Majid Azizi; Seyyed Hossein Nemati
IntroductionThe Nepeta is one of the largest genus of Nepetoide subfamily, in the Lamiaceae family with about 79 species in Iran. Most of the species are perennial rarely annual with different vegetative forms, leaves covered with trichome. Glandular trichomes are widely distributed all over the aerial ...
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IntroductionThe Nepeta is one of the largest genus of Nepetoide subfamily, in the Lamiaceae family with about 79 species in Iran. Most of the species are perennial rarely annual with different vegetative forms, leaves covered with trichome. Glandular trichomes are widely distributed all over the aerial part of Nepeta species, and their largely to its great importance and their structures can vary widely among plants species. Some species contain monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, cyclopentanoid iridoids derivatives and nepetalactones which they are used in folk medicine as, diaphoretic, diuretic, antitussive, febrifuge agent. In the present work, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the nutlet micromorphology and also micromorphology and distribution of the glandular trichomes of Nepeta binaludensis “an Iranian endemic species” and Nepeta cataria in order to improve the knowledge of the species and to evaluate the usefulness of this feature for phytochemical and systematic purpose. The chemical composition of its essential oil was also analyzed. This paper provides a detailed description of trichome morphology and nutlet in Nepeta binaludensis andNepeta catariaspecies growing in Iran, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and evaluates the systematic significance of such characteristics. Materials and MethodsThe research was conducted in research garden of Agricultural Faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad during 2017. Seeds of two Nepeta species were provided by Institute of Plant Sciences in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.The seeds were cultivation in greenhouse and the seedling (10 cm long) were transplanted in the field. During the summer aerial parts of the plants were harvested at flowering stage, dried in shade, and (30 g) were hydro distilled for 3 h using Clevenger apparatus. For SEM study, leaves were fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 for 30 min at 4 °C. After washing in water the material was dehydrated through an ethanol gradient and critical point dried. Specimens were mounted onto SEM stubs using double-sided adhesive tape and coated with palladium. For nutlets observation, seed were directly mounted onto aluminum stubs using double-sided adhesive tape and coated with palladium and photographed. ResultBased on the obtained data, the surface leaves of both species (N. binaludensis and N.cataria) was observed forglandular and non-glandular trichomes distribution. (The glandular trichomes of the peltate types). Trichome density and size was variable as 7-21mm2 leaf surface (63-77 µm) in N. binaludensis and as 20-30 mm2 leaf surface (47-67 µm) in N.cataria. In both species only one types of glandular trichome was identified. Peltate trichomes comprise of a basal cell situated in the leaf epiderm with a four-celled secretory head. Nutlets of Nepeta were blackish-brown or brown in color. One type surface ornamentation, can be distinguished: smooth-type. The nutlet ornamental pattern was smooth type with finely granulated in N. binaludensis and reticulate pattern in N.cataria species. Water-distilled essential oil of the aerial parts of two speciescultivated in field, were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. In essential oil of N.binaludensis and N. cataria, 51 and 26 components were identified, respectively. The main components of the essential oil of N. binaludensis were 1.8-cineole (14.8%), β-Pinene (10.4%) and p-Cymene (9.8%). Main compounds of the essential oil of N. cataria were 4a-a, 7-a, 7a-b-Nepetalactone (72/76%) and 4a-a, 7-a,7a-a-Nepetalactone (17.86%). Depending on the composition of key compound identified in essential oils, Nepeta species have been divided in two groups. Conclusions Depending on the composition of main compound identified in the essential oils, Nepeta species have been divided in two groups. On the basis of our research N. binaludensis belong to 1.8-cineole chemotype and of N.cataria belong to the nepetalactone chemotype. The leaves of N. binaludensis, N.cataria have be glandular and non-glandular trichomes. One types of glandular trichomes are identified: Peltate trichomes.Trichomes are distributed at the surface of leaves, having various functions and are extremely variable in the plants, plant organs location, density, form, therefore their morphology and structure could be of taxonomical importance in plant. Glandular trichomes contain or secrete substances which are widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic as well as in pesticide industry. The variation in the structure, morphology, density, secretion and function is noticed among these trichomes distributed on different plant organs. Nutlet surface can be useful as a taxonomic characteres.
Research Article
Zhale Zandavifard; Majid Azizi; Majid Darroudi; Azar Hosseini
Introduction:Ganoderma lucidum is a high medicinal value mushroom have been widely used in the Far East countries especially in traditional Chinese medicine as promoting human health and treatment of many diseases. Nowadays, many published studies have established it contains a high source of nutraceutical ...
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Introduction:Ganoderma lucidum is a high medicinal value mushroom have been widely used in the Far East countries especially in traditional Chinese medicine as promoting human health and treatment of many diseases. Nowadays, many published studies have established it contains a high source of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical substances with potent and unique properties as immune suppressors, hypercholesterolemic agents, or coadjutant treatments in diseases such as cancer, hypertension, insomnia, anorexia, dizziness, and chronic hepatitis, among others. This species is rich in several bioactive compounds (over 400 compounds) mainly, including polysaccharides, triterpenoids, steroids, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotides, proteins, and alkaloids. Herein, the fruiting bodies of G. lucidum were studied in terms of nutritional value and chemical composition analysis. and further assessment of antioxidant activity of extracts from the fruiting body. Materials and methods: In order to detection of nutrient elements, the samples were homogenized by microwave digestion (Milestone Ethos, Germany) with 1000 W maximum power and further characterized using Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Biochemical molecule contents were characterized using Acquity Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC, Waters) coupled to a photodiode array detector (PDA, Waters) and an electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer (ESI–QTOF/MS; Waters). In order to assess antioxidant activity, two kinds of extract including methanol 80 % (ME) and hot water (HWE) as solvent were prepared by ultrasonic method. Six different in vitro assays are used for the determination of antioxidant capacity including ABTS, DPPH, superoxide (SO), nitric oxide (NO) free radicals scavenging, iron-reducing power (FRAP), and iron chelating activity (ICA). The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the means were separated by the Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison test (GraphPad Prism 8, San Diego, CA, USA)). All data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. P ≤ 0.05 values or less were considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Furthermore, Half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) values for each assay were calculated from linear or logarithmic regression using Excel software.Results and Discussion: G.lucidum was characterized in terms of nutritional value and chemical composition. Generally, to study the nutraceutical value of G.lucidum, 14 elements were analyzed by ICP-OES. Amongst the macronutrient group, phosphorus and potassium (2910.8 and 1510.8 mg/kg dry matter) and in the micronutrient iron and zinc (8.5 and 7.74 mg/kg dry matter) have the highest amounts, respectively. In terms of biochemical compounds, totally 37 compounds were identified in which Ganoderic acid was observed as most abundant (15890.1 ± 232.1 μg per g dry matter) followed by Sinapic acid and Succinic acid (2011.4 ± 28.11 and 1505.33 ± 31.5 μg per g dry matter) were the predominant compounds. The results of antioxidant assays clearly revealed that, the methanolic extract proved to have higher antioxidant potential than one corresponding hot water extract for all assays. In ABTS radical scavenging activity assay, ME with the best antioxidant activity (IC50,48.46±2.42 µg/ml) had a higher activity which was significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) from HWE (163.51±4.51 µg/ml). For DPPH assay, radical scavenging capacity was dose-dependent and IC50 values of ME (111.93±1.39 µg/ml) and HWE (213.48±5.42µg/ml) was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05). In FRAP assay, The highest level of iron-reduction was observed in the highest level of ME(IC50, 308.13±4.13 µg/ml). This extract had higher iron-chelating activity (IC50, 671.75±5.66 µg/ml) as well. These values in both assays were significantly more potent than HWE (P ≤0.01). In SO assay, ME extract (IC50, 488.8±7.38 µg/ml) and HWE (IC50, 645.92±5.48 µg/ml) showed no difference significantly. In addition, in the NO assay, both extracts released slight weak activity for neutralization of nitric oxide radicals, however, the highest activity level was related to ME (IC50, 1189.5±8.5 µg/ml) in comparison to HWE (IC50, 1343.2±10.6 µg/ml) that was significant (P ≤0.01). The results clearly indicate that different solvents used in this study significantly affected antioxidant capacities and total biochemical contents.Conclusions: G. lucidum, as a high medicinal value mushroom, proved is a very important source of nutrients and antioxidant compounds such as terpenoids, especially triterpenoids, and polysaccharides. The free radical scavenging properties, reducing power and iron-chelating inhibition of G. lucidum seemed to be correlated with phenolic compounds and triterpenoids mostly. Therefore, based on the nutritional and biochemical profile of G. lucidum, and also its antioxidant power, this mushroom possesses a high nutrient potential that reflects positively on its health benefits.
Research Article
Behzad Kaviani; Rana Mohammadipour; Davood Hashemabadi; Mohammad Hossein Ansari; Rasoul Onsinejad; Ahmad Reza Berimavandi
IntroductionDamask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) is used as a multi-purpose species (edible, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental). The flower essential oil of this plant has many applications in various industries. There is a wide variety of morphological, phonological, flower shape, yield and yield of ...
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IntroductionDamask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) is used as a multi-purpose species (edible, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental). The flower essential oil of this plant has many applications in various industries. There is a wide variety of morphological, phonological, flower shape, yield and yield of essential oils among genotypes and different populations of Damask rose in various ecological conditions in Iran. Evaluation of genetic diversity among Damask rose of Iran is important in order for breeding purposes. Some studies on phenotype, essential oil and genetic diversity were also carried out among different cultivars of rose flowers in other parts of the world. Significant diversity has been reported among the populations and genotypes of rose in different ecological conditions for many traits. Identifying superior species, cultivars and populations is important for commercial cultivation and more essential oil production. It is difficult to understand genetic diversity in roses because natural hybridization and spontaneous mutations with high abundance occurs in this plant. Morphological differences can be due to the geographical coordinates, natural hybridization and mutations. Therefore, it is important to identify the genetic diversity among the Iranian rose flowers to improve the genotypes of these flowers with appropriate garden features. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the genetic variety of Damask rose in Guilan, Ilam, Golestan, Tehran and Kashan in order to introduce superior genotype based on essence content and some other morphological and physiological traits.Materials and MethodsFive genotypes of Damask rose including Kashan, Ilam, Golestan, Tehran and Guilan genotypes were evaluated as plant materials. Plant materials were collected from mentioned-above regions as root-sucker and transferred to the farm of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of the country. The design used was a completely randomized block design, which was performed in 3 replications and was considered for each 5-suckers’ repetition (total: 75 suckers). In each replication, three specimens of each genotype were planted in pits with diameter and depth of 50-60 cm. The distance between scions per rows was 2.5 meters and row spacing from each other was 2 meters. During the experimental period, the bushes were irrigated using drip (trickle) irrigation method. The sampling was performed to measure morphological and physiological parameters after the blooms were opened in early May. Evaluated parameters were plant height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petal number, stamen number, carpel number, fresh weight of petals, petal anthocyanin levels, petals essential oil levels, chlorophyll content and leaf carotenoids. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and, if significant, Tukey analysis was used. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis.Results and DiscussionThe results showed that the highest amount of essential oil (0.042 and 0.038%) was extracted from the petals of Ilam and Kashan genotypes, respectively. The highest petal weight (2.70 and 2.30 g) was related to the petals of Ilam and Kashan genotypes, respectively. The highest petal length and width were obtained in these two genotypes. The largest number of petals (71.80 per each plant) was related to Guilan samples. The highest amount of chlorophyll a was related to Ilam genotype and the highest amount of chlorophyll b, carotenoids and anthocyanin was related to Kashan genotype. Stamen number, carpel number, leaf area, leaf length and plant height were also measured. In the present study, rose flower genotypes collected from different parts of Iran showed significant diversity in relation to morphological and physiological properties, especially essence. The results of the present study showed that there was a significant correlation between the amount of essence in the petals and the weight and dimensions of the petals, so that the Ilam and Kashan genotypes with more essence in their petals had higher weight and dimensions. Similar findings related to the correlation between flower yield and its components in roses flowers were presented in some studies. The number of flowers per branch, the fresh weight of each flower and the number of flowers per branch can be a suitable choice for improving flower yield in rose flower genotypes. Some studies have shown that the weight of the flower has a very strong, positive and significant correlation with the flower yield. The findings of the present study confirm the results obtained in these studies. Despite the geographical distance between some genotypes, the high similarity coefficient between them may indicate the common origin or continuous and purposeful genotypes. On the other hand, the low similarity coefficient between genotypes proposes relatively low geographical connection and different primary origin. In the present study, there was a low correlation between the amount of essence in the petals and the weight and dimensions of the petals in the Ilam and Kashan genotypes with the Golestan and Guilan genotypes. Finding the high correlation between the more important traits is of high value in breeding programs and the selection of superior genotypes. Some reports have been presented to compare rose flower genotypes based on morphological properties. Generative traits, including flower characteristics, are more suitable for genetic and evolutionary evaluations than vegetative traits. The results of some researchers in Iran and elsewhere in the world showed that flower yield per plant is associated with some other traits, including flower number, dimensions and weight of flowers, and the number of branches in the plant. The genetic analysis of rose flower genotypes showed that some genotypes collected from different areas are genetically relevant and some are separate. This subject shows effective role of ecological conditions in changing and variability of different species and varieties. The results indicated that the difference in the amount of essential oil compounds is mostly influenced by environmental and physiological factors. Some studies have shown significant diversity in essential oil efficiency and yield in different samples of rose flowers. The morphological difference between the different genotypes of this flower indicates the presence of germplasm and the proper capacity to improve the traits and the ability to select the best genotypes using morphological markers to enhance flower yield in the country. Overall; Ilam and Kashan genotypes are suggested as superior genotypes for breeding programs.
Research Article
Davood Hashemabadi; Amirhossein Soleimani; Behzad Kaviani; Nayyereh Naziri Moghaddam
IntroductionCut carnation flowers have high economic importance in the floriculture industry. The postharvest life of cut ornamentals, including carnation, is important in determining their quality and consumer preference. High production of ethylene is one of the most important factors that reduce the ...
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IntroductionCut carnation flowers have high economic importance in the floriculture industry. The postharvest life of cut ornamentals, including carnation, is important in determining their quality and consumer preference. High production of ethylene is one of the most important factors that reduce the postharvest life of this flower. High ethylene production causes the aging of some cut flowers. In order to increase the vase life of cut flowers, many researches have been done and various preservative solutions have been introduced, and in some of these solutions, disinfectants have also been used. One of the effective compounds in stopping or reducing ethylene production are alcohols. Ethanol stops ethylene synthesis in cut carnation. Cut carnation is climacteric flower and sensitive to high levels of ethylene. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate and compare the effect of different amounts of propanol, butanol and pentanol on the vase life and quality improvement of cut carnation flowers cultivar 'Nelson'.Materials and MethodsIn the present study, propanol, butanol and pentanol were used at the concentrations of 2, 4 and 6% for 24-hour pulse, in order to reduce ethylene production and increase the vase life of cut carnation cultivar 'Nelson' flowers. In February 2020, cut carnation flowers that were harvested at the commercial stage were prepared from a greenhouse in Mahalat city and were immediately transferred to the Postharvest Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch for treatment and evaluation of traits. This experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design in 30 plots. For each treatment, 3 replications and 5 samples for each replication and a total of 150 flower branches were considered. Some traits such as vase life, water absorption, dry matter, petal protein, leaf chlorophyll, ethylene production, fresh weight loss, flower opening index, Brix degree, lipid peroxidation and activity of antioxidant enzymes, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were measured. To evaluate the vase life of cut flowers, the main criterion is the turning of the petals inward and the apparent wilting of the flowers. Data analysis was done using SAS statistical software and mean comparison based on Duncan's multiple range test.Results and DiscussionThe results of variance analysis of the data showed that the effect of different amounts of propanol, butanol and pentanol application was significant at 5% and 1% probability level on vase life and most of the traits measured in cut carnation flowers. This research revealed that propanol had a more effective role in reducing ethylene production and increasing the vase life than butanol and pentanol. The results showed that the longest vase life (14.11 days) was observed in cut flowers treated with 2% propanol. This treatment also caused the highest amount of water absorption, percentage of dry matter, petal protein and leaf chlorophyll, as well as the lowest amount of ethylene production. The lowest vase life (8.91 days) was observed in control cut flowers. The mean comparison of the different alcohol treatments showed that all treatments of propanol and butanol alcohols in different concentrations increased the absorption of solution by cut flowers compared to the control. Maintaining the water balance in cut flowers is one of the important factors in the vase life of cut flowers. The content of water uptake by cut flowers depends on the hydraulic conductivity of the water channel in the stem and the water potential difference between cut flower tissues and the preservative solution. The least plasma membrane damage was caused in cut flowers treated with 2% propanol. This treatment also caused the highest SOD activity. The short vase life of cut flowers is a global challenge, and efforts are being made to increase their vase life by using appropriate compounds in the vase solution. One of these compounds are alcohols, which have been used by some researchers in order to increase the vase life of various cut flowers. Alcohols are usually toxic for cells in high concentrations. Propanol and butanol in low concentrations inhibited the synthesis of ethylene and therefore increased the vase life of cut carnation flowers. These anti-ethylene compounds prevent the senescence of the petals, which is usually associated with the browning of the petals. Alcohols in optimal concentrations act as a signal and increase the vase life of cut flowers and improve their postharvest quality by reducing lipid peroxidation and inducing the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Similar findings were reported in cut alstroemeria, some carnation cultivars and chrysanthemum flowers.ConclusionThe present study showed the positive effect of disinfectant and antimicrobial compounds on increasing the vase life, some physiologic characters and antioxidants activity. This research revealed that propanol had more effective role in reducing ethylene production and increasing the vase life than butanol and pentanol. The results showed that the longest vase life was observed in cut carnation cv. Nelson flowers treated with 2% propanol.
Research Article
Hoda Sajedimehr; Mahya Sajedimehr; Majid Azizi
IntroductionMedicinal plants with a high level of antioxidant activity are of great importance due to their effect on a wide range of diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory diseases, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and other diseases caused by oxidative stress. Therefore, ...
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IntroductionMedicinal plants with a high level of antioxidant activity are of great importance due to their effect on a wide range of diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory diseases, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and other diseases caused by oxidative stress. Therefore, studying medicinal plants and extracting and identifying chemical properties and effective compounds in medicinal plants emphasizes the necessity of learning and using medicinal plants. Iranian shallot plant with the scientific name Allium hirtifolium is a species of the onion family (Alliaceae) and is one of the largest genera of the monocot group. Shallot plant is an important horticultural product that has been known and used as a vegetable, spice and medicinal plant since ancient times due to its useful properties. In this genus, there are economically important species such as: onions, garlic, shallots, chives and leeks. Germination and sprouting are one of the most important phenological stages (life cycle) of the plant. Having enough information about the phenological cycle of the plant leads to better management of the different stages of this cycle, which determines the degree of success of agricultural systems. Seedling germination and growth in the early stages are strongly influenced and controlled by environmental factors, especially temperature, soil moisture and seed quality (germination and seedling strength) and internal factors (growth regulators) such as Gibberellin and Abscisic acid hormones.In order to speed up the germination of seeds and eliminate seed dormancy so that germination can happen faster, there are different methods. One of these methods is mechanical or chemical scratching. The aim of this research is to present a precise and scientific description for the failure of Iranian shallot medicinal plant seed dormancy (Allium hirtifolium) and improvement in the acceleration of germination, considering the different characteristics in three populations of Iranian shallot seeds. Also, to increase the quality and accuracy in this research, a scanning electron microscope was also used to accurately determine the surface changes of the seeds before the acid-washing treatment with sulfuric acid and after the acid-washing treatment with sulfuric acid. In the previous research that has been carried out on Iranian shallot seeds, the simultaneous examination of different temperatures and different times of acid washing by sulfuric acid in a precise manner and with several populations that have different genotypes, as well as the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has not been done.Materials and methodsThe study was done to investigate the effect of different degrees of temperature, and different times of sulfuric acid for acid washing on the improvement of germination of three populations of Iranian shallot seeds (Allium hirtifolium). The effect of four different temperatures (5, 10, 15 and 20 degrees Celsius) inside the Germinator device and four different times of acid washing with sulfuric acid (0, 5, 10, 15 minutes) on germination and micromorphological characteristics of three populations of shallot plant (Feridon Shahr, Tiran and Khansar) was investigated. On the other hand, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with different degrees of magnification was used for the effect of sulfuric acid treatment on the surface of the seed coat. The experiment was conducted as a factorial, in the form of a completely randomized design with four replications. At the end of the experiment, traits such as germination percentage, average germination time, germination speed, root length and shoot length were evaluated. Also, traits such as diameter, length, volume and weight of seeds in three populations of shallot were also analyzed statistically.Conclusion and discussionThe results of electron microscopy showed that in all three populations of Iranian shallot seeds, the seed coat, after using the acid washing treatment with sulfuric acid for 15 minutes, underwent noticeable and significant changes compared to the control seeds. The surface of the seed is destroyed by sulfuric acid and the surface of the seed does not have its natural ornamentation and protrusions compared to the control. Also, the effect of temperature, duration of acid washing and seed population on germination percentage, germination speed, average germination duration, seedling root length and seedling length was significant at the 1% probability level (p≤0.01). The population of Fereydoun Shahr has the highest germination percentage (69.16 percent), germination speed 3.7 (number of seeds per day) and average duration of germination 9.64 (number of seeds per day) at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius and acid washing time of 15 minutes. The maximum shoot length and root length were 19.7 and 8.81 (mm) in the Tiran population with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and a 15-minute acid washing time, and in the Khansar population with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and time of 5 minutes acid washing respectively. The results show that, according to the dormancy of the seeds and their need for cold, the best temperature for shallot seed germination is 5 degrees Celsius with 15 minutes of acid washing by sulfuric acid. Diversity in shallot plant populations has a significant effect on the performance of this plant in improving seed germination.AcknowledgeWe thank Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the Isfahan University of Technology.Keywords: shallot diversity (seed morphology), stratification, seed scarification, germination, scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Research Article
Fatemeh Nekounam; A. Salehi
Introduction Apple (Malus damestica L.) is one of the most popular temperate fruits in the world as well as Iran. One of the challenges in managing apple orchards is excessive fruit formation or excessive fruit drop especially in the pre-harvest stage, which affects the performance and marketable product. ...
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Introduction Apple (Malus damestica L.) is one of the most popular temperate fruits in the world as well as Iran. One of the challenges in managing apple orchards is excessive fruit formation or excessive fruit drop especially in the pre-harvest stage, which affects the performance and marketable product. Therefore, the control fruit set is required to help regular fruit production. Currently, the application of synthetic auxins as plant growth regulators are successfully practiced and mainly used in various countries, including all aspects of modern apple production to control and manipulate vegetative growth and regulation of flowering, reduce immature fruit drop, fruit maturity, firmness, and manage apple harvest. Among the auxin-type growth regulators, NAA is a synthetic auxin analogue that may down-regulate abscission-related genes and reduce the sensitivity of the abscission zone to ethylene. It has long been used to reduce or totally prevent pre-harvest fruit drops, to preserve fruit flesh firmness, and to prevent starch degradation in apples. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of NAA foliar application at different days after full bloom on controlling fruit drop and improving physical and biochemical attributes of ‘Red Delicious’ apple fruits. Findings described here may help to understand the effects this PGR on apple quality and also help on the development of strategies to reduce post-harvest losses of apple fruits.
Materials and Methods In order to study the effect of NAA on controlling fruit drop, fruit yield and quality, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications was conducted under Zanjan climatic conditions during 2023. Ten year-old ‘Red Delicious’ Standard apple trees grafted on M.9 rootstock were used as plant material. Treatments consisted of different concentration of NAA (15, 30, 50 and 75 mg L-1) sprayed at different days after full bloom (10, 25 and 40 DAFB). The date of full bloom was 04/22/2023. The fruit growth pattern was based on fruit weight and diameter during DAFB. According to fruit growth pattern, fruit were harvested at physiological maturity stage. Fruit number per replicate, fruit weight, diameter and shape index, fruit firmness, total soluble solids content and taste index were measured. Also, fruit drop percentage, fruit yield as well as fruit efficiency was estimated.
Results and discussion Advanced knowledge of apple fruit development from fruitlet to maturity is crucial for optimal prediction of year-to-year yields and fruit quality. Apple fruit growth has been defined as sigmoidal increase in fruit diameter or fresh weight. Studying two fruit growth patterns based on fruit weight and diameter data showed that fruit weight is a more appropriate indicator for drawing fruit growth patterns, and according to that, the fruits were harvested at the physiological maturity stage. Foliar spray of NAA during different DAFB showed different significant effects on fruit drop and yield efficiency. The highest rate of fruit drop (95.7 % and 85.9 %) was observed with foliar application of NAA at 10 and 25 DAFB, respectively, but its application at 40 DAFB reduced fruit drop by 46.9% compared to the control, and correspondingly the fruit yield increased by 22% compared to the control treatment. The lowest number and weight of fruits per unit shoot cross sectional area was observed in trees treated with different concentrations of NAA at 10 DAFB. The maximum fruit length (72.3 mm), diameter (75.8 mm), weight (180 g) and fruit volume (240 cm3) were obtained with application of 75 mg L-1 NAA at 10 DAFB. The foliar spray of NAA at 10 DAFB significantly increased the fruit density, flash firmness and TSS. But their use in 25 and 40 DAFB had no significant effect on fruit density and flash firmness, and significantly decreased fruit TSS by 23.9% compared to the control trees. Unlike the TSS, the value of fruit titratable acidity showed a significant increase in all three times of naphthalene acetic acid treatment compared to the control, and as a result, the fruit taste index decreased.
Conclusions The present study concluded that the positive effects of NAA in controlling fruit drop and improving the yield and fruit quality will be different depending on the time of application and the weather conditions of the region under study. According to the results, the application of NAA at 40 DAFB reduced fruit drop and increased fruit yield efficiency.
Research Article
afsaneh Salehi; Fatemeh Nekounam; Farhang Razavi
Apple (Malus domestica) belongs to the Rosacea family and is one of the most important fruit trees in temperate regions. Apple fruit is a rich source of vitamins, sugars, organic acids, minerals, fibers, and bioactive compounds and is widely cultivated due to its pleasant taste, aroma, and ...
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Apple (Malus domestica) belongs to the Rosacea family and is one of the most important fruit trees in temperate regions. Apple fruit is a rich source of vitamins, sugars, organic acids, minerals, fibers, and bioactive compounds and is widely cultivated due to its pleasant taste, aroma, and texture. Due to the rising need for food and fiber per unit of land area, chemical fertilizers are becoming increasingly popular to increase yields from small plots of land. Chemical fertilizers pose major health risks and harm the environment when they are used in excess. Because of this, research in this area is heavily focused on finding and evaluating the efficiency of new products. One such approach is using biostimulants that can enhance the effectiveness of conventional mineral fertilizers. Plant biostimulants contain some nutrients (marine plant extracts, humic acids, amino acids and other natural products such as saponins and compost teas) that stimulate plant growth, even when administered in small amounts. Foliar application of seaweed extracts at 0.2% recorded maximum no. of fruits/tree, fruit weight, and yield/tree in valencia orange.
Materials and methods
In order to investigate the effect of biofertilizers on growth, yield and leaf nutrient contents of apple under climatic conditions of Zanjan, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized block design with three replicates in 2023. Different concentration of seaweed (Alg; 0.075 and 0.15%), amino acid (GF Amino; 0.1 and 0.2%), humic acid (HA; 0.3%), commercial fertilizer Homarang, (Homa fert; 0.5%), combined chemical fertilizer (nitrogen, zinc and boron (Combinate fert; 1% urea, 0.3% zinc chelate and 0.1% boric acid)) and distilled water as a control were sprayed on the trees at 40 days after full bloom stage until runoff using a mechanical mist sprayer, and repeated three times with an 30 days interval until the physiological ripening of fruits. The experiment was carried out on 10-year-old Red Delicious apple trees grafted on M9 rootstocks. Shoot length, chlorophyll index, fruit drop percentage, yield efficiency, leaf area, leaf dry matter, leaf macro and micro nutrient were measured. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least significant difference test (P≤ 0.05) used to compare means within each sampling date. The Statistical analysis and standard error calculation were carried out using SAS software (V. 9.3).
Results and Discussion
The results showed that the foliar application of bio and chemical fertilizers significantly increased growth and fruit yield. So that, the highest increase in shoot length (39%) and leaf area (74.30%) compared to the control was obtained with application of seaweed 0.075%. Also, seaweed 0.15%, amino acid 0.2%, humic acid and amino acid 0.1% caused a significant increase in leaf area (42.02, 35.57, 22.27 and 16.20%, respectively) compared to the control. Foliar spray of seaweed, amino acid and chemical fertilizer increased chlorophyll index. The highest increase in chlorophyll index (50%) compared to the control was obtained with application of combined chemical fertilizer at 130 days after full bloom. These results are in agreement with the outcomes of other experiments conducted with seaweed on apple and on other crops such as grapevine. Therefore, this represents a further evidence of a possible role of seaweed extracts in the reduction of chlorophyll degradation and in delaying leaf senescence. The highest amount of nitrogen (1.66%), potassium (1.03%) zinc (150 mg g-1DW) and boron (82.5 mg g-1DW) and the lowest amount of phosphorus (0.44%) were obtained with application of combined chemical fertilizer. The highest value of iron was observed in leaf of trees treated with seaweed 0.15%, humic acid and commercial biofertilizer. Based on the results, it was observed that the amino acid, seaweed and combined chemical fertilizer have the greatest effect in reducing fruit drop (36.97, 33.37, 29.07%, respectively) compared to control) and increasing yield efficiency (respectively 2.75, 2.73 and 2.8 compared to control with 0.22 fruits No. cm-2 SCSA). These results partially are in agreement with another research performed on apple, where the use of a similar seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) was found able to induce a higher final yield. The hormonal components found in the extracts, particularly cytokinins, are assumed to be responsible for the increased yield in plants treated with seaweed. Previous studies mentioned that the application of biological fertilizers alone or in combination with the mineral fertilizers had positive influences on the leaf plate area, mean fruit weight and fruit chemical composition.
According to the results of this research, the use of biofertilizers, especially seaweed (0.15%) and amino acid (0.1%), are suitable and nature-friendly substitutes for chemical fertilizers and can play a significant role in increasing growth indices and yield of apples.
Research Article
Mohsen Mohammad Rezaei; Moazzam Hassanpour Asil; Jamal-Ali Olfati; Mohammad Mehdi Gheisari
IntroductionThe Persian Shallot (Allium hirtifolium Boiss) is a valuable medicinal plant native to Iran, known for its significant economic value and medicinal properties. Its rich phytochemical composition makes it useful in treating various conditions such as rheumatism, stomach ulcers, and microbial ...
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IntroductionThe Persian Shallot (Allium hirtifolium Boiss) is a valuable medicinal plant native to Iran, known for its significant economic value and medicinal properties. Its rich phytochemical composition makes it useful in treating various conditions such as rheumatism, stomach ulcers, and microbial infections, while also showing potential as an aquaculture regulator. However, the overexploitation of natural habitats poses a threat to its biodiversity and survival. Sustainable practices in collection and cultivation are essential to address the increasing global demand while preserving genetic and chemical diversity. Iran's favorable climate and plant diversity position it well for the production and export of high-quality medicinal plants, including the Persian Shallot. Research on the nutritional value of native plants can further contribute to their recognition and utilization.Material and MethodsThis study was carried out in six habitats of Allium hirtifolium Boiss in Isfahan province in 2022. The research aimed to assess the morphophysiological and phytochemical characteristics of Persian shallot plants by collecting samples from six natural habitats at different altitudes. Each habitat yielded 50 samples during the growing season, which were then evaluated for traits such as number of leaf, leaf area surface, fresh and dry weight of onion of Persian shallot. Phytochemical analysis involved grinding fresh plant leaves with acetone, followed by spectrophotometric readings to determine chlorophyll, carotenoid concentration, and antioxidant activity. Data analysis was carried out using variance analysis to compare means and cluster analysis to group habitats based on their traits. The study employed SAS, SPSS and Excel software for statistical analysis and visualization. Phytochemical analysis involved grinding fresh plant leaves with acetone, followed by spectrophotometric readings to determine chlorophyll, carotenoid concentration, and antioxidant activity. Data analysis was carried out using variance analysis to compare means and cluster analysis to group habitats based on their traits. The study employed SAS, SPSS and Excel software for statistical analysis and visualization. The study employed SAS, SPSS and Excel software for statistical analysis and visualization. The study employed SAS, SPSS and Excel software for statistical analysis and visualization.Results and DiscussionThe research revealed significant diversity among Iranian shallot plants collected from different habitats, indicating the presence of substantial biodiversity due to environmental factors and genetics. The study found variations in morphological and phytochemical traits, such as fresh and dry weight, leaf area, chlorophyll and carotenoid content, and antioxidant activity among different plant stands. These differences were linked to factors like altitude, temperature, and soil conditions. Altitude was particularly influential, with higher altitudes leading to increased leaf surface and chlorophyll content. Furthermore, cluster analysis showed distinct groupings among the populations based on their traits, highlighting the impact of genetic factors and climatic conditions on the plants. The findings underscore the importance of understanding plant responses to natural growth conditions and environmental factors for breeding programs. Altitude gradients were identified as crucial in influencing plant characteristics and species distribution.Altitude was particularly influential, with higher altitudes leading to increased leaf surface and chlorophyll content. Furthermore, cluster analysis showed distinct groupings among the populations based on their traits, highlighting the impact of genetic factors and climatic conditions on the plants. The findings underscore the importance of understanding plant responses to natural growth conditions and environmental factors for breeding programs. Altitude gradients were identified as crucial in influencing plant characteristics and species distribution.Altitude was particularly influential, with higher altitudes leading to increased leaf surface and chlorophyll content. Furthermore, cluster analysis showed distinct groupings among the populations based on their traits, highlighting the impact of genetic factors and climatic conditions on the plants. The findings underscore the importance of understanding plant responses to natural growth conditions and environmental factors for breeding programs. Altitude gradients were identified as crucial in influencing plant characteristics and species distribution.ConclusionThe study confirms the presence of biodiversity among shallot populations in six habitats, indicating the potential for selecting suitable populations and genotypes. Results suggest that altitude variation has influenced genetic diversity and phytochemical composition, highlighting the impact of climatic and geographical factors on population diversity. climatic and geographical factors on population diversity. climatic and geographical factors on population diversity. climatic and geographical factors on population diversity. Further research is needed to identify specific factors contributing to diversity in Isfahan province and molecular markers can enhance understanding of population diversity.
Research Article
Fahimeh Ghaemizadeh; Farshad Dashti
Introduction At present, garlic production is completely dependent on asexual propagation, but a wide diversity of bolting and scape formation is observed in garlic. Based on their ability to produce flowering stem (scape), garlic clones are classified into non-bolting, semi-bolting, and bolting clones. ...
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Introduction At present, garlic production is completely dependent on asexual propagation, but a wide diversity of bolting and scape formation is observed in garlic. Based on their ability to produce flowering stem (scape), garlic clones are classified into non-bolting, semi-bolting, and bolting clones. In non-bolting clones, scape is not formed or abort at early stages. In semi-bolting clones, cessation of scape development often results in the formation of very short scape between the leaves and development of the elongated leaf-like bracts in the center of the inflorescence. In bolting clones after exposure to low temperature during autumn and winter (vernalization) and long day during spring, long and thick scape is formed which contains inflorescence with flowers. Transition from vegetative to reproductive phase and formation of scape, inflorescences and flowers in plants includes a series of continuous stages which control by several gene groups. Vernalization reduces the expression of the flowering inhibitors like FLOWERING LOCUC C (FLC), resulting in increased flowering integrators expression like SUPPRESSOR OF OVER EXPRESSON OF CONSTANT 1 (SOC1), APETALA 1 (AP1) and APETALA 1 (AP2). So, a correct understanding of the vernalization control genes expression pattern will improve garlic flowering and breeding programs. The aim of this study is to investigate the relative expression of AsFLC, AsSOC1, AsAP1 and AsAP2 before and after vernalization in Iranian bolting, semi-bolting and non-bolting garlic clones.Material methodsIn this study, three garlic clones including, bolting (Mazand Zabol), semi-bolting (Langrud), and non-bolting (Hamedan) garlic clones were selected from vegetable collection of Bu-Ali Sina university (Hamedan, Iran). At first, RNA extracted from meristems of three clones monthly, from 4 to 20 weeks after planting (for AsFLC, AsSOC1, AsAP1 and AsAP2 expression analysis) and from inflorescence of semi-bolting and bolting clones at 24 weeks after planting (for AsSOC1, AsAP1 and AsAP2 expression analysis) at 2 biological replicates. Then, cDNA synthesized using Oligo d(T) primer and relative expression pattern of the mentioned genes were analyzed using quantitative Real time- PCR. Results and dissection The highest expression of the AsFLC in all three clones were observed at 4 weeks after culture (before vernalization). Its expression in non-bolting clone at 4 weeks after planting was 2.03 and 1.13 times more than bolting and semi-bolting garlic, respectively. After vernalization AsFLC expression decreased in the meristem of the all three clones. The decrease in the relative expression of AsFLC in bolting garlic occurred at a faster rate compared to the other two garlic clones. Then the relative expression of the AsSOC1 was increased in the meristem during vegetative to reproductive transition phase (12 weeks after planting). The highest AsSOC1 expression was observed in the meristem of bolting garlic at 12 weeks after planting which was 10.98 and 18.41 times more than the meristem of semi-bolting and non-bolting garlic, respectively. AsAP1 was expressed in the meristem of three clones in the vegetative to reproductive phase, but its highest expression was in bolting clone at 12 weeks after planting and was 1.22 and 3.64 times more than the meristem of semi-bolting and non-bolting clone respectively. AsAP2 was just expressed in the meristem of semi-bolting and bolting clones and after reproductive transition. The highest expression of the AsAP2 was observed at 16 weeks after planting in the meristem of semi-bolting and bolting garlic, which was higher in bolting garlic (2.33 times) in comparison to semi–bolting garlic. Decreases in the expression of the AsFLC during vernalization and increases in the expression of the AsSOC1 and AsAP1 during vegetative to reproductive phase in the meristem may lead to scape formation in bolting garlic. But the higher AsFLC and the lower AsSOC1 and AsAP1 expression in the meristems of non- and semi bolting garlics in comparison to bolting garlic inhibit scape formation. So that in non-bolting garlic scape aborts and in semi-bolting garlic short and thin scape formed in the middle of leaves. According to the results AsSOC1 and AsAP1 were expressed in the inflorescence of semi-bolting and bolting garlic. AsSOC1 and AsAP1 relative expression in the inflorescence of bolting garlic were 4.28 and 11.25 times more than semi-bolting garlic, respectively. AsAP2 was just expressed in the inflorescence of the bolting clone but wasn’t expressed in the inflorescence of semi-bolting garlic. The differences in the expression pattern of AsSOC1, AsAP1 and AsAP2 in the inflorescence of the garlic clones could be the reason of the abnormal inflorescence in semi-bolting garlic.Conclusion:Finally, it seems that AsFLC is as a flowering inhibitor and AsSOC1 and AsAP1 are as flowering integrators in bolting garlic. As AsFLC expression decreased after vernalization and AsSOC1 and AsAP2 were expressed highly in the time of vegetative to reproductive transition in the meristem of all clones, and there was difference in the bolting of clones, it is suggested that these genes may influence flower induction but their low relative expression cause incomplete bolting in semi-bolting garlic and forbid bolting in non-bolting garlic.
Research Article
mina bahrami; Mehdi Jahani; mohmmad Hossein Aminifard
IntroductionLong term storage of pomegranate fruit is compromised bypathogens that cause postharvest rots and decay. Pomegranatesare predisposed to attack from various pathogens at pre- and/orpostharvest stage, which has a significant impact on fruit qual-ity and storage life. These pathogens often cause ...
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IntroductionLong term storage of pomegranate fruit is compromised bypathogens that cause postharvest rots and decay. Pomegranatesare predisposed to attack from various pathogens at pre- and/orpostharvest stage, which has a significant impact on fruit qual-ity and storage life. These pathogens often cause damage to thetissues, thereby making the fruit unsaleable. A significant portionof pomegranate pre- and postharvest losses is attributed to dis-eases associated with various bacterial and fungal species. The use of plant essential oils is considered as a new idea in reducing post-harvest waste and increasing the storage life of horticultural products and controlling fungal contamination in developed agriculture. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the antifungal effect of some herbal essential oils in different concentrations on pomegranate fruit to prevent the growth of Penicillium fungus in vitro and in vivo.Materials and Methods In order to investigate the effect of the essential oils of some medicinal plants on the fungus Penicillium sp. in pomegranate fruit in In vivo and In vitro conditions, a factorial experiment was conducted in the form of a completely randomized design with three replications at the Faculty of Agriculture of Birjand University in 2022. The first factor included the type of essential oil: Ginger, Zenian, Tarragon and Cardamom essential oils, and the second factor included the concentration of essential oil at five levels (0, 200, 400, 600, and 800 microliters/liter). The index measured in in vitro conditions was the radial growth of the fungus. The indicators measured in vivo conditions include appearance of the fruit, TSS, pH, total acidity (meq/g), total phenol (mg galic acid/100 f FW), antioxidant (%), antocyanin (mg/g) and tissue firmness. Finally, the experimental data were statistically analyzed using SAS program and comparison of means was performed by LSD test at 5% probability level.Results and Discussion The results showed that the increase in the concentration of essential oils also increases their antifungal activity, so that the highest inhibition rate was observed in Ginger essential oil and the lowest in Cardamom essential oil on the growth of the fungus colony. The most inhibitory effect of fungi included the essential oil of Ginger, Zenian, Tarragon and Cardamom, respectively. Also, lack of growth in essential oil of Ginger was observed in all samplings. The above results showed that the essential oils were able to stop the growth of the fungus colony and show a favorable inhibitory effect. In In vivo conditions, the best fruit appearance was obtained in pomegranates impregnated with Zenian and Ginger essential oils, and the least was observed in Cardamom essential oil. Ginger essential oil had the highest amount of soluble solids. The highest pH value of fruit juice was obtained from Ginger essential oil and the lowest pH value was obtained from Tarragon and Cardamom essential oils. The fruits treated with Tarragon essential oil had the highest total acidity. The fruits treated with Ginger essential oil had the highest amount of total phenol. The statistical comparison of the averages showed that the highest percentage of antioxidants was observed in the Ginger essential oil treatment and the lowest antioxidant percentage was found in the Tarragon essential oil treatment. The results showed that the infected fruits treated with Zenian essential oil with a concentration of 800 microliters/liter had the highest antioxidant. The results of the comparison of the averages related to the effect of the type of essential oil show that Cardamom and Ginger essential oils had the highest and lowest anthocyanin content, respectively. In this experiment, Ginger essential oil had the highest hardness of the fruit texture and the lowest index was obtained from the essential oil of Zenian.ConclusionsIn general, the results of this research showed that essential oils have antifungal properties in the control of fungal disease after harvest; In-vitro tests showed that Cardamom essential oil had a very low fungicidal effect and in the control of Penicillium sp. Ginger essential oil had the most fungicidal effect. Antifungal properties increased with increasing the concentration of essential oil, but the antifungal property of Ginger essential oil was 100% in 400-800 concentrations used. In natural conditions, Ginger and Zenian essential oil has good antifungal activity against Penicillium sp. Considering the biodegradability and low toxicity of plant essential oils, the use of Ginger and Zenian essential oil is recommended to increase the shelf life of food products and can be used as disease controllers in agriculture.
Research Article
Mahdi moradi; Hossein Nastari Nasr-abadi; Mohammadnaser Modoodi; vahid shamsabadi
Introduction Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is known for its production of essential oils and its medicinal-aromatic properties. Moldavian balm’s essential oil is used for food, cosmetics, flavorings, and pharmaceutical ...
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Introduction Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is known for its production of essential oils and its medicinal-aromatic properties. Moldavian balm’s essential oil is used for food, cosmetics, flavorings, and pharmaceutical purposes. Abiotic stresses include drought, soil salinity, flooding, extremes of temperature, and contamination with organic pollutants and heavy metals hamper plant growth and productivity. In recent decades, heavy metal (HM) pollution has spread across natural and anthropic ecosystems posing inevitable, serious health risks. Soil microbiota plays an important role in the sustainable production of the different types of agrosystems. Mycorrhizae (a combination of mycelium of the fungus and the roots of the plant) form networks that capture water and nutrients from the soil, which facilitate the acquisition of the plant. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi play a crucial role in mitigating the oxidative damage caused by heavy metal stress in different plant species. Thus, interaction between mycorrhizae, and plants can be an excellent strategy for sustainable agricultural production The aim of this study was to determine the effects of mycorrhizal arbuscular on improving heavy metal tolerance in moldavian balm, a medicinal and aromatic plant.Material and MethodsAn experiment was conducted to study the effect of mycorrhizal arbuscular fungi on growth characteristicsas, quantitative and qualitative yield of Moldavian Balm, under heavy metals stress at Research Greenhouses of College of Agriculture, University of Torbat-e Jam. Treatment included mycorrhiza (inoculated and non-inoculated) and heavy metals including lead (0, 150 and 300 mg/kg) and cadmium (0, 40 and 80 mg/kg) Which arranged in factorial based on completely randomized design whit 4 replications. Growth criteria, yield components, essential oil content and photosynthetic pigments were evaluated. In this study, different morphological traits (plant height, root length, root volume, stem diameter, Leaf length, Leaf width, Leaf area, stem diameter, Number of branches), vegetative parameters (Biomass fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weight), photosynthetic pigment concentrations and essential oil content were measured analyzed. Data analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using IBM SAS software (Version 9.1) and the differences between means were assessed using Duncan’s multiple range tests at p≤ 0.05.Results and DiscussionResults showed that with increasing the concentration of heavy metals in the soil especially that of Cd, most of the growth characteristics and yield components of these plants were significantly reduced as compared to those of controls. Mycorrhizal inoculation improved these traits where plants were grown under heavy metals stress. The highest biomass fresh and dry weight was observed in mycorrhizal plants grown in non-contaminated medium, which was significantly higher than those of other treatments. The highest biomass fresh weight was measured in non-stressed mycorrhizal plants. Biomass fresh weight in non-mycorrhizal plants of Pb150 did not differ significantly from that of mycorrhizal plants of Pb150. biomass fresh weight in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants stressed by Cd40 or Cd80 was lower compared to mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants grown in non-contaminated media or contaminated media with Pb150 or Pb300. Furthermore, the lowest biomass fresh weight was observed in non-mycorrhizal plants stressed by Cd80. Root fresh and dry weight of mycorrhizal plants was significantly higher than that of non-mycorrhizal plants. With increasing Cd or Pb concentration in soil, Root fresh and dry weight was decreased as compared to that of controls. Inoculation with mycorrhizal improved the photosynthetic pigment concentrations under heavy metals stress. The highest percentage of essential oil content (1.3% v/w) was observed in mycorrhizal plants stressed by Pb150, while the lowest percentage (0.53% v/w) was evident in non-mycorrhizal plants polluted with Cd80, With increasing concentration of the heavy metals, essential oil of moldavian balm was significantly decreased, but the essential oil content in mycorrhizal plants was significantly higher than that measured in non-mycorrhizals. ConclusionArbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi are widely believed to support plant establishment in soils contaminated with heavy metals, because of their potential to strengthen defense system of the AM mediated plants to promote growth and development. Overall, mycorrhizal inoculation of moldavian balm has promoted plant growth and, in addition, mycorrhization has enhanced yield as well as active substances in moldavian balm grown in the heavy metals stress condition. However, these approaches show promise in mitigating the adverse effects of heavy metals stress and improving the overall health and productivity of plants. Based on the enhanced physiological and biochemical responses, as well as increased essential oil content, it is recommended to use arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi fertilization under heavy metals.
Research Article
Leila Taghipour; Mehdi Hosseinifarahi; Parisa Hayati; Pedram Assar
Extended Abstract IntroductionThe physalis (Physalis peruviana L.) is one of the most important members of the Solanaceae family. It is cultivated as a perennial in tropical regions and as an annual in temperate regions. The fruit is a round berry that can be consumed fresh, dried, or used in desserts ...
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Extended Abstract IntroductionThe physalis (Physalis peruviana L.) is one of the most important members of the Solanaceae family. It is cultivated as a perennial in tropical regions and as an annual in temperate regions. The fruit is a round berry that can be consumed fresh, dried, or used in desserts and jams. Physalis fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals with anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties, making them a popular "superfood." Globally, there is increasing demand for this crop as a healthy and beneficial food, including in Iran, although detailed statistics on its cultivation in Iran are lacking. Physalis is a climacteric fruit with a very short postharvest life, typically lasting a maximum of 5 days. Therefore, there is a need for safe postharvest treatments to maintain high quality and extend its shelf life.Materials and MethodsFully orange-colored physalis fruits with completely yellow calyxes were harvested from a commercial greenhouse in Pasargad, Fars province. The fruits were quickly transported to the lab, visually evaluated, washed with deionized water, and air-dried. Melatonin solutions at concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 μM were prepared. Sixty fruits were dipped in each melatonin solution for 5 minutes, with distilled water used as the control. The treated fruits were then air-dried for 30 minutes, packaged in polyethylene bags with 3% perforation, and stored at 10 °C with 90 ± 5% relative humidity for 21 days. Evaluations were conducted weekly.Results and DiscussionOverall, postharvest treatment with melatonin led to a reduction in respiration rate and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in the juice, as well as an improvement or maintenance of skin carotenoid content, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid, total phenols, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) enzyme activity, and total antioxidant activity in the juice. After 21 days of storage and at the end of the experiment, the assessment of all these attributes revealed that fruits treated with 300 μM melatonin were superior in terms of nutritional value, appearance, and postharvest oxidative stress response mechanisms compared to the other experimental groups. There was no significant difference in total soluble solids and titratable acidity among the fruits treated with different concentrations of melatonin; however, fruits treated with the two higher concentrations of melatonin showed the lowest respiration rate and the highest ascorbic acid content in the juice. Furthermore, fruits treated with 300 μM melatonin exhibited higher levels of total phenols, PAL enzyme activity, total antioxidant activity, and skin carotenoids compared to all other experimental groups, while also showing the lowest PPO enzyme activity.ConclusionTreating physalis fruits with exogenous melatonin, especially at concentration of 300 μM, can significantly enhance their postharvest quality and storability by modulating various physiological and biochemical processes. This approach has the potential to improve the marketability and economic value of harvested physalis as a high-value horticultural crop.Extended Abstract IntroductionThe physalis (Physalis peruviana L.) is one of the most important members of the Solanaceae family. It is cultivated as a perennial in tropical regions and as an annual in temperate regions. The fruit is a round berry that can be consumed fresh, dried, or used in desserts and jams. Physalis fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals with anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties, making them a popular "superfood." Globally, there is increasing demand for this crop as a healthy and beneficial food, including in Iran, although detailed statistics on its cultivation in Iran are lacking. Physalis is a climacteric fruit with a very short postharvest life, typically lasting a maximum of 5 days. Therefore, there is a need for safe postharvest treatments to maintain high quality and extend its shelf life.Materials and MethodsFully orange-colored physalis fruits with completely yellow calyxes were harvested from a commercial greenhouse in Pasargad, Fars province. The fruits were quickly transported to the lab, visually evaluated, washed with deionized water, and air-dried. Melatonin solutions at concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 μM were prepared. Sixty fruits were dipped in each melatonin solution for 5 minutes, with distilled water used as the control. The treated fruits were then air-dried for 30 minutes, packaged in polyethylene bags with 3% perforation, and stored at 10 °C with 90 ± 5% relative humidity for 21 days. Evaluations were conducted weekly.Results and DiscussionOverall, postharvest treatment with melatonin led to a reduction in respiration rate and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in the juice, as well as an improvement or maintenance of skin carotenoid content, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), ascorbic acid, total phenols, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) enzyme activity, and total antioxidant activity in the juice. After 21 days of storage and at the end of the experiment, the assessment of all these attributes revealed that fruits treated with 300 μM melatonin were superior in terms of nutritional value, appearance, and postharvest oxidative stress response mechanisms compared to the other experimental groups. There was no significant difference in total soluble solids and titratable acidity among the fruits treated with different concentrations of melatonin; however, fruits treated with the two higher concentrations of melatonin showed the lowest respiration rate and the highest ascorbic acid content in the juice. Furthermore, fruits treated with 300 μM melatonin exhibited higher levels of total phenols, PAL enzyme activity, total antioxidant activity, and skin carotenoids compared to all other experimental groups, while also showing the lowest PPO enzyme activity.ConclusionTreating physalis fruits with exogenous melatonin, especially at concentration of 300 μM, can significantly enhance their postharvest quality and storability by modulating various physiological and biochemical processes. This approach has the potential to improve the marketability and economic value of harvested physalis as a high-value horticultural crop.
Research Article
Maryam Ayaseh; Mohsen Kafi; Mahdi Khansefid; Majeed Shokrpour; Rohangiz Naderi
Physico-chemical response and seedling growth of three aromatic plants, Tanacetum parthenium, Achillea millefolium, and Zygophyllum eurypterum to salinity stress
2. Introduction
Today, a significant factor limiting plant growth is the rising salinity of soil and water, which poses ...
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Physico-chemical response and seedling growth of three aromatic plants, Tanacetum parthenium, Achillea millefolium, and Zygophyllum eurypterum to salinity stress
2. Introduction
Today, a significant factor limiting plant growth is the rising salinity of soil and water, which poses challenges to food security, ecological stability, and agricultural systems. Numerous studies indicate that salinity hampers seed germination and early plant development by inducing osmotic stress, ion toxicity, and oxidative stress. Utilizing salinity-tolerant aromatic plants in saline areas can effectively enhance landscapes. Therefore, cultivating valuable plant species that meet high ecological demands may be the best strategy to mitigate salinity stress in agriculture and natural resources. These species can serve as alternative crops for oil seed production, food products, fodder, and both medicinal and ornamental uses. Tanacetum parthenium, Achillea millefolium, and Zygophyllum eurypterum are examples of medicinal and aromatic herbaceous perennials with low input requirements. They can be grown for various purposes, including ornamental use in dry and saline climates, as well as in the food, perfumery, cosmetics, and medicinal industries. Successful cultivation of these valuable plants in stressful ecosystems necessitates investigating their early growth responses to salinity stress. This research aims to identify suitable conditions for the successful establishment of these plants, ultimately leading to increased production.
3. Materials and Methods
In order to investigate the physicochemical responses and the early growth of seedlings in the shoot and root of three plants, T. parthenium, A. millefolium and Z. eurypterum to different levels of zero salinity stress (control), 1.5, 3 and 6 dS/m, an experiment was conducted as factorial based on completely random design with three replications using a completely randomized design in a greenhouse under pot conditions in Department of Horticultural Science and Green Space Engineering at the University of Tehran. Seeds from three plant species—T. parthenium, A. millefolium, and Z. eurypterum—were obtained from the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR) in Karaj province, Iran. Prior to planting, the seeds were sterilized for one minute in a 2% sodium hypochlorite solution and then washed three times with sanitized water. The seeds were then planted in plastic pots (45, 66, and 23 cm) filled with a mixture of clay, sand, and perlite, at a depth of three centimeters, under greenhouse conditions. Sodium chloride was used to create salinity stress, exposing all studied plants to four salinity levels for a duration of six weeks. The greenhouse maintained a temperature of 20°C at night and 25°C during the day, with a relative humidity of 60-80%. All physiological and biochemical measurements were conducted after six weeks, once the plants were fully established. It is important to note that all samples were washed with distilled water post-sampling, the surface water was removed using filter paper, and samples were immediately stored at -80°C until measurements were taken
4. Results and Discussion
The results of this study indicated that the concentration of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, and total chlorophyll) decreased with increasing salinity levels, which correlated with a reduction in the growth length of both shoots and roots. The results indicated that under severe salinity stress, oxidative damage increased, leading to higher levels of fat peroxidation (MDA) and reduced cell membrane stability. This decrease in stability was linked to a reduction in photosynthetic pigments, ultimately disrupting optimal plant early growth. At all salinity levels, the total antioxidant capacity of A. millefolium leaves was greater than that of its roots. Among all three plants and salinity levels, the highest total antioxidant capacity of 78.57% was observed in the roots of Z. eurypterum under a salinity condition of 3 dS/m. Conversely, the lowest total antioxidant capacity, at 25.38%, was found in the leaves of T. parthenium under non-saline conditions. The results indicated that the potassium to sodium ratio at equilibrium varied significantly depending on the plant species, plant organ, and salinity concentration and the highest ratio was found in the aerial parts of T. parthenium.
5. Conclusion
Overall, based on the biochemical and physiological responses to salinity stress, all three plants exhibited a relatively high tolerance. However, the T. parthenium plant demonstrated the greatest tolerance to salinity stress among them. Therefore, the cultivation of these three species, which possess ornamental, aromatic, and medicinal value, can serve as a viable solution for the ecological sustainability of saline ecosystems and their integration into urban landscaping.
6. Acknowledgement
The authors are grateful for the scientific assistance of Dr. Behrouz Malekpour
7. Keywords: Antioxidant Capacity, Aromatic Plants, Ion homeostasis, Salinity Stress
Research Article
Seyed Asghar mousavi; Maryam Tatari
Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Some Almond Commercial Cultivars (Prunus dulcis Mill.) on GN Vegetative Rootstock
Peach×almond (GN) hybrid rootstocks have favorable characteristics such as ease of rooting, favorable growth vigour, resistance to nematodes, calcareous and dry soil (Babadaei ...
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Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Some Almond Commercial Cultivars (Prunus dulcis Mill.) on GN Vegetative Rootstock
Peach×almond (GN) hybrid rootstocks have favorable characteristics such as ease of rooting, favorable growth vigour, resistance to nematodes, calcareous and dry soil (Babadaei et al., 2018). Currently, water deficiency because of the decrease in rainfall is one of the important concerns and a key limitation in the production of agricultural products (Hass et al, 2021). Under drought stress, plant cell membranes are sensitive to electrolyte leakage. Membrane leakage is caused by uncontrolled free radicals and leads to lipid peroxidation (Cheng et al. 2018). Since tolerance to drought stress is the result of the interaction of morphological and physiological traits of plant, therefore, a combination of different traits that have a direct relationship with drought tolerance can be used as selection criteria to screen the ideal cultivar (Karimi et al., 2015).
Material and methods
This research carried out during the years 2020 and 2021 at the Chahartakhteh station affiliated to the Center for Research and Education of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. The almond seedlings included Shahroud 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 21, that all of them grafted on the GN rootstock, along with GN rootstock, subjected to different drought stress treatments in June for four months. Drought stress treatments included 70% of field capacity (control or no drought stress), 50% field capacity (mild stress), 30% field capacity (moderate stress) and 10% field capacity (severe stress). A counter determined the amount of irrigation in each treatment, and a Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) used to measure the soil moisture. Before the experiment, the physicochemical properties of the soil measured. The measured morphological traits included leaf area, percentage of leaf abscission, and shoot fresh and dry weight. These traits measured four months after subjecting to water stress. The evaluated physiological traits included electrolyte leakage (EL), relative leaf water content (RWC), leaf chlorophyll, proline and malondialdehyde (MDA). These traits also measured four months after subjecting to water stress. The experiment conducted in split plots based on a randomized complete block design in three replications and four seedlings in each experimental unit. The main plot included water drought treatments and the sub plot included almond cultivars. Data analysis carried out using SAS software version 9.2 and comparison of mean data conducted based on LSD test at a five percent probability level.
Results and discussion
As the intensity of drought stress increased, the fresh and dry weight of shoot decreased in almond cultivars and GN rootstock. At soil humidity of 10% field capacity, Shahroud 8 showed higher amounts of shoot fresh weight (785 g). The lowest fresh and dry weight of the shoot and the highest leaf abscission were observed under severe drought stress (10% of the field capacity) in Shahroud 13. The increase in drought levels led to a decrease in the leaf area in the studied cultivars and rootstock of almond. Shahroud 8 had more chlorophyll content than other cultivars at the most severe stress level, and Shahroud 13 showed the lowest chlorophyll b content at 10% humidity of field capacity. A significant decrease in leaf chlorophyll concentration under drought stress has also been reported in previous research (Schlemmer et al., 2005; Gohari et al., 2023). A further decrease in chlorophyll could be due to a drastic decrease in RWC under severe stress conditions. According to Ranjbar et al. (2022), the amount of RWC decreased by 32 to 44% under stress conditions in the K13-40 grafted cultivar on the rootstock of bitter almond No. 32. In the current research, the biggest decrease in RWC was in Shahroud 13 with a decrease of 36.85%. The lowest decrease in RWC was also observed in the GN rootstock with a decrease of 20.94%. Shahroud 13 and GN rootstock showed the highest and lowest electrolyte leakage at the highest stress level, respectively. Karimi et al. (2023) also found a significant increase in EL in White, Mamai and Ferragnes cultivars due to the higher sensitivity of these cultivars to water loss. The most difference in MDA value was observed in Shahroud 13 with an increase of 186.35% and the lowest difference was found in Shahroud 10 with an increase of 84.58%. Shahroud 6 produced the highest content of proline under severe water stress. According to the results, Shahroud 13 and then Shahroud 6 were recognized as the most sensitive cultivars. Shahroud 8 and 12 were among the tolerant cultivars. Other cultivars were also between these two groups.
Shahroud 13 was recognized as the most sensitive cultivar with the lowest fresh and dry weight, RWC and the highest ion leakage and MDA at the most severe stress level. After that, Shahroud 6 had high sensitivity. Shahroud 8 was recognized as the most drought tolerant cultivar due to its lowest MDA content, the highest chlorophyll a and b and RWC in the most level of drought. After Shahroud 8, Shahroud 12 was including the tolerant cultivars. Tolerant cultivars can be used in future studies to evaluate the possibility of planting these cultivars in areas with water shortage problems
Research Article
Ahmad Akrami; H. Bayat; SAEID DAGHIGHI; mohmmad Hossein Aminifard
Narcissus is the most important early-season blooming flowering plant that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. N. tazetta is a valuable plant for cosmetics, cut flowers, and landscape plants. The growth and flower quality of narcissus could be improved by adopting proper cultural practices ...
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Narcissus is the most important early-season blooming flowering plant that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. N. tazetta is a valuable plant for cosmetics, cut flowers, and landscape plants. The growth and flower quality of narcissus could be improved by adopting proper cultural practices and application of plant nutrients. Narcissus is one of the geophyte plants; therefore, one of the important and influencing factors on the growth and performance of narcissus is the appropriate planting date, especially in the first year. Bio fertilizers can be mentioned among the new and effective sources of fertilizer that are used in plant nutrition today. These fertilizers contain useful soil microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes with their metabolites that stimulate the quantitative and qualitative performance of the plant in different ways. Since there is little information about the effect of planting and environmental conditions, including the date of planting, nutrition with biofertilizers and irrigation on Narcissus tazetta. Therefore, the investigation of these factors can help the cultivation of narcissus plant in South Khorasan region. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the effect of planting dates, summer irrigation and EM biofertilizer on the growth and reproductive characteristics of N. tazetta cv. Shahla in South Khorasan region.
Materials and Methods
To investigate the effect of planting date, summer irrigation and EM bio fertilizer on the growth, ornamental and physiological traits of Narcissus tazetta cv. Shahla, an experiment in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications during crop years 2021-2022 in Qaen city of South Khorasan province was implemented. The experimental treatments were bulb planting on July 1 without irrigation, bulb planting on July 1 with irrigation, bulb planting on July 1 along with irrigation with EM fertilizer, bulb planting on September 1 without irrigation, bulb planting on September 1 along with irrigation, and bulb planting on September 1 along with irrigation with EM. The measured indices including vegetative characteristics (number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width and plant height), reproductive traits (corona diameter, flower length, flower diameter, stem diameter, flowering stem length, number of flowers per square meter and number of flowers per stem), physiological traits (total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid content) and leaf nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Finally, the experimental data were statistically analyzed using SAS, JMP Statistical Discovery Pro v13.2.1 program and comparison of means was performed by LSD test at 5% probability level.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that the maximum amount of leaf length and plant height was obtained from the bulbs planted in September that were irrigated with EM fertilizer. However, the highest number of leaves and leaf width were obtained from the bulbs planted in July along with irrigation with EM fertilizer. Planting the bulbs in July along with irrigation had the highest diameter of the flower corona and the length of the flowering stem. In the second year of the experiment, the maximum flower diameter was obtained from the bulbs planted on July 1 with irrigation (3.61 cm). The results showed that the number of flowers per square meter in both years of the experiment was affected by the date of planting and irrigation, so that the bulbs planted on July 1 with irrigation and irrigation with EM fertilizer had the highest number of flowers. The highest number of flowers on the flowering stem was obtained from the treatments of planting bulbs on July 1(7.21 flowers per square meter) and September 1 (1.7 flowers per square meter) along with biofertilizer. In addition, the highest total chlorophyll, carotenoid, nitrogen and potassium content was obtained from September culture. Enhancing the supply of nutrients throughout the growing season, a key mechanism of bio fertilizers, promotes the development and reinforcement of floral structures in the terminal meristem of the bud during the phases of cell meiosis in summer and the stimulation of flower buds, which ultimately boosts the yield of the narcissus flower farm.
The results of this research showed that planting the bulbs in September and using EM biofertilizer improved the vegetative characteristics of narcissus flower. In addition, the results showed that the planting of bulbs in July and irrigation in summer improved the reproductive characteristics of N. tazetta cv. Shahla. Overall, the results indicate that planting narcissus bulbs on July 1, along with summer irrigation, significantly increases the yield of narcissus flower in South Khorasan province.
Research Article
M. Ghazaeean; darab hasani; sedighe zamani; mohamad adibi
The Juglandaceae family includes about 50 species of 11 genera of which Carya (hickory tree), Pterocarya (wingnut tree), and Juglans are the major members (Bernard et al. 2018). The pecan, Carya illinoinensis is the most economically important member of the Carya genus and is the most valuable ...
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The Juglandaceae family includes about 50 species of 11 genera of which Carya (hickory tree), Pterocarya (wingnut tree), and Juglans are the major members (Bernard et al. 2018). The pecan, Carya illinoinensis is the most economically important member of the Carya genus and is the most valuable native North American nut crop. The Carya genus comprises 20 species.
Materials and Methods:
Golestan province is located in the northern temperate region between 37.2898° N, 55.1376° E from the Greenwich meridian and in the northern part of the country. The amount of precipitation reaches 200 mm in the northernmost part of the province and more than 700 mm in the southern parts of Alborz foothills. The temperature is not the same in different parts of the province, and as we go from west to east and from south to north, the ambient temperature increases. The genotypes used in this project are G4, G3, G43, G63, which were selected and propagated from the elite trees available in the province after quantitative and qualitative evaluation, and the cultivars are Mahan and Comanche, which were propagated from grafted trees of the Dezful Research Center collection. Grafted seedlings were produced using the thermal cable technique and planted in the specified locations in the above 2 regions.
Grafted trees from 4 elite genotypes of Golestan (G4,G3,G43,G63) plus Comanch and Mahan 2 commercial cultivars have been studied in randomized completely block design (RCBD) program for 3 years in two region. In the second phase of experiment, the fruit characters and yield evaluated based on pecan descriptor. The results were analyzed by SAS statistical software and the reactions of genotypes were evaluated in different places and during different years.
Results and Discussion:
This evaluation was conducted during the years 2021 to 2024 at Chalki research station of the Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in Gorgan and on the farmer's land located in Igder village, located 30 km from Gonbad city. Measurements were made on the fruit of 2022 and 2023. During these two years, Mahan cultivar did not have fruits with the appropriate number for measurement in the two regions, so it was excluded from the comparison.
The effect of location and year only on fruit weight character was significantly different. Due to the results, G43 showed the maximum fruit weight (11.75 gr). This genotype also showed stronger growth and wide crown in both location. Also, fruit yield in the two years of evaluation, showed no significant differences between the studied cultivars and genotypes in the two regions. Due to the results of the first phase, the maximum tree height was in Mahan (242.5 cm) and the lowest height in G63 (118.66 cm). The maximum canopy spread was in comanch (138.72 cm) and the lowest was in G63(90.11 cm).There were significantly differences between two regions. The length of the growing season among cultivars was 257 days in Gonbad and 237 to 247 days in Gorgan. Study of dichogamy during the years 2021-2022 in the cultivars and genotypes showed two cultivars Comanche and Mahan were protandry in Gorgan, while both cultivars showed protogyny in Gonbad. Also, 4 genotypes of the province (G3, G4, G43, G63) showed protogyny.
This project, which was carried out in two vegetative and reproductive phases, evaluated the elit pecan germplasm in the province with the aim of using the existing genetic potential of the province and also comparing it with commercial cultivars available in the country for introduction and development in the construction of new orchards in Golestan province. The results of the two phases of this research showed that some of the introduced genotypes have the ability to compete with the existing commercial cultivars, which will require further investigation in the years of peak fruiting and maturity of the tree. The length of the growing season among cultivars was 257 days in Gonbad area and 237 to 247 days in Gorgan. Also, the effects of drought conditions in Golestan province during 2021-2022 should be included in the relative determination of the results. As a summary, based on the evaluation of these two phases and considering the growth and fruiting conditions, two genotypes G4 , G43 and G63 can be considered as promising genotypes for development.
Research Article
Mehrab Yadegari
IntroductionAgave americana cv. marginata from Agavaceae family is one of the important plants have many uses in various medicinal and food industrial. Among environmental stresses, water deficit stress plays an important role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants in arid and ...
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IntroductionAgave americana cv. marginata from Agavaceae family is one of the important plants have many uses in various medicinal and food industrial. Among environmental stresses, water deficit stress plays an important role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants in arid and semi-arid regions like Iran. Drought stress has detrimental effects on growth and yield and can upset the balance between the antioxidant defense system and free radicals by stimulating a series of biochemical reactions, where free radicals cause cell damage. In sustainable production systems of medicinal and aromatic plants, stable quantitative and qualitative functions can be achieved under conditions of environmental stress and it is possible to improve the production of secondary metabolites in these plants under adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate some of important macro-micro nutrients on the morpho-physiological and phytochemical properties of Agave americana cv. marginata to determine and introduce the best combinations of fertilizers with use of superabsorbent nano-polymer under water stress conditions. Materials and MethodsThis research was performed in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in a split-split plot layout with three replications. Irrigation regimes (D1-D3: Field Capacity, 50% and 75% evaporation from basin class A) in main plots, superabsorbent nano-polymer application (S1-S2: use and not use) in sub plots and treatments of fertilizers [F1-F15: grow-more 1 (F1), grow-more 2 (F2), grow-more 3 (F3), iron chelate (F4), zinc chelate (F5), grow-more 1+iron chelate (F6), grow-more 1+zinc chelate (F7), grow-more 2+iron chelate (F8), grow-more 2+zinc chelate (F9), grow-more 3+iron chelate (F10), grow-more 3+zinc chelate (F11), grow-more 1+iron chelate+zinc chelate (F12), grow-more 2+iron chelate+zinc chelate (F13), grow-more 3+iron chelate+zinc chelate (F14) and control (F15)] in sub-sub plots were done. This research was performed in greenhouse condition of Islamic Azad University Branch of Shahrekord (latitude. 32°20′ N, longitude. 50°51′ E, altitude. 2061 m) in 2023-2024. In each year, fertilizer treatments were applied in foliar application after stage of V8 (plants had 8 leaf) in 6 stage by 14 days interval and harvesting was done after one month after the final application of fertilizers. The fertilizers of grow-more (NPK), iron and zinc in 4 gr.l-1 concentration by production company certification were used in V8 stage in plants and the effects were compared by control plants. Weed control was done manually during the entire experiment. During the experiment no systemic pesticide and herbicide were used. The harvested shoots transferred to the laboratory for measure of characters. Morphological characters such as leaf length, leaf diameter and dry/fresh root/leaf weight; physiological characters such as chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and zinc, iron and nitrogen content in root/leaf and phytochemical characters such as contents of hecogenin, saponin, protein of leaf and root were measured. For assessment of the total chlorophyll content of A.americana, the leaves were extracted with 80% acetone. The absorbance of the extraction was read at 470, 648, and 664 nm, and the content of total chlorophyll was calculated as mg per g leaf fresh weight. For measure of hecogenin, saponin, total protein in leaf and root and nitrogen content in leaf and root use the protocols of Hackman et al., 2006, Sidana et al., 2016, Bradford, 1976 and Álvarez-Chávez et al., 2021; respectively. Results and DiscussionIn two sequential years, the obtained results showed that the use of treatments increased the characters and made the significant effectiveness. The most of means of leaf dry weight (30.11 g.plant-1), leaf fresh weight (207.33 g.plant-1), root dry weight (3.82 g.plant-1), root fresh weight (18.79 g.plant-1), length of leaf (64.55 cm), leaf diameter (0.41 centimeter), chlorophyll a (2.27 mg.g-1 fresh weight), chlorophyll b (0.53 mg.g-1 fresh weight), total chlorophyll (2.81 mg.g-1 fresh weight), hecogenin (35.48 fresh weight), saponin (66164.8 fresh weight), nitrogen of leaf (1.39 mg.g-1 dry weight), nitrogen of root (1.23 mg.g-1 dry weight), protein of leaf (25.34 mg.g-1 dry weight), protein of root (16.99 mg.g-1 dry weight), zinc of leaf (68.99 microg-1 dry weight), zinc of root (44.84 microg-1 dry weight), iron of leaf (81.01 microg-1 dry weight) and iron of root (49.84 microg-1 dry weight) made in grow-more fertilizers specially grow-more 1 (20-20-20) in combination with Fe/Zn Libfer. However the superabsorbent nano-polymer application had the aggressive effectiveness on amounts of characters especially in hardness of water stress. The least morpho-physiological and phytochemical characters such as leaf dry weight (12.81 g.plant-1), leaf fresh weight (89.54 g.plant-1), root dry weight (1.62 g.plant-1), root fresh weight (8.18 g.plant-1), length of leaf (41.12 cm), leaf diameter (0.24 centimeter), chlorophyll a (1.69 mg.g-1 fresh weight), chlorophyll b (0.26 mg.g-1 fresh weight), total chlorophyll (1.95 mg.g-1 fresh weight), hecogenin (21.88 fresh weight), saponin (22134.3 fresh weight), nitrogen of leaf (0.29 mg.g-1 dry weight), nitrogen of root (0.77 mg.g-1 dry weight), protein of leaf (10.11 mg.g-1 dry weight), protein of root (6.47 mg.g-1 dry weight), zinc of leaf (34.34 microg-1 dry weight), zinc of root (20.36 microg-1 dry weight), iron of leaf (43.77 microg-1 dry weight) and iron of root (27.73 microg-1 dry weight) made in control plants. In most of measured characters the treatments of D1S1F12, D3S1F14 and D2S1F14 were the best and control plants had the least of characters.ConclusionGenerally the application of grow-more fertilizer 1 (20-20-20) with consumption of zinc and iron fertilizers can be a good strategy to improve the morpho-physiological and phytochemical characters of Agave americana cv. marginata specially the hecogenin and saponin amounts in the water stress conditions. However the use of superabsorbent nano-polymer in strenuous drought stress (75 %) is more effectivnes than other water stress levels.
Research Article
Gholam Hosein Homayouni; m r; Abdolah Ehteshamnia; Mostafa Aalifar
Climate change and environmental pollutants are effective in the growth of different plant species. Plants in general and trees in particular react to climatic and environmental changes. Air pollution and climate changes have a significant effect on the growth, quality and phytochemical ...
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Climate change and environmental pollutants are effective in the growth of different plant species. Plants in general and trees in particular react to climatic and environmental changes. Air pollution and climate changes have a significant effect on the growth, quality and phytochemical characteristics of trees in urban green spaces, because chronic injuries are caused by continuous absorption of pollutants. The metropolis of Tehran is known as one of the most immigrant-friendly cities in the country. The main environmental problems of Tehran city are the lack of natural air ventilation, the persistence of pollutants, dryness of the air, the existence of dust, the existence of noise and the destruction of natural ecosystems. Air quality is related to the chemical state of the atmosphere at any time and place. Like weather, air quality affects everyone.
Materials and Methods
The current research was carried out in the city of Tehran in the form of a completely random design and in three repetitions. This research was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of ten-year climate changes and environmental pollutants on the chemical properties of plantain trees in 4 regions of Valiasr street of Tehran (regions 1, 3, 6 and 11). In this study, four areas of the city include Valiasr Street in area 1 from Tajrish Square to Parkway (average height above sea level 1611 meters and average slope 20.17), area 3 from Parkway to Hemat Bridge (average height 1501 meters and average slope 5.89), zone 6 from Hammet bridge to Valiasr intersection (height 1308 meters and average slope 5.17) and zone 11 from Valiasr intersection to railway square (average height 1152 meters above sea level and average slope 2.19) were selected for the study. Region 1 was selected as a clean or low pollution region, region 3 as a polluted region one, region 6 as a polluted region two and region 11 as a polluted region three. The obtained data were analyzed by ANOVA using SAS 9.4 software, comparison of averages was done with Duncan's test and graphs and statistical tables were drawn by Excel software. The difference of traits in three times was evaluated using t-test.
Results and Discussion
Data homogeneity test was not significant by Bartlett's test, which shows that the variances are homogeneous in four locations. Due to the homogeneity of the data and the non-significance of Bartlett's test, the data of this experiment were subjected to combined analysis.
The results showed that the highest amount of ion leakage was obtained in regions 6 and 11. The highest relative humidity content was shown in regions 3 and 6. With the increase of environmental pollutants in regions 3 and 11 in compared to region1 ,the amount of anthocyanins and antioxidants increased. In addition, the activity of catalase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzymes in plantain tree leaves showed a significant increase in areas with more pollution (11, 6 and 3) due to lower sea level height and slope gradient in compared to region 1. Many researchers have also stated in numerous reports the existence of a relationship between the place of growth and its effect on the quality and quantity of phytochemical compounds of plants. In general, air pollution and decreasing sea level height and slope led to increased ion leakage, malondialdehyde, relative leaf water content, flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidants, phenols, and antioxidant enzyme activity.
In the present study, a significant difference was observed in terms of phytochemical content, quantity and quality in plane trees located on Valiasr Street in Tehran. Environmental factors of the growing area play a role in the quantity and quality of phytochemical parameters of plants by affecting the total amount of active substances, elements constituting the active compounds and dry weight production.
sea level height is one of the most important environmental factors that affect the phytochemical composition of plants. Other environmental factors that form the climate of a region also play a role in the accumulation of physiological compounds in plants. In the present study, a significant difference was observed in terms of phytochemical content, quantity and quality in plane plants grown in the study areas. Also, many researchers have stated in numerous reports the existence of a relationship between the place of growth and its effect on the quality and quantity of phytochemical compounds of plants. Environmental factors of the growing area play a role in the quantity and quality of phytochemical parameters of plants by affecting the total amount of active substances, elements constituting the active compounds and dry weight production.
Research Article
Masoumeh Vakili-Ghartavol; Hossein Arouiee; Shiva Golmohamadzadeh; Mahboobeh Naseri; Leila Bandian
Cherry tomatoes, an annual plant with significant economic value, are a popular and nutritious fruit commonly used in salads. They are rich in essential nutrients such as sugars, acids, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, lycopene, and other carotenoids, making them a vital component ...
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Cherry tomatoes, an annual plant with significant economic value, are a popular and nutritious fruit commonly used in salads. They are rich in essential nutrients such as sugars, acids, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, lycopene, and other carotenoids, making them a vital component of diets worldwide. However, their climacteric nature causes a rapid decline in quality, resulting in physicochemical changes such as softening and alterations in color. Due to their perishable nature, they have a short shelf life of only 2 to 3 weeks. Therefore, it is crucial to explore methods for extending their freshness, for extending their shelf life while maintaining their quality, both for local consumption and exportation.
Materials and Methods
This study aimed to investigate the impact of varying concentrations (0.025%, 0.05%, 0.075%, 0.1%, and 0.2%) of peppermint essential oil and solid lipid nanoparticles containing peppermint essential oil on the quality of cherry tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Santiago F1). The research was conducted using a completely randomized factorial design with three replications and ten fruits per replication during a 28-day storage period at 8 °C at the laboratories of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences and the Horticulture Science Laboratory at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. On April 19, 2021, cherry tomatoes were harvested from a greenhouse at commercial maturity when 75% of the fruit surface had turned red. Then the fruits were transferred to the horticultural science laboratory. The selection process focused on uniformity of shape, size, color, and absence of external damage, pests, and diseases. Then they were immersed in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 minute to disinfect the surface and then rinsed with distilled water. Finally, the fruits were placed in different coating solutions. Distilled water was used to treat control fruits. The quality parameters studied included fruit juice percentage, juice density, soluble solids, fruit juice acidity, fruit juice pH, total chlorophyll content, carotenoid levels, lycopene levels, anthocyanin content, flavonoid levels, flavonol levels, and electrolyte leakage in the fruits.
Results and Discussion
The results of the study indicated that fruits treated with solid lipid nanoparticles containing peppermint essential oil, particularly at a concentration of 0.2%, showed significantly higher levels of juice percentage (approximately 85%), total chlorophyll content, acidity (around 51%), as well as anthocyanin, flavonoid and flavonol content compared to those treated with free peppermint essential oil or the control group. However, the amount of soluble solids (approximately 54%), juice density (about 75%), juice pH, and lycopene and carotenoid content were found to be lower in comparison with those treated with free peppermint essential oil or the control group. This indicates that the application of this coating may slow down the ripening process, thereby preserving the fruit's color. This treatment also effectively reduced the amount of electrolyte leakage of fruit cell membranes (about 56%). However, free peppermint essential oil treatment at 0.1% and 0.2% concentrations had higher electrolyte leakage compared to the control group. This suggests that while peppermint essential oil can have a positive effect on preserving fruit quality, using it at higher concentrations may cause tissue damage and accelerate the softening process. These findings suggest that incorporating peppermint essential oil into solid lipid nanoparticles can enhance the overall quality and nutritional value of fruits, making them a healthier option for consumption. Additionally, the use of solid lipid nanoparticles may also help in controlling the release of peppermint essential oil, leading to a more sustained effect on fruit preservation. Therefore, incorporating the essential oil into solid lipid nanoparticles could be a more effective approach as it slows down the ripening process and helps maintain overall fruit quality.
In conclusion, our study has demonstrated the potential of solid lipid nanoparticles containing peppermint essential oil in preserving the quality and extending the shelf life of fruits. The use of these nanocapsules not only maintained the color, TA, and soluble solids of fruits but also prevented tissue damage and delayed the ripening process. This innovative approach could revolutionize fruit preservation methods and benefit both producers and consumers by reducing food waste and ensuring continuous availability of fresh, high-quality fruits. Further research on the development of nanocapsules with different essential oils could open new horizons for enhancing the shelf life of various fruits and other perishable food products.
Research Article
Sakineh Molaei Mohammad Abadi; somayeh rastegar
Kinnow mandarin is one of the most important citrus fruits that undergoes significant postharvest quality deterioration. This deterioration is primarily due to moisture loss, physiological changes, and pathogen infections. To maintain the quality and extend the shelf-life of kinnow mandarins, ...
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Kinnow mandarin is one of the most important citrus fruits that undergoes significant postharvest quality deterioration. This deterioration is primarily due to moisture loss, physiological changes, and pathogen infections. To maintain the quality and extend the shelf-life of kinnow mandarins, various postharvest treatments and storage conditions have been explored. Melatonin, being a nontoxic and safe chemical, has application potential in the improvement of fruit quality. By stimulating the production of antioxidants like ascorbic acid and phenolics, melatonin can boost the overall antioxidant capacity of fruits. It has been reported that by influencing pigment production, melatonin can enhance fruit color and appearance. Further research is needed to optimize the application methods and determine the most effective melatonin concentrations for different cultivars and storage conditions. Additionally, the underlying physiological and biochemical mechanisms by which melatonin enhances fruit quality during postharvest storage warrant further investigation. Implementing melatonin treatments in commercial postharvest operations could provide a valuable strategy for maintaining the quality and extending the shelf-life of Kinnow mandarins and other citrus fruits.
Materials and Methods
A field experiment was conducted in a citrus orchard located in Rudkhan district, Rudan county, Iran. Ten-year-old Kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis × Citrus deliciosa) trees were treated with three melatonin concentrations: 0 µM (distilled water as control), 100 µM, and 200 µM. The treatments were applied as foliar sprays one month prior to harvest, repeated three times at weekly intervals. Mature fruits were harvested in December and randomly divided into two groups: one for immediate analysis and the other for storage. Fruits destined for storage were disinfected with 0.05% sodium hypochlorite for one min, rinsed with distilled water, and then subjected to a 30-min soak in melatonin solutions (100 µM or 200 µM) corresponding to the previous foliar treatment. The fruits were then stored at 5 ± 1°C. Samples were evaluated for physicochemical properties at 30 and 60 days of storage. A factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design. Data were analyzed using SAS software, version 9.4. Means were compared using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at the 5% level of significance. Graphs were generated using Excel software.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that melatonin treatments significantly increased fruit weight, pulp weight, juice volume, titratable acidity, and ascorbic acid content at harvest. During storage, both sprayed and immersed fruits exhibited less weight loss. At the end of the storage period, treated fruits also had higher ascorbic acid content compared to the control. Fruit immersion was more effective in preserving total flavonoids at the end of the experiment. The highest antioxidant capacity was observed in fruits sprayed with 100 μM melatonin. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, scavenging free radicals and protecting cellular components from oxidative damage. In addition, by modulating ethylene production, melatonin can influence fruit ripening rate and overall quality. Melatonin has been studied in fruits like mango and papaya, where it has shown potential to improve fruit quality and extend shelf life. Studies on citrus fruits have indicated that melatonin can reduce chilling injury, maintain juice quality, and increase antioxidant content. It's important to note that the optimal melatonin concentration and application method can vary significantly between fruit species. Overall, the sprayed treatments showed better performance in terms of marketability and various quality attributes compared to the other treatments. The findings of this study suggest that pre- and post-harvest melatonin treatments can effectively maintain the quality and extend the shelf-life of Kinnow mandarin fruit during cold storage. Melatonin's antioxidant properties and ability to regulate physiological processes may contribute to the observed improvements in fruit quality. These results have important implications for the postharvest management of Kinnow mandarins, as melatonin could be a valuable tool for preserving the fruit's nutritional and sensory attributes during storage and transportation.
The results of this study demonstrate that melatonin application had a beneficial impact on Kinnow mandarin fruits. Overall, the melatonin spray treatment, particularly at a concentration of 100 µM, led to increased fruit weight, water content, ascorbic acid content, and titratable acidity at harvest. During storage, treated fruits exhibited higher antioxidant capacity, phenolic and flavonoid content, and ascorbic acid levels, along with reduced weight loss compared to the control group. Consequently, the use of melatonin is proposed as a promising strategy to enhance the quality and marketability of Kinnow mandarins during postharvest storage.
Research Article
Mohammad Behzad Amiri; Vahid Mohammadzadeh Kakhki; Mohammad Hosein Aminifard
Soil amendment materials have diverse properties and tend to affect soil physicochemical properties in several ways. Of these amendments, biochar has received considerable attention due to its role in the management of acid soils, pollution remediation, and improvement of soil fertility, ...
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Soil amendment materials have diverse properties and tend to affect soil physicochemical properties in several ways. Of these amendments, biochar has received considerable attention due to its role in the management of acid soils, pollution remediation, and improvement of soil fertility, carbon sequestration, and mitigation of climate change. Biochar is a porous carbon-rich material comprised chiefly of aromatic carbons and/or heteroatoms. Biochar is a product obtained from biological waste, particularly agricultural biomass waste which is thermally degraded using a process called pyrolysis, in the absence of oxygen. Biochar is useful as 1) a fuel source (charcoal) for renewable energy and 2) for carbon sequestering to the soil preventing the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, 3) as a waste recycling method, 4) as a soil amendment to improve the soil structure, texture, water holding capacity and other physicochemical properties thus improving the soil fertility, 5) plant growth promotion due to the nutrients supplied by biochar when used as manure and 6) plant disease management by either directly (antagonism) or indirectly (induced systemic resistance) in plants.
Sulfur (S) is an important component of many amino acids such as methionine and cysteine in plants. The balance update of sulfur decreases the speed of oxidative processes with an improvement reduction mechanism. It also plays a critical role in the improvement of wheat productivity through better grain production. sulfur is very important for the efficacious use of nitrogen especially in the formation of protein contents. Without sulfur, the optimum activity of nitrogen regarding protein content biosynthesis cannot be achieved in terms of yield. Application of Nano fertilizers and reduction of the size of the material to the nanoscale leads to an increase in the surface mass ratio of the particles, and as a result, an abundant amount of nutrient ions is absorbed slowly and steadily for a long period.
Satureja hortensis L. which is a medicinal plant in the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family is widely grown in France, Hungary, Spain and Iran. The essential oil of Satureja hortensis L. finds application in food products due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Traditionally, it was utilized as a stomachic, stimulant, expectorant, aphrodisiac and carminative treatment of various kinds of infectious illnesses.
Material and Methods
In order to investigate the effects of different levels of biochar and common sulfur and nona-fertilizer of sulfur on some morphological and physiological characteristics of Satureja hortensis L., an experiment was done at the Research Field of University of Gonabad during the years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. A split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted. Biochar with three levels (5, 10 and 20 t.ha-1 and control) and two sulfur nutritional treatments (common sulfur, nano-fertilizer of sulfur and control) were used as main and subplots, respectively. Plant height, lateral branch number, leaf area, stem diameter, dry shoot weight, dry matter yield, carbohydrate content, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were recorded.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that in both of two cropping year, the highest plant height (with 41 and 39 cm plant height in the first and second cropping year, respectively) and lateral branch number (with 28 and 30 lateral branch number in the first and second cropping year, respectively) obtained in combined applicaton treatment of 20 t.ha-1 biochar and spraying of nano-fertilizer of sulfur and in both of two cropping year, use of common sulfur and spraying nano-fertilizer of sufur at higher levels of biochar (10 and 20 t.ha-1) resulted in the production of more leaf area and stem diameter than the application of these sulfur nutritional inputs in lower levels of biochar.
The results of the interaction effects of biochar application and nutritional treatment in the 2018-2019 crop year showed that with increasing biochar amounts to 10 t.ha-1, the positive effects of common sulfur and nanosulfur in improving essential oil content were more noticeable, so that the highest amount of essential oil (2.40%) was obtained in the treatment of simultaneous application of 10 t.ha-1 of biochar and soil application of common sulfur. In both years, the highest amount of essential oil (2.10 and 2.13% essential oil in the first and second year, respectively) was obtained in 10 t.ha-1 biochar.
The highest influence of sulfur nutritional treatments on chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll appeared when they were used simultaneously with biochar, for example, chlorophyll a content in conditions of spraying of nano-fertilizer of sulfur with the application of 5, 10 and 20 t.ha-1 biochar was 42, 54 and 72% in the first cropping year, respectively and 43, 54 and 73% in the second cropping year, respectively more than amount of these traits in conditions of separate spraying of nano-fertilizer of sulfur.
In general, based on the results of this research, it seems that the combined consumption of biochar with common sulfur and nano-fertilizer of sulfur, while improving the quantitative characteristics of Satureja hortensis L. can lead to the improvement of its physiological characteristics and the production of free of chemical substances in this valuable medicinal plant.
Research Article
Kazem Hokmabadi; Seyyed Hosein Nemati; Reza Tavakkol Afshari
Breeding of nutty watermelon: evaluation and selection from among the populations of some landraces
Selecting desirable traits in plants and improving them for desired traits requires the existence of sufficient genetic diversity within the population or between them and on the ...
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Breeding of nutty watermelon: evaluation and selection from among the populations of some landraces
Selecting desirable traits in plants and improving them for desired traits requires the existence of sufficient genetic diversity within the population or between them and on the other hand, the use of genetic diversity within a population can be used as a suitable solution to deal with genetic vulnerability in plants. Usually, the genetic diversity of plants changes in time and place. Genetic diversity of a trait is the different value of individuals or genotypes for that trait. Usually, in the classical breeding program, varieties are identified based on the morphological characteristics of leaves, flowers and fruits. However, most cultivars cannot be identified based on these traits, especially if they are closely related. In addition, phenotypic identification based on morphology is affected by environmental changes. The success of breeding programs depends on the existence of diversity in germplasms in terms of the desired trait or traits. Collecting superior watermelons and examining their characteristics provides valuable resources to researchers for breeding programs. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) has great diversity in terms of shape, fruit size, fruit skin pattern, fruit flesh color, seed length and width, and number The seed in the fruit as well as the quality of the fruit is among its cultivars and varieties, therefore it seems that by examining the native cultivars and populations, it is possible to find desirable traits and use them in future commercial cultivars for breeding processes.
Materials and Methods
In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of 10 native stands of Iranian watermelon by examining the growth and seed-related traits, a research was conducted in Farouj city in 2019 in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications. The seeds of Jabani, Sonbek and Kalaleh trees were collected from Joven, Kashan and Gorgan. After the selection in the first year, the desired traits were also checked in the selected populations in the second year.
In this research, it was found that the type of mass and the choice of generation had a significant effect on the yield of the product. The highest fruit yield, i.e. 65 tons per hectare, corresponds to Jabani 1 mass. After Jabani cluster 1, Kalaleh cluster 1 had the highest yield with a yield of 45 tons per hectare, which seems to have a direct relationship with the fruit weight per plant. There was a significant difference in the yield between the stands in terms of seed characteristics and yield, fruit flesh and skin yield, fruit length and width. In the breeding goals of nutty watermelons, the most important are the characteristics of the seeds. Coarseness of the seed and high percentage of the kernel compared to the skin of the seed and the softness of the seed texture are also among the other improvement goals in these watermelons. In the first year experiment, among these traits that determine the quality and quantity of seeds, the highest 1,000-seed weight (326.6 grams) in Jabani stand 1, the highest percentage of brain to seed weight (50%) in Sanbek stand 1, the longest seed (average 20 mm) and the widest fruit (average 11.7 mm) belongs to Jabani 1, while the lowest thickness of the seed coat (0.37 mm) is evident in Sanbek 3 mass. Therefore, Jabani mass and stigma are desirable for the cultivation of a nut watermelon. In the second generation of the first experiment, Jabani mass 1 with an average weight of 1000 seeds was 350 grams, seed length was 20.35 mm, seed width was 12.44 mm, seed diameter was 3.39 mm, and seed coat thickness was 0.86 mm. m and seed yield of 1.39 tons per hectare was the best group among the tested groups. Regarding fruit traits, Jabani 1 had the heaviest fruit weight (3.14 kg), the heaviest weight of fruit flesh (1.80 kg) and the highest fruit yield per hectare (62.80 tons per hectare).
The examination of traits that determine the quality and quantity of seeds, such as the weight of 1000 seeds, percentage of kernel weight to seed, length, width and diameter, thickness of the seed coat, showed that Jabani 1 and 3 are the most desirable types. In the second year, Jabani 1 and 3 have the highest quantity and quality of seeds and they are suitable for cultivation as nut watermelon. The comparison of two generations of each of the selected populations showed that most of the fruit and seed traits improved under the influence of the generation and the second generation produced heavier fruits with better seed yield. Also, this improvement of fruit traits in Jabani population 1 and the improvement of seed traits in Kalaleh population 1 is more significant than other populations.
Research Article
Mohammadreza Asghari; Pari Zahedipour Sheshglani; Safaa Mohammed Ali Kadhim Al-Janabi
Introduction: Strawberry is a widely consumed fruit with high nutritional value, which the consumption plays an effective role in reducing human chronic diseases. Strawberry fruit is a source of secondary metabolites with antioxidant activity which influence nutritional value and quality attributes of ...
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Introduction: Strawberry is a widely consumed fruit with high nutritional value, which the consumption plays an effective role in reducing human chronic diseases. Strawberry fruit is a source of secondary metabolites with antioxidant activity which influence nutritional value and quality attributes of this fruit. However, strawberry is a perishable fruit with a short shelf-life and high amount of this fruit is wasted during post-harvest periods which leads to economic, food and nutritional losses. In the last decade, the use of safe and natural elicitors in order to extend the shelf-life and improve the marketability of strawberry fruit has been increasing. Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant growth regulators that modulate molecular, physiological, and biochemical responses in plant organs. Exogenous 24- Epibrassinolide (24-EBL) as a natural analog of BRs, has multiple effects on horticultural crops. Exogenous application of 24-EBL improves postharvest quality, antioxidant compounds and extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, 24-EBL has a significant effect on improving the sensory properties and marketability of stored crops. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of postharvest application of 24-EBL on bioactive compounds concentrations, antioxidant capacity and marketability of strawberry fruits.
Material and Methods: Strawberry fruits were harvested from a commercial greenhouse in the fully red color stage and immediately transferred to the laboratory. Healthy and uniform strawberries were selected and divided in three groups. Strawberry fruits were immersed in the 24-EBL solutions for 3 minutes. Strawberry fruits were dried completely at room condition and then were packed in polyethylene boxes (20×15×12 cm) and stored for 10 days at 1±1 °C. Control samples were treated with distilled water for same duration. After 10 d storage at low temperature, strawberry fruits were kept at room temperature for 24 hours to simulate the commercial situations, and then sampling was done to evaluate quality traits and marketability, biochemical compounds, phenylalanine ammonialyase and tyrosine ammonialyase enzymes activity and total antioxidant activity. In this study, the experiment was conducted completely randomized design with three replications.
Results and Discussion: Due to the high perishability and short shelf life of harvested strawberry fruits, it is necessary to investigate new methods. The use of safe and natural elicitors in order to improve the quality and marketability of the fruit may also result in an increase in the fruit nutritional value. The results showed that postharvest application of 24-EBL (1 and 3 µM) increased total phenolic content (16.5 % and 19.5 %), total flavonoids (5.5 % and 9 %) and total anthocyanins (12 % and 17 %) compared to control, respectively. Moreover, the activities of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) and tyrosine ammonialyase (TAL), as important enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway increased in response to 24-EBL treatment. According to correlation coefficient analysis, there was a significant correlation among the phenolic compounds concentrations, PAL and TAL enzymes activity. Increaing the phenolic compounds, flavonoide and total anthocyanins content in response to 24-EBL treatment improved total antioxidant activity of strawberry fruits. Phenolics and flavonoids play important roles in increasing stress tolerance in crops and show a remarkably high scavenging activity toward reactive oxygen species. In addition to the positive effect of 24-EBL in enhancing secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity, which leads to improve the nutritional value of strawberry fruit, it also improved the sensory properties and marketability of the fruit. Treated berries with different concentrations of 24-EBL had lower titratable acidity, more total soluble solid, better taste and firmness compared to the control ones. These indices influenced the sensory properties and marketability of strawberries.These findings suggest that postharvest application of 24-EBL, especially at 3 μM, most effective to improve the postharvest quality and extend the shelf life of strawberry fruits. This research provided a new understanding regarding the impact of 24-EBL on increasing bioactive compounds and improving antioxidant activity of strawberry fruit and elucidated the effect of BRs on improving marketability of strawberry fruit.
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that postharvest application of 24- Epibrassinolide increse secondary metabolite content and nutritional value of stored strawberry fruits. Inceasing the secondary metabolite by antioxidant activity can also influence the sensory properties and marketability of strawberries. The mentioned results could be clear signs that 24- Epibrassinolide is a promising agent for extend the shelf life of strawberry fruits, as well as for improving their nutritional value.
Research Article
Abdollah Godarzi; Mehrab Yadegari; Asghar Mousavi; habibollah nourbakhsh
Introduction: Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) belong to a group of temperate fruits, which have high nutritional qualities, and many by-products are produced from different parts of their berries. The difference in quantity and quality properties of different cultivars is an opportunity to screen grapes based ...
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Introduction: Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) belong to a group of temperate fruits, which have high nutritional qualities, and many by-products are produced from different parts of their berries. The difference in quantity and quality properties of different cultivars is an opportunity to screen grapes based on their desirable characteristics and nutritional value. The morphological and yield traits of grapes usually vary depending on the cultivar, vineyard climate, light, temperature, viticultural operations, nutrition, irrigation management, pests, disease control, pruning, training practices, and crop load. Since the study of the nutrients state can be a real criterion for evaluating the growth and yield of the plant, therefore, the present study was carried out to evaluate and compare the growth, yield and concentration of macro and micro nutrients elements in the leaves of 12 commercial varieties of grapes in the climatic conditions of Saman region located in Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province, Iran.
Materials and methods: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the morphological and pomological characteristics of 12 grape varieties in the grape collection garden of Chaharmahal province and Bakhtiari of Saman region in the base of a randomized complete block design with three replications. Saman region is located at 32.19° latitude, 50.51° longitude and 2060 meters above sea level. The studied area is a temperate mountainous region with an average temperature of 12.8°C and an average annual rainfall of 243 mm. The absolute maximum and absolute minimum temperature in the investigated garden are 42 and -32°C, respectively. In this research, three-year-old plants of Red seedless, Flame, Perlette, Kashmiri 1, Shahroudi, Yaghouti, Kashmiri 2, Nasrallah daei's Asgari, Rish baba, Local black, Asgari, Hasnabad black were studied. In the fruit ripening stage, morphological traits, fruit yield and the concentration of nutrients in the leaves of the studied cultivars were measured in two growing seasons of 1400-1401 and 1402-1401.
Results and discussion: Having precise selection power among plants is necessary for breeding and production of new varieties, which depends on the identification of existing varieties and their diversity. In the present study most of the traits showed significant variations among the studied cultivars. The results show a significant difference among the studied cultivars in terms of growth characteristics (stem diameter, shoot length of the current season, number and distance of internode and leaf surface). Also, the related traits to the plant yield, including cluster length, cluster width, cluster weight, berry length and berry width significantly were influenced by the type of grape cultivar, and the highest yield was recorded in the Flame cultivar (7.19 kg per plant). Based on the results, the evaluated grape cultivars were significantly differed from each other in terms of the concentration of macro and micro nutrient elements in the leaves. Correlation results showed that the leaf area, cluster characteristics, and the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, and boron significantly and positively correlated with the grape yield. Cluster analysis classified the studied grape cultivars into three groups, which were in accordance with the results of principal components analysis. Based on the results of this research, the cultivars Perlette, Flame, Red seedless, Hasnabad black and Rish baba were superior to other cultivars in terms of the evaluated traits, which can be investigated for further studies and breeding programs.
The amount of copper in the leaves of grape cultivars in the first year was higher than in the second year, and Asgari Dai Nasrallah and Siah Mahali cultivars had the highest (7.60 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight) and the lowest (4.28 mg/kg) respectively. kg/leaf fresh weight) had copper content. The amount of manganese in the first year was more than the second year and the different grape cultivars were significantly different from each other. The highest amount of manganese was in Hasan Abad black cultivars (95.92 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight) and Philim (93.50 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight) and the lowest amount in Kashmiri 2 variety (60.22 mg/kg/leaf fresh weight) was measured. In the present study, the amount of zinc element measured in the first year was higher than the second year and it varied between 84.80 and 25.05 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight among different grape varieties. Fleim and Yaghuti cultivars had the highest and lowest amount of zinc element among the studied cultivars. Boron is one of the elements influencing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of grapes, and the need for this element in grapes is more than other treasured fruit trees, and the presence of optimal amounts of boron is necessary for the formation of fruit and the growth and development of pods. Although the effect of the year on the boron content was not significant, its measured value was higher in the second year than in the first year. The highest (38.22 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight) and the lowest (17.62 mg/kg in leaf fresh weight) boron content were recorded in Pearlet and Kashmiri 2 cultivars, respectively. The recorded differences in the concentration of nutrients in the leaves of different grape cultivars can be attributed to several reasons: a) The ability to absorb nutrients may be different in the studied cultivars, so they act differently in the transfer and distribution of nutrients. b) Difference in the amount of active hormones in the root. c) Some nutrients are consumed in a larger amount by the roots, and as a result, the amount transferred to the branches and leaves decreases. The difference in the consumption of nutrients in the roots of different grape cultivars leads to the difference in the measured concentration of these elements in the leaves.
Conclusion: Significant differences were found among the 12 grape cultivars in terms of morphological, nutrient elements and yield traits. These findings confirmed that growth and berry yield of grape can be affected mainly by the cultivar-based genetic background. The results of this study can be used as a guide for selecting appropriate cultivars for further breeding programs.
Research Article
Pouria Kakvand; Ali Soleimani; Farhang Razavi; Gurreet Brar
Pistachio is one of Iran's main horticultural products, known for its high nutritional and economic value. The evaluation and identification of genetic diversity are crucial for breeding programs and the introduction of promising pistachio cultivars. Selecting seedlings obtained from ...
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Pistachio is one of Iran's main horticultural products, known for its high nutritional and economic value. The evaluation and identification of genetic diversity are crucial for breeding programs and the introduction of promising pistachio cultivars. Selecting seedlings obtained from pistachio tree crossings based on desirable traits can significantly impact the pistachio production industry. Evaluating genetic diversity based on pomological and morphological characteristics is a fast and effective method for identifying suitable pistachio genotypes. The traditional orchard of Qazvin, with a history spanning over a thousand years and covering an area of 2,780 hectares, now extends across the southern, western, and eastern halves of the city. In recent years, pistachio planting in the Qazvin orchard has commonly been done through seeds, leading to the development of diverse, and sometimes highly valuable, mother genotypes in this ancient orchard. Identifying and evaluating suitable maternal genotypes for cultivation expansion or the replacement of unsuitable trees is one of the goals of sustainable orchard development in the Baghestan region. The aim of this research is to identify and evaluate the morphological and pomological characteristics of 24 promising maternal pistachio genotypes for the first time in a section of the Qazvin traditional orchard.
Materials and methods
This research was conducted with the aim of identifying and coding 24 promising maternal pistachio genotypes in an area of approximately 20 hectares of the traditional orchard in Qazvin during the years 1401 and 1402. From each tree, three branches on the southern side were selected as replicates, and three samples from each branch were used as observations for data collection. Several phenological and morphological characteristics, including both fruit-related and vegetative traits, were measured in the studied trees based on the International Pistachio Descriptor (IPGRI, 1997). The research followed a nested experimental design with three replications per nest, and the comparison of mean data was performed using Duncan's multiple range test at a 5% significance level, with the assistance of SAS 9.2 software. Multivariate analyses, including correlation, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis, were carried out using Statistica 18.8 software.
Results and discussion
Based on the results of the mean comparison, the SiC genotype had the longest total leaf length, including the petiole, while the TaD genotype had the shortest. Regarding total leaf width with petiole, the largest and smallest values were observed in the SiC and AbC genotypes, respectively. Additionally, the SiC genotype showed the largest length and width of the terminal leaflet, while the smallest values for these traits were observed in the TaD genotype. Among the studied genotypes, the BrA genotype had the highest ratio of terminal leaflet length to width, and the SiC genotype had the lowest. Previous reports indicate that leaf dimensions have a direct correlation with traits such as kernel weight. Leaves are the most important organs for light absorption and photosynthesis, and an increase in leaf area enhances the production of photosynthetic products, which ultimately supports fruit growth. The SiA1 genotype had the largest nut length, while the AbC genotype had the smallest. The largest nut width was found in the SiB genotype, and the smallest in the TaG genotype, with a difference of about 28.81%. For nut thickness, the SiB genotype had the largest, and the AbD genotype had the smallest, with a difference of approximately 30.17%. In terms of the kernel, the SiA1 genotype had the largest length and width, while the AbC genotype had the smallest. The SiC1 genotype had the largest kernel thickness, while the smallest was observed in the TaC genotype. Previous research on promising Iranian pistachio genotypes reported nut lengths ranging from 16.6 to 23.68 mm and nut widths from 10.46 to 13.7 mm. For blank nut percentage, the TaC genotype had the highest, and the SiA6 genotype had the lowest. The highest splitting percentage was observed in the SiC genotype, while the AbD genotype had the lowest. Based on the quantitative traits studied, the genotypes were clustered into three groups at a distance of 150 units, with each group containing two subgroups. Plot analysis using the two main components of quantitative traits divided the genotypes into four categories with similar components. The first principal component accounted for 40.26% of the total variance, while the second component explained 18.85%. One of the most important qualitative traits in pistachio research is flowering time, as pistachios are dioecious plants, and female flowers can only receive pollen for four days. Breeding programs must identify male genotypes with an extended flowering period to increase production and reduce the percentage of blank nuts.
In our recent evaluation of 24 maternal pistachio genotypes from the traditional orchard in Qazvin, we found some promising results that can benefit for orchard growers. The SiA1 genotype stood out for having the largest kernel length, width, and thickness, making it a great choice for maximizing nut size. It also has a high splitting percentage of 70% or more, which means growers can expect better harvests with less labor. Another genotype to consider is the SiC, which features large, three-lobed leaves and the biggest leaf surface area among the studied genotypes. This can enhance photosynthesis, potentially leading to healthier trees and better yields. Plus, SiC ranks high for splitting percentage and kernel quality. These two genotypes-SiA1 and SiC-are recommended as excellent options for breeding programs and boosting orchard's productivity
Research Article
منصور fazeli rostampour
Yaghooti grape is the earliest grape variety in Iran and is the most important horticultural product in the Sistan region, which is cultivated in more than 90% of the vineyards of this region. The issue of water scarcity in Sistan has become a serious threat to grape production in recent ...
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Yaghooti grape is the earliest grape variety in Iran and is the most important horticultural product in the Sistan region, which is cultivated in more than 90% of the vineyards of this region. The issue of water scarcity in Sistan has become a serious threat to grape production in recent years, forcing local grape growers to manage this problem by reducing the volume and frequency of irrigation. Proper irrigation management, which involves determining the optimal timing and the required amount of irrigation for grapevines, is of particular importance. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the physiological response of Yaghooti grapes to lack of water in different stages of growth in order to achieve the highest yield and also increase the production and income of gardeners in Sistan region.
Materials and Methods
This experiment was conducted in strip-split plot design based on randomized complete block design with three replications at the Zahak Research Station from 2019 to 2023. The experimental treatments included an irrigation regime of full irrigation, irrigation after 35% depletion of available water, and irrigation after 70% depletion of available water. These treatments were applied to horizontal plots and while the irrigation stages including from bud break to flowering, from flowering to fruit color change, from fruit color change to harvest, and from harvest to leaf fall, were assigned to vertical plots. This study was carried out at the Zahak Research Station on 15-year-old Yaghooti grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). The row spacing was three meters, and the vine spacing within rows was two meters. The vines were trained as low-growing and creeping. Irrigation scheduling was determined based on the treatments using a TDR moisture meter. After full ripening (uniform ruby-colored clusters with high Brix), cluster length and width, as well as berry diameter, were measured using a ruler and caliper. The number of clusters and berries per cluster were counted, and the cluster rachis weight (average weight of three rachises per vine), fresh berry weight (average weight of 10 berries per cluster), cluster weight (average weight of four clusters per vine), and yield (average yield of three vines per plot) were measured.
Results and Discussion
Deficit irrigation resulted in a reduction in cluster rachis weight, cluster length, cluster width, number of berries per cluster, berry diameter, berry weight, cluster weight, number of clusters per vine, and fruit yield, along with an increased rate of yield reduction. Reducing the water availability for grapevines led to a decrease in the traits affecting fruit yield. This reduction varied for each trait depending on the specific stage of deficit irrigation. For all traits, deficit irrigation applied during the flowering to veraison stage was the most sensitive to irrigation reduction. The highest (6500 kg) and lowest (1111 kg) fruit yields were obtained under full irrigation and irrigation after 70% depletion of available water during the flowering to veraison stage, respectively. The highest fruit yield under deficit irrigation was observed during the fruit harvest to leaf fall stage. Across all deficit irrigation regimes, the lowest fruit yield was associated with the flowering to veraison stage. Irrigation after 35% depletion of available water during the stages of bud break to flowering, flowering to veraison, veraison to fruit harvest, and fruit harvest to leaf fall resulted in yield reductions of 32.8%, 43.2%, 8.8%, and 5.6%, respectively, compared to full irrigation at the corresponding stages. Irrigation after 70% depletion of available water during the same stages caused yield reductions of 73.7%, 82.8%, 36%, and 24.5%, respectively, compared to full irrigation (Table 3). Although the effect of year on fruit yield was not significant, there was a reduction of 7.3% and 12% in the second and third years compared to the first year, respectively (Table 4). A multiple linear regression analysis was performed for the fruit yield of Yaghooti grape. The traits influencing the predictive equation for yield (Yield) included cluster length (CL), cluster width (CWi), cluster weight (CWe), and the number of clusters per vine (C/V), as shown in Model 1.
Model 1) Yield = 3481 + 126 CL – 68 CWi + 14 CWe + 185 C/V
The highest (82.7%) and lowest (4.8%) fruit yield reduction rates were observed under irrigation after 35% depletion of available water during the flowering to veraison stage and irrigation after 70% depletion of available water during the fruit harvest to leaf fall stage, respectively. The highest rate of fruit yield reduction occurred when deficit irrigation was applied during the flowering to veraison stage. Conversely, the lowest rate of fruit yield reduction was observed when deficit irrigation was applied during the fruit harvest to leaf fall stage.
The results showed that fruit yield responded differently to deficit irrigation. Deficit irrigation during the bud break to flowering and flowering to veraison stages had the greatest impact on reducing fruit yield, with the effect being more pronounced during the flowering to veraison stage. However, the impact of deficit irrigation during the veraison to fruit harvest and fruit harvest to leaf fall stages on yield was less compared to the bud break to flowering and flowering to veraison stages. The lowest fruit yield and the highest rate of yield reduction were observed under irrigation after 70% depletion of available water during the flowering to veraison stage, amounting to 1111 kg/ha and a yield reduction rate of 82.7%, respectively. Overall, the results indicated that fruit yield under irrigation after 35% depletion of available water during the fruit harvest to leaf fall stage was similar to full irrigation and is recommended for the Sistan region.